Class ModuleOwnerRecordData
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ModuleOwner table.
Inherited Members
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.Rows
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
public class ModuleOwnerRecordData
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ModuleOwner table.
public ModuleOwnerRecordData()
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
When should nagging begin (for instance, during login to SoAdmin)
public DateTime AdminWarningDate
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Type of deployment
public int DeploymentType
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Encrypted checksum that stops tampering and copying between databases
public string EncryptedCheck
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Expiration date, 0 = forever
public DateTime Expiration
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Unspecified extra flags of license, part of checksum
public uint ExtraFlags
Field Value
Type | Description |
uint |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Free field, can be used by the module owner (example: host domain, for eJournal)
public string ExtraInfo
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Real expiration date, when the given module actually stops working. Modules that normally update data should switch to read-only mode. Modules that only read anyway, should disable themselves in some other way
public DateTime GraceTo
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
The url that will provide keycodes for all modules owned by this owner
public string LicenseUrl
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
The url that will provide keycodes for all modules owned by this owner
public string LicenseVersion
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Expiration date for maintenance. After this date, upgrades should refuse to install.
public DateTime MaintenanceTo
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Primary key
public int ModuleOwnerId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
When should the system next check with the license issuer
public DateTime NextCheckDate
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Human-readable description of owner, shown in GUI, default language. Additional languages can be added to LocaleText, resource type 26
public string OwnerDescription
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
The name of the module owner, not visible in GUI but used in the code. OwnerName SUPEROFFICE is reserved and may NEVER be used by partners. This must be in UPPER CASE and only contain A-Z and 0-9. NO EXTENDED CHARACTERS please.
public string OwnerName
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Type of product
public string ProductType
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Description of type of product
public string ProductTypeDescription
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Registered when in UTC.
public DateTime Registered
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Registered by whom
public int RegisteredAssociateId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Signature of all non-zero-amount moduleLicense rows referring to this owner
public string Signature
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
The public key used to verify licenses owned by this owner
public Stream SignedPublicKey
Field Value
Type | Description |
Stream |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Last updated when in UTC.
public DateTime Updated
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Last updated by whom
public int UpdatedAssociateId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Number of updates made to this record
public short UpdatedCount
Field Value
Type | Description |
short |
Please use this class instead of a full ModuleOwnerRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding ModuleOwnerTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.