Class ModuleLicenseRecordData
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ModuleLicense table.
Inherited Members
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.Rows
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
public class ModuleLicenseRecordData
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ModuleLicense table.
public ModuleLicenseRecordData()
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Bitmask of allowed associate types who can have this kind of license
public uint AllowedAssocsMask
Field Value
Type | Description |
uint |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Encrypted checksum that stops tampering and copying between databases
public string EncryptedCheck
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Unspecified extra flags of license, part of checksum. Value=1 means this a 'user plan'; such licenses cause the admin gui to switch to radiobutton view
public uint ExtraFlags
Field Value
Type | Description |
uint |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Free field, can be used by the module owner (example: host domain, for eJournal). NOTE: For rows with extraFlags=1 this field contains the list of modules that this plan comprises
public string ExtraInfo
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
If true, then this module should not appear in GUI and is not assignable by users
public short Hidden
Field Value
Type | Description |
short |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Number of systems, databases or associates licensed
public uint LicenseNumber
Field Value
Type | Description |
uint |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Entire system, per database, or per associate
public LicenseType LicenseType
Field Value
Type | Description |
LicenseType |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Human-readable description of module, shown in GUI, default language. Additional languages can be added to LocaleText, resource type 25
public string ModuleDescription
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Primary key
public int ModuleLicenseId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
The name of the module, not visible in GUI but used in the code. This must be in UPPER CASE and only contain A-Z and 0-9. NO EXTENDED CHARACTERS please.
public string ModuleName
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Link to owner of this module
public int ModuleOwnerId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Version string for this module
public string ModuleVersion
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
If set, specifies a module license needed before this license can be granted
public string PrerequisiteModule
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Registered when in UTC.
public DateTime Registered
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Registered by whom
public int RegisteredAssociateId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Signature that verifies that this row is correctly transferred from SuperLicense
public string Signature
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Ordering value - generated by SuperLicense and transferred here. Must be followed for signatures to be correct
public int SortOrder
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Tooltip text, anything you want; shown when the cursor hovers over the line in the GUI. Default language. Additional languages can be added to LocaleText, resource type 27
public string Tooltip
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
If true, then there is no licenseNumber limit on how many of these modules may be assigned
public short Unrestricted
Field Value
Type | Description |
short |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Last updated when in UTC.
public DateTime Updated
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Last updated by whom
public int UpdatedAssociateId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Number of updates made to this record
public short UpdatedCount
Field Value
Type | Description |
short |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleLicenseRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleLicenseTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.