Class AppointmentCollection
Appointments, documents (document_id != 0).
Collection of Appointment. Each element of the collection represents one entity based on Appointment.Inheritance
Inherited Members
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
public class AppointmentCollection : EntityCollectionBase, INestedPersist, IEnumerable<INestedPersist>, ISoCollection, IEnumerable, IList, ICollection, ITableRowLoadHandlerFactory, INotifyCollectionChanged, IBindingList
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Constructor for class AppointmentCollection.
This object represents a collection of rows in table 'appointment'.
Table contact: "Tasks, appointments, followups, phone calls; and documents"
protected AppointmentCollection(AppointmentCollection.AppointmentCollectionIdx idx)
Type | Name | Description |
AppointmentCollection.AppointmentCollectionIdx | idx |
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Fetcher class the collection is based on
protected AppointmentCollection.AppointmentCollectionIdx _idx
Field Value
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection.AppointmentCollectionIdx |
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Row objects that the collection is based on.
protected AppointmentRows _rows
Field Value
Type | Description |
AppointmentRows |
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Retrieve the index for AppointmentCollection
public AppointmentCollection.AppointmentCollectionIdx Index { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection.AppointmentCollectionIdx |
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Get a Appointment from the collection from its zero-based index.
public Appointment this[int index] { get; }
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | index | Zero-based index in the collection. |
Property Value
Type | Description |
Appointment |
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
The ecapsulated object AppointmentRows.
public AppointmentRows Rows { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
AppointmentRows |
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
The collection of sentries that are guarding this collection of rows. This collection is used by RDB entities which return HDB collections.
For example, the contact.Faxes returns a PhoneRows collection in which each row will need to check the contact's sentry for permission to read/write their field
public override SentryCollection Sentries { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SentryCollection |
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Add one Appointment to the collection.
public int Add(Appointment appointment)
Type | Name | Description |
Appointment | appointment | An instance of Appointment to be added to the collection. |
Type | Description |
Int32 | The index of the added Appointment. |
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Get a new instance of Appointment added to the collection.
public Appointment AddNew()
Type | Description |
Appointment | A new instance of Appointment added to the collection. |
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Create a new instance of Appointment
protected override EntityBase CreateChild()
Type | Description |
EntityBase | New instance of Appointment |
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Create a new instance of the AppointmentCollection.
public static AppointmentCollection CreateNew()
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | A new instance of the AppointmentCollection. |
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Create a new instance of the AppointmentCollection object, and populate it with data from a custom search. If the search returns no results, an empty collection will be returned; if the result contains rows, a collection of AppointmentRow objects representing each row will be returned.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch query)
Type | Name | Description |
AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch | query | The custom search to execute against the database |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | A new instance of the AppointmentCollection object, reflecting the result of the query. |
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime activeDate)
Type | Name | Description |
DateTime | activeDate | The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IDXAppntActiveDate. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32)
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime activeDate, int motherId, int recurrenceRuleId)
Type | Name | Description |
DateTime | activeDate | The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status |
Int32 | motherId | ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment |
Int32 | recurrenceRuleId | Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateMother_id. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32)
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime activeDate, AppointmentStatus status, AppointmentType type, int associateId)
Type | Name | Description |
DateTime | activeDate | The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status |
AppointmentStatus | status | See note. |
AppointmentType | type | See note. |
Int32 | associateId | ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IAssoc_idTypeStatusActiveDate. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType)
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(int associateId, DateTime doBy, AppointmentStatus status, AppointmentType type)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | associateId | ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED |
DateTime | doBy | Date + start time planned |
AppointmentStatus | status | See note. |
AppointmentType | type | See note. |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IAssoc_idTypeStatusDo_by. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime)
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(int associateId, int recurrenceRuleId, DateTime activeDate)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | associateId | ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED |
Int32 | recurrenceRuleId | Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 |
DateTime | activeDate | The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateAssoc_id. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType)
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(int associateId, AppointmentStatus status, DateTime done, AppointmentType type)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | associateId | ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED |
AppointmentStatus | status | See note. |
DateTime | done | Date + start time this task was actually performed |
AppointmentType | type | See note. |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IAssoc_idTypeStatusDone. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxContactId(int contactId)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | contactId | Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IDXAppntCont_id. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType)
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxContactIdType(int contactId, AppointmentType type)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | contactId | Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 |
AppointmentType | type | See note. |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index ICont_idType. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime doBy)
Type | Name | Description |
DateTime | doBy | Date + start time planned |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IDXAppntDo_by. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32)
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime doBy, AppointmentType type, DateTime endDate, int associateId)
Type | Name | Description |
DateTime | doBy | Date + start time planned |
AppointmentType | type | See note. |
DateTime | endDate | Date + end time planned |
Int32 | associateId | ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IAssoc_idTypeEndDateDo_by. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxDocumentId(int documentId)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | documentId | Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IDXAppntDoc_id. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxDone(DateTime done)
Type | Name | Description |
DateTime | done | Date + start time this task was actually performed |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IDXAppntDone. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxGroupIdx(int groupIdx)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | groupIdx | Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IDXAppntGrp_idx. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxMotherId(int motherId)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | motherId | ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IDXAppntMother_id. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxPersonId(int personId)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | personId | Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IDXAppntPers_id. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxProjectId(int projectId)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | projectId | ID of project referred to, may be 0 |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IDXAppntProj_id. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType)
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxProjectIdType(int projectId, AppointmentType type)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | projectId | ID of project referred to, may be 0 |
AppointmentType | type | See note. |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IProj_idType. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxSource(short source)
Type | Name | Description |
Int16 | source | For future integration use; source of record |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IDXAppntSource. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxTextId(int textId)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | textId | ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IDXAppntText_id. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int userdef2Id)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | userdef2Id | User-defined table record 2 (for future use) |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IDXAppntUdef2_id. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
Create a new instance of the AppointmentRows object, and populate it with AppointmentRow objects based on the result of a query on the table Appointment. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static AppointmentCollection GetFromIdxUserdefId(int userdefId)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | userdefId | User-defined table record 1 (for future use) |
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection | New AppointmentRows collection containing the result of the index query. If no rows matched, the collection will be empty. |
The query matches the fields on the non-unique index IDXAppntUdef_id. Unique indexes have corresponding Create methods directly on the AppointmentRow object, since such indexes always return zero or one rows.
Removes the given Appointment from the collection
public void Remove(Appointment appointment)
Type | Name | Description |
Appointment | appointment | the Appointment to be removed |
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Appointments, documents (document_id != 0).
Collection of Appointment. Each element of the collection represents one entity based on Appointment.Declaration
public Appointment[] ToArray()
Type | Description |
Appointment[] |
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
For debugging: Number of members, and the first (up to) 5 items
public override string ToString()
Type | Description |
String |
Entity collections can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty collection. You can then add objects of type
to it, and use methods like to operate on the whole collection. - You can create a (nested) AppointmentCollection AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(AppointmentCollection.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an EntityCollection object, with one item for each table row that matched your query.
- For each non-unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |