Class Sale
For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the previous version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Entity Object for table 'sale'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Inherited Members
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
public class Sale : EntityBase, INestedPersist, ISoItem, ITableRowLoadHandler, IEntityUdefHelperContainer
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Constructor for class Sale.
This object represents a row in table 'sale'.
Table contact: Sales
protected Sale(Sale.SaleIdxBase idx)
Type | Name | Description |
Sale.SaleIdxBase | idx | ContactRowSaleRow.SaleRowIdx object that the Contact encapsulates. |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Sale(SaleRow, SaleIdxBase)
For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the previous version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Entity Object for table 'sale'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
protected Sale(SaleRow row, Sale.SaleIdxBase idx)
Type | Name | Description |
SaleRow | row | |
Sale.SaleIdxBase | idx |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected AssociateRow _associate
Field Value
Type | Description |
AssociateRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected ComptrRow _competitor
Field Value
Type | Description |
ComptrRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected Contact _contact
Field Value
Type | Description |
Contact |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected AssociateRow _createdAssociate
Field Value
Type | Description |
AssociateRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected CreditedRow _credited
Field Value
Type | Description |
CreditedRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected CurrencyRow _currency
Field Value
Type | Description |
CurrencyRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected Person _person
Field Value
Type | Description |
Person |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected TextRow _postit
Field Value
Type | Description |
TextRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected ProbRow _probabilityRow
Field Value
Type | Description |
ProbRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected Project _project
Field Value
Type | Description |
Project |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the previous version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Entity Object for table 'sale'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
protected QuoteRow _quote
Field Value
Type | Description |
QuoteRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected ReasonRow _reason
Field Value
Type | Description |
ReasonRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the previous version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Entity Object for table 'sale'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
protected ReasonSoldRow _reasonSold
Field Value
Type | Description |
ReasonSoldRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the previous version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Entity Object for table 'sale'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
protected ReasonStalledRow _reasonStalled
Field Value
Type | Description |
ReasonStalledRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
HDB object this entity is a facade for.
protected SaleRow _row
Field Value
Type | Description |
SaleRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the previous version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Entity Object for table 'sale'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
protected Sale.SaleIdxBase _rowIdx
Field Value
Type | Description |
Sale.SaleIdxBase |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected SaleHistRows _saleHistory
Field Value
Type | Description |
SaleHistRows |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected TextRow _saleText
Field Value
Type | Description |
TextRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected SaleTypeRow _saleType
Field Value
Type | Description |
SaleTypeRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected SourceRow _sourceRow
Field Value
Type | Description |
SourceRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the previous version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Entity Object for table 'sale'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
protected SaleStakeholderRows _stakeholders
Field Value
Type | Description |
SaleStakeholderRows |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected UDSaleLargeRow _udefLarge
Field Value
Type | Description |
UDSaleLargeRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected UDSaleSmallRow _udefSmall
Field Value
Type | Description |
UDSaleSmallRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected AssociateRow _updatedAssociate
Field Value
Type | Description |
AssociateRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected UserGroupRow _userGroup
Field Value
Type | Description |
UserGroupRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Number of active links to documents and such
public uint ActiveLinks { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
uint |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Total sale amount
public double Amount { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
double |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object AssociateRow: Employees, resources and other users - except for External persons
public AssociateRow Associate { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
AssociateRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object ComptrRow: Comptr list table
public ComptrRow Competitor { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
ComptrRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object Contact: Companies and Organisations
public Contact Contact { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Contact |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object AssociateRow: Employees, resources and other users - except for External persons
public AssociateRow CreatedAssociate { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
AssociateRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object CreditedRow: Credited list table
public CreditedRow Credited { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
CreditedRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object CurrencyRow: Currency list table
public CurrencyRow Currency { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
CurrencyRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the previous version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Entity Object for table 'sale'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
public EntityCustomFieldsHelper CustomFields { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
EntityCustomFieldsHelper |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Done (0=don't know, 1 = No, 2=Yes)
public SaleDone Done { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SaleDone |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Earning on sale
public double Earning { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
double |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Earning as percent of total
public double EarningPercent { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
double |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the previous version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Entity Object for table 'sale'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
public EntityExtraFieldsHelper ExtraFields { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
EntityExtraFieldsHelper |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Sale heading (short description?)
public string Heading { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
string |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Is the row deleted?
