Namespace SuperOffice.CRM.Rows
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the access_script table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AccessScriptRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Scripts to implement row-based access rules (sentry light)
Row Object for table 'access_script'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'access_script'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AccessScriptTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AccessScriptRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAccess_scriptId'.
Scripts to implement row-based access rules (sentry light) Collection of AccessScriptRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AccessScript table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'access_script'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AccessScriptTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AccessScriptRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the activeuser table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ActiveUserRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Currently logged-on users. This table contains encrypted license information. Changing it may disable login for all users and require intervention by SuperOffice support. Recommended use: for determining who is logged on, at what location, etc.
Row Object for table 'activeuser'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'activeuser'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ActiveUserTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ActiveUserRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAuserId'.
Currently logged-on users. This table contains encrypted license information. Changing it may disable login for all users and require intervention by SuperOffice support. Recommended use: for determining who is logged on, at what location, etc. Collection of ActiveUserRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ActiveUser table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'activeuser'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ActiveUserTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ActiveUserRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the AddressFormat table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AddressFormatRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Address formats for GUI and labels. See more information: Addressformat on
Row Object for table 'AddressFormat'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AddressFormat'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AddressFormatTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AddressFormatRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAddressFormatId'.
Address formats for GUI and labels. See more information: Addressformat on Collection of AddressFormatRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AddressFormat table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AddressFormat'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AddressFormatTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AddressFormatRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the address table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AddressRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Contact and Person addresses
Row Object for table 'address'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'address'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AddressTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AddressRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAddrId'.
Contact and Person addresses Collection of AddressRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Address table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'address'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AddressTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AddressRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IOwner_idType_idx'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IDXAddrState'.
Class representing index 'IDXAddrZip'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ai_chat_turn table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AiChatTurnRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Contains AI Chatbot history - contains whole chat, not just what is sent to the chatbot. History is ready ordered by timestamp
Row Object for table 'ai_chat_turn'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ai_chat_turn'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AiChatTurnTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AiChatTurnRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAi_chat_turnId'.
Contains AI Chatbot history - contains whole chat, not just what is sent to the chatbot. History is ready ordered by timestamp Collection of AiChatTurnRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AiChatTurn table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ai_chat_turn'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AiChatTurnTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AiChatTurnRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXAi_chat_turnAssociate_id'.
Class representing index 'IAssociate_idChat_idTimestamp'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IAssociate_idChat_idTimestamp'.
Class representing index 'IDXAi_chat_turnTimestamp'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the AmountClassGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AmountClassGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for AmountClass, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'AmountClassGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'AmountClassGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AmountClassGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AmountClassGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAmountClassGLId'.
User group link table for AmountClass, for MDO item hiding Collection of AmountClassGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AmountClassGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AmountClassGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AmountClassGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AmountClassGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXAmountClassGLAmountclass_i'.
Class representing index 'IDXAmountClassGLGroup_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the AmountClassHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AmountClassHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for AmountClass, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'AmountClassHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'AmountClassHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AmountClassHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AmountClassHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAmountClassHLId'.
Heading link table for AmountClass, for MDO headers Collection of AmountClassHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AmountClassHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AmountClassHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AmountClassHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AmountClassHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXAmountClassHLAmountclass_i'.
Class representing index 'IDXAmountClassHLHeading_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the AmountClass table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AmountClassRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Amount Class list for SuperOffice Sales Intelligence (Saint) - used to group sales by amounts, into bins (low --> high) called amount classes. More information regarding SuperOffice Sales Intelligence on
Row Object for table 'AmountClass'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'AmountClass'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AmountClassTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AmountClassRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAmountClassId'.
Class representing index 'IDXAmountClassName'.
Amount Class list for SuperOffice Sales Intelligence (Saint) - used to group sales by amounts, into bins (low --> high) called amount classes. More information regarding SuperOffice Sales Intelligence on Collection of AmountClassRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AmountClass table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AmountClass'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AmountClassTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AmountClassRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXAmountClassAmountFrom'.
