Class ExtAppRecordData
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ExtApp table.
Inherited Members
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.Rows
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
public class ExtAppRecordData
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ExtApp table.
public ExtAppRecordData()
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Application type: 1 = exe, 2 = integrated html, 3 = integrated url, 4 = browser url, 5 = external url
public short AppType
Field Value
Type | Description |
short |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
When should this application be available from SO: 0=always, 1=on central db, 2=on travel db,4 on satellite. The value 5 (1+4) indicates that this application is available when logged in to a central or satellite db
public AppAvailState AvailableInState
Field Value
Type | Description |
AppAvailState |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Extra configuration information
public string ConfigInfo
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
0 -> record is active 1 -> record is 'deleted' and should not be shown in lists
public short Deleted
Field Value
Type | Description |
short |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Events that cause automatic execution of this app
public ExecuteOnEvent ExecuteOnEvent
Field Value
Type | Description |
ExecuteOnEvent |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Primary key
public int ExtAppId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Filename of the programfile
public string Filename
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
0 indicates default Icon (from app exe file), otherwise reference to a predefined icon resource in SO
public short Icon
Field Value
Type | Description |
short |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
The list item
public string Name
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
0=from menu, 1 = from Navigator(integration), 2 = From navigator
public Navigation Navigation
Field Value
Type | Description |
Navigation |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
<template variable> <other template variable>
public string Parameters
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Path where the programfile is located; if empty, PATH is used
public string Path
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Rank order
public short Rank
Field Value
Type | Description |
short |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Registered when in UTC.
public DateTime Registered
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Registered by whom
public int RegisteredAssociateId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Maximized / minimized / restored
public ShowState ShowState
Field Value
Type | Description |
ShowState |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Tooltip or other description
public string Tooltip
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Last updated when in UTC.
public DateTime Updated
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Last updated by whom
public int UpdatedAssociateId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Number of updates made to this record
public short UpdatedCount
Field Value
Type | Description |
short |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
URL, supports long strings up to 1k
public string Url1
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Obsolete - do not use this field
public string Url2
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
If 1, we wait synchronously for the pplication to finish before we go on
public short WaitToFinish
Field Value
Type | Description |
short |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
The window which the URL address is to open in (webpanel only)
public string WindowName
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Directory set to current when loading the application, if different from application's own
public string Workdir
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ExtAppRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ExtAppTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.