public override bool IsDeleted { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is marked for delete.
public override bool IsMarkedForDelete { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Is the row new, e.g. not been inserted to the database?
public override bool IsNew { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Links helper The helper manages the links belonging to the sale. Helper updates the sale's ActiveLinks property
public ActivityLinksHelper LinksHelper { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
ActivityLinksHelper |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Return the main row for the Entity.
protected override TableRowBase MainRow { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TableRowBase |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the previous version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Entity Object for table 'sale'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
public DateTime NextDueDate { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Alphanumeric user field
public string Number1 { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
string |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object Person: Persons in a company or an organisation
public Person Person { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Person |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object TextRow: Long text fields from all over the system
public TextRow Postit { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TextRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Actual probability, may differ from the one in the list
public short Probability { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
short |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object ProbRow: Prob list table
public ProbRow ProbabilityRow { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
ProbRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object Project: Projects
public Project Project { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Project |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Get the helper class for working with the publish-state of the entity.
Published means that it is available for external persons in applications
like SuperOffice Audience.
public EntityPublishHelper PublishHelper { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
EntityPublishHelper |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object Quote: Quote fields
public QuoteRow Quote { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
QuoteRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object ReasonRow: Reason list table
public ReasonRow Reason { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
ReasonRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the previous version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Entity Object for table 'sale'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
public ReasonSoldRow ReasonSold { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
ReasonSoldRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the previous version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Entity Object for table 'sale'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
public ReasonStalledRow ReasonStalled { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
ReasonStalledRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Registered date
public DateTime Registered { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
The encapsulated object SaleRow.
public SaleRow Row { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SaleRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object SaleHistRows: Mirror image of the Sale table, providing a full transaction history
public SaleHistRows SaleHistory { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SaleHistRows |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Primary key
public int SaleId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object TextRow: Long text fields from all over the system
public TextRow SaleText { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TextRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object ProjTypeRow: ProjType list table
public SaleTypeRow SaleType { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SaleTypeRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
(expected | lost | won) sales date
public DateTime Saledate { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
"For future integration use; source of record"
public short Source { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
short |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object SourceRow: Source list table
public SourceRow SourceRow { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SourceRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object Stakeholders: all the "project members" involved in the sale.
public SaleStakeholderRows Stakeholders { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SaleStakeholderRows |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Status (open, closed, lost)
public SaleStatus Status { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SaleStatus |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Get a TableInfo object for the sale table.
public SaleTableInfo TableInfo { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SaleTableInfo |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Get the Udef class of EntityUdefHelper for working with udef fields
public EntityUdefHelper UdefHelper { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
EntityUdefHelper |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object UDSaleLargeRow: User-defined fields
public UDSaleLargeRow UdefLarge { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UDSaleLargeRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object UDSaleSmallRow: User-defined fields
public UDSaleSmallRow UdefSmall { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UDSaleSmallRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Last updated
public DateTime Updated { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object AssociateRow: Employees, resources and other users - except for External persons
public AssociateRow UpdatedAssociate { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
AssociateRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the previous version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Entity Object for table 'sale'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
public short UpdatedCount { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
short |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Related object UserGroupRow: Secondary user groups
public UserGroupRow UserGroup { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UserGroupRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
OBSOLETE - the VisibleFor table is used instead
public short Visibility { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
short |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Get the helper class for working with the visible-for of the entity.
public EntityVisibleForHelper VisibleForHelper { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
EntityVisibleForHelper |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Create a new instance of the Sale entity.
public static Sale CreateNew()
Type | Description |
Sale | A new instance of the Sale entity. |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Create a new instance of the Sale entity, by reading from the database using the specified index (represented by a nested index class).
public static Sale CreateNew(Sale.SaleIdxBase idx)
Type | Name | Description |
Sale.SaleIdxBase | idx | Index search, represented by a subclass if the Sale.SaleIdxBase nested index class |
Type | Description |
Sale | A new instance of the Sale entity. |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Delete the row.
public override void Delete()
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Force Updated and UpdatedAssociate to be updated with current time and Currently logged in associate. This will again be overridden in the Database update operation by a query processor.
protected override void ForceEntityUpdate()
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Operator asigning a Sale from a SaleRow.