Class representing index 'IDXAmountClassAmountTo'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the appointment table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AppointmentRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Tasks, appointments, followups, phone calls; and documents (document_id != 0). An appointment always has a corresponding record in VisibleFor specifying who may see this.
Row Object for table 'appointment'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'appointment'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AppointmentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AppointmentRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntId'.
Class representing index 'IAssoc_idActiveDateMother_idI'.
Class representing index 'IMother_idStatusActiveDateReg'.
Class representing index 'IProj_idTypeActiveDateDoc_idA'.
Tasks, appointments, followups, phone calls; and documents (document_id != 0). An appointment always has a corresponding record in VisibleFor specifying who may see this. Collection of AppointmentRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Appointment table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'appointment'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AppointmentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AppointmentRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntActiveDate'.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntAgenda_text_id'.
Class representing index 'IAssoc_idTypeStatusDone'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IAssoc_idActiveDateMother_idI'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IAssoc_idActiveDateMother_idI'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IAssoc_idStatusDo_byEndDate'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IAssoc_idStatusDo_byEndDate'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IAssoc_idStatusDo_byEndDate'.
Class representing index 'IAssoc_idTypeStatusDone'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IAssoc_idTypeEndDateDo_by'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IAssoc_idTypeEndDateDo_by'.
Class representing index 'IAssoc_idTypeStatusDone'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IAssoc_idTypeStatusActiveDate'.
Class representing index 'IAssoc_idTypeStatusDo_by'.
Class representing index 'IAssoc_idTypeStatusDone'.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntCont_id'.
Class representing index 'ICont_idType'.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntCreated_by_workflow_i'.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntDo_by'.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntDoc_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntDone'.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntMother_id'.
Class representing index 'IMother_idStatusActiveDateReg'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IMother_idStatusActiveDateReg'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IMother_idStatusActiveDateReg'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IMother_idStatusActiveDateReg'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IMother_idStatusActiveDateReg'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IMother_idStatusActiveDateReg'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IMother_idStatusActiveDateReg'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IDXAppntPers_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntProj_id'.
Class representing index 'IProj_idType'.
Class representing index 'IProj_idTypeActiveDateDoc_idA'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IProj_idTypeActiveDateDoc_idA'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IProj_idTypeActiveDateDoc_idA'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IProj_idTypeActiveDateDoc_idA'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IProj_idTypeActiveDateDoc_idA'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateAs'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateAs'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateAs'.
Class representing index 'IRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateMo'.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntSale_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntSource'.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntSuggestedAppointmentI'.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntSuggestedDocumentId'.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntText_id'.
Class representing index 'ITypeActiveDate'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'ITypeActiveDate'.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntUdef2_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXAppntUdef_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the area table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AreaRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Definition of an Area (database subset for satellite and travel)
Row Object for table 'area'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'area'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AreaTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AreaRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAreaId'.
Definition of an Area (database subset for satellite and travel) Collection of AreaRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Area table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'area'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AreaTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AreaRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXAreaParent_area_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the areauserassignment table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AreaUserAssignmentRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Link table indicating which users actually reside in this area.
Row Object for table 'areauserassignment'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'areauserassignment'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AreaUserAssignmentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AreaUserAssignmentRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAusraId'.
Link table indicating which users actually reside in this area. Collection of AreaUserAssignmentRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AreaUserAssignment table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'areauserassignment'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AreaUserAssignmentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AreaUserAssignmentRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXAusraArea_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXAusraAssoc_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the areauserinclusion table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AreaUserInclusionRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Link table incidated whose data should be included in this area. If Include all data in Area (no filtering) is ticket then there will be no rows for this area in this table.
Row Object for table 'areauserinclusion'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'areauserinclusion'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AreaUserInclusionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AreaUserInclusionRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAusriId'.
Link table incidated whose data should be included in this area. If Include all data in Area (no filtering) is ticket then there will be no rows for this area in this table. Collection of AreaUserInclusionRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AreaUserInclusion table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'areauserinclusion'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AreaUserInclusionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AreaUserInclusionRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXAusriArea_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXAusriAssoc_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the AssociateGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AssociateGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for Associate, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'AssociateGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AssociateGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AssociateGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AssociateGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAssociateGLId'.
User group link table for Associate, for MDO item hiding Collection of AssociateGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AssociateGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AssociateGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AssociateGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AssociateGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXAssociateGLAssociate_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXAssociateGLGroup_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the AssociateHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AssociateHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for associate for display only. Supportive table, used for grouping and filtering on lists.
Row Object for table 'AssociateHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AssociateHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AssociateHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AssociateHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAssociateHLId'.
Heading link table for associate for display only. Supportive table, used for grouping and filtering on lists. Collection of AssociateHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AssociateHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AssociateHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AssociateHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AssociateHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXAssociateHLAssociate_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXAssociateHLHeading_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the AssociateHistory table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AssociateHistoryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Historical information about associates that have been deleted. Most references are NOT declared as foreign keys; this is a historical table that should not be updated when further changes occur in the database
Row Object for table 'AssociateHistory'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AssociateHistory'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AssociateHistoryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AssociateHistoryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAssociateHistoryId'.
Historical information about associates that have been deleted. Most references are NOT declared as foreign keys; this is a historical table that should not be updated when further changes occur in the database Collection of AssociateHistoryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AssociateHistory table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AssociateHistory'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AssociateHistoryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AssociateHistoryRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the associate table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AssociateRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Employees, resources and other users - except for External persons
Row Object for table 'associate'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'associate'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AssociateTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AssociateRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAssocId'.
Class representing index 'IDXAssocName'.
Employees, resources and other users - except for External persons Collection of AssociateRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Associate table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'associate'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AssociateTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AssociateRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXAssocPers_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXAssocType'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the attachment_location table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AttachmentLocationRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
A location for storing attachments
Row Object for table 'attachment_location'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'attachment_location'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AttachmentLocationTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AttachmentLocationRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAttachment_locationId'.
A location for storing attachments Collection of AttachmentLocationRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AttachmentLocation table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'attachment_location'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AttachmentLocationTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AttachmentLocationRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the attachment table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AttachmentRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains metadata for attachments. The actual attachments are stored directly on disk, with filenames based on the the primary key for this table.
Row Object for table 'attachment'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'attachment'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AttachmentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AttachmentRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAttachmentId'.
This table contains metadata for attachments. The actual attachments are stored directly on disk, with filenames based on the the primary key for this table. Collection of AttachmentRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Attachment table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'attachment'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AttachmentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AttachmentRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXAttachmentDbi_agent_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXAttachmentDbi_key'.
Class representing index 'IDXAttachmentDbi_last_modifie'.
Class representing index 'IDXAttachmentDbi_last_syncron'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the AudienceConfig table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AudienceConfigRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Configuration data for Audience core and webparts
Row Object for table 'AudienceConfig'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AudienceConfig'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AudienceConfigTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AudienceConfigRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAudienceConfigId'.
Configuration data for Audience core and webparts Collection of AudienceConfigRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AudienceConfig table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AudienceConfig'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AudienceConfigTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AudienceConfigRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXAudienceConfigAudienceLayo'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the AudienceLayoutLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AudienceLayoutLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Link between an audience layout and some target grouping table - might be Role or Category
Row Object for table 'AudienceLayoutLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AudienceLayoutLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AudienceLayoutLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AudienceLayoutLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAudienceLayoutLinkId'.
Link between an audience layout and some target grouping table - might be Role or Category Collection of AudienceLayoutLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AudienceLayoutLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AudienceLayoutLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AudienceLayoutLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AudienceLayoutLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXAudienceLayoutLinkAudience'.
Class representing index 'ITargetTableTargetRecord'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'ITargetTableTargetRecord'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the AudienceLayout table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AudienceLayoutRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
One layout (of webparts and other stuff) for an audience instance
Row Object for table 'AudienceLayout'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AudienceLayout'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AudienceLayoutTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AudienceLayoutRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAudienceLayoutId'.
Class representing index 'IDXAudienceLayoutInstanceName'.
One layout (of webparts and other stuff) for an audience instance Collection of AudienceLayoutRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AudienceLayout table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AudienceLayout'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AudienceLayoutTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AudienceLayoutRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the AudienceVisibility table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AudienceVisibilityRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
How projects (or whatever) should be made visible in audience
Row Object for table 'AudienceVisibility'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AudienceVisibility'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AudienceVisibilityTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AudienceVisibilityRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAudienceVisibilityId'.
How projects (or whatever) should be made visible in audience Collection of AudienceVisibilityRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the AudienceVisibility table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'AudienceVisibility'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AudienceVisibilityTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AudienceVisibilityRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IControllingTableControllingR'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IControllingTableControllingR'.
Class representing index 'ISourceTableSourceRecord'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'ISourceTableSourceRecord'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the autosave table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch AutosaveRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Autosaved text clobs from ejscript and emarketeer messages
Row Object for table 'autosave'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'autosave'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AutosaveTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AutosaveRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXAutosaveId'.
Autosaved text clobs from ejscript and emarketeer messages Collection of AutosaveRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Autosave table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'autosave'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct AutosaveTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a AutosaveRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXAutosaveIndex_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the BaseTZLocation table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch BaseTZLocationRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Time zone location for the database (how tz-related datetimes should be stored in the database)
Row Object for table 'BaseTZLocation'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'BaseTZLocation'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BaseTZLocationTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BaseTZLocationRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Time zone location for the database (how tz-related datetimes should be stored in the database) Collection of BaseTZLocationRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the BaseTZLocation table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'BaseTZLocation'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BaseTZLocationTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BaseTZLocationRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the BatchTaskDefinition table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch BatchTaskDefinitionRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Batch task definitiopns, populated from the SuperOffice.CRM.BatchProcessing.BatchTask attribute
Row Object for table 'BatchTaskDefinition'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'BatchTaskDefinition'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BatchTaskDefinitionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BatchTaskDefinitionRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXBatchTaskDefinitionId'.
Batch task definitiopns, populated from the SuperOffice.CRM.BatchProcessing.BatchTask attribute Collection of BatchTaskDefinitionRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the BatchTaskDefinition table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'BatchTaskDefinition'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BatchTaskDefinitionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BatchTaskDefinitionRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXBatchTaskDefinitionName'.
Class representing index 'INameAssemblyVersion'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the BatchTask table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch BatchTaskRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Batch task request details, corresponding to the message body of a batch request message
Row Object for table 'BatchTask'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'BatchTask'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BatchTaskTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BatchTaskRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXBatchTaskId'.
Batch task request details, corresponding to the message body of a batch request message Collection of BatchTaskRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the BatchTask table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'BatchTask'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BatchTaskTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BatchTaskRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IBatchTaskDefinition_idState'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IBatchTaskDefinition_idState'.
Class representing index 'IDXBatchTaskState'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the BinaryObjectLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch BinaryObjectLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Link table, connects a BinaryObject with one or more owners
Row Object for table 'BinaryObjectLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'BinaryObjectLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BinaryObjectLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BinaryObjectLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXBinaryObjectLinkId'.
Link table, connects a BinaryObject with one or more owners Collection of BinaryObjectLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the BinaryObjectLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'BinaryObjectLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BinaryObjectLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BinaryObjectLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IOwnerTableOwnerRecordLinkTyp'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IOwnerTableOwnerRecordLinkTyp'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IOwnerTableOwnerRecordLinkTyp'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IOwnerTableOwnerRecordLinkTyp'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the BinaryObject table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch BinaryObjectRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Binary objects, i.e., blobs. Used for images, documents, SuperOffice inbox mail and other large binary items
Row Object for table 'BinaryObject'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'BinaryObject