Class SaleHistRecordData
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the SaleHist table.
Inherited Members
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.Rows
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
public class SaleHistRecordData
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the SaleHist table.
public SaleHistRecordData()
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Number of active links to documents and such
public uint ActiveLinks
Field Value
Type | Description |
uint |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Total sale amount
public double Amount
Field Value
Type | Description |
double |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
For future use
public int AppointmentId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Owning associate
public int AssociateId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
public int ComptrId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Optional contact reference
public int ContactId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Who is to be credited for the sale
public int CreditedId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Currency of sale
public int CurrencyId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Done (0=don't know, 1 = No, 2=Yes)
public SaleDone Done
Field Value
Type | Description |
SaleDone |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Earning on sale
public double Earning
Field Value
Type | Description |
double |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Earning as percent of total
public double EarningPercent
Field Value
Type | Description |
double |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Owner's group whn sale was created
public int GroupIdx
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Sale heading (short description?)
public string Heading
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
ID, can be 0, of the appointment that "caused" the nextDueDate
public int NddAppointmentId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Next due date, this is a denormalization of 'closest future activity date, or most recent if no future activities'. Maintained by the system, but very convenient for searching.
public DateTime NextDueDate
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Alphanumeric user field
public string Number1
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Optional person reference
public int PersonId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Paperclip text
public int PostitTextId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Actual probability, may differ from the one in the list
public short Probability
Field Value
Type | Description |
short |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Pointer to probability list value
public int ProbabilityIdx
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Optional project reference
public int ProjectId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Why we lost it
public int ReasonId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Reason why we made the sale
public int ReasonSoldId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
If the status is stalled, it should be commented here
public int ReasonStalledId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Registered date in UTC.
public DateTime Registered
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Registered by whom
public int RegisteredAssociateId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Date the sale is to be reopened; valid only for status=stalled. Not necessarily the same as the nextDueDate.
public DateTime ReopenDate
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
The sale
public int SaleId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Category of sale type, slaved from saletype
public int SaleTypeCatId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Link to list, sale type (big sale, small sale, no-process sale, ...)
public int SaleTypeId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
(expected | lost | won) sales date
public DateTime Saledate
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Primary key
public int SalehistId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
For future integration use; source of record
public short Source
Field Value
Type | Description |
short |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Source of order
public int SourceId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Status (open, closed, lost)
public SaleStatus Status
Field Value
Type | Description |
SaleStatus |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Optional long description
public int TextId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Last updated in UTC.
public DateTime Updated
Field Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Last updated by whom
public int UpdatedAssociateId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Number of updates made to this record
public short UpdatedCount
Field Value
Type | Description |
short |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
User-defined fields reference
public int Userdef2Id
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
User-defined fields reference
public int UserdefId
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.
Obsolete, but still maintained denormalization of visiblefor
public short Visibility
Field Value
Type | Description |
short |
Please use this class instead of a full SaleHistRow object when you do not need to create or update a value in the database. Row objects have a large overhead since they carry the corresponding SaleHistTableInfo object, which in turn defines fields and aliases; there may be a Sentry on a row, and various other helper objects.