public static Sale FromSaleRow(SaleRow row)
Type | Name | Description |
SaleRow | row | SaleRow object |
Type | Description |
Sale | Sale Entity |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
FromSaleRow(SaleRow, SaleIdxBase)
For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the previous version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Entity Object for table 'sale'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
public static Sale FromSaleRow(SaleRow row, Sale.SaleIdxBase idx)
Type | Name | Description |
SaleRow | row | |
Sale.SaleIdxBase | idx |
Type | Description |
Sale |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
GetAdditionalRelatedNestedPersist(List<INestedPersist>, bool)
Add the Links Helper to the list of related nestedpersist objects, to ensure it gets a chance to do its save operations
protected override void GetAdditionalRelatedNestedPersist(List<INestedPersist> relatedObjects, bool lacyFetchIfNeeded)
Type | Name | Description |
List<INestedPersist> | relatedObjects | |
bool | lacyFetchIfNeeded |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Create a new instance of the Sale object, and populate it with data from a custom search. If the search returns no results, an empty entity will be returned; if the result contains rows, one Sale object representing the first row will be returned. Any further rows in the result will be ignored.
public static Sale GetFromCustomSearch(Sale.CustomSearch query)
Type | Name | Description |
Sale.CustomSearch | query | The custom search to execute against the database |
Type | Description |
Sale | A new instance of the Sale object, reflecting the result of the query. |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Create a new instance of the Sale object, by querying the database table via the index 'IDXSaleId'. This method is intended to make it easy to use efficient queries that match a database index.
public static Sale GetFromIdxSaleId(int saleId)
Type | Name | Description |
int | saleId | Primary key |
Type | Description |
Sale | Row object that represents the result of the search. IsNew will be true if the query did not match any row in the table |
This method represents one of the unique indexes on the Sale table. Non-unique indexes have corresponding inner classes and methods in the SaleCollection collection, since they may return more than one row.
GetRelatedNestedPersist(List<INestedPersist>, bool)
Append all the related objects to a list of INestedPersist.
protected override void GetRelatedNestedPersist(List<INestedPersist> relatedObjects, bool lacyFetchIfNeeded)
Type | Name | Description |
List<INestedPersist> | relatedObjects | List to append related objects to. |
bool | lacyFetchIfNeeded |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Validate number field - is it unique/blank according to numbering rules?
public bool IsNumberValid()
Type | Description |
bool | true if Number is ok |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Update related objects with correct id's to make sure that relations are consistent before saving to the database.
protected override void OnIdUpdate()
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Handle actions needed to be taken after this object has been saved, but before saving objects depending upon this one.
protected virtual void OnPostSaveMe()
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(int) |
Saledate | Saledate: (expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaledate(DateTime) |
Number1 | Number1: Alphanumeric user field Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxNumber1Static Get method: GetFromIdxNumber1(string) |
AssociateId, ContactId, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate ContactId:Optional contact reference Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdContactIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
Allow for "fake id's" to be forced upon related objects.
protected override void OnPreIdUpdate()
In order to figure out which objects taking part of the nested save operation that actually needs to be saved, this method allows for "fake id's" to be forced upon related objects. Upon receiving the "fake id", the objects receiving such an id can determine if they needs to be persisted (e.g. saved) to the database. However, the fake id's forced upon related objects must be set to correct id's in the OnIdUpdate method taking place later in the save operation.
For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the previous version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Entity Object for table 'sale'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
protected override void OnPreIdUpdateImplementation()
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values, you call the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.Save method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database.
- You can create a (nested) Sale Sale.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy. Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsNew and SuperOffice.CRM.Data.Sale.IsDirty properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
SaleId | SaleId: Primary key Nested index class: Sale.IdxSaleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSaleId(int) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
Status | Status: Status (open, closed, lost) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxStatusStatic Get method: GetFromIdxStatus(SaleStatus) |
Done | Done: Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(SaleDone) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(int) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined fields reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(int) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: Optional project reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(int) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(short) |
Heading | Heading: Sale heading (short description) Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxHeadingStatic Get method: GetFromIdxHeading(string) |
ProjectId, AssociateId, Saledate | ProjectId: Optional project reference AssociateId:Owning associate Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdAssociateIdSaledate(int, int, DateTime) |
PersonId | PersonId: Optional person reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(int) |
AssociateId, Done, Saledate | AssociateId: Owning associate Done:Done (0 = don’t know; 1 = No; 2 = yes) Saledate:(expected | lost | won) sales date Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoneSaledateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoneSaledate(int, SaleDone, DateTime) |
ContactId | ContactId: Optional contact reference Nested index class: SaleCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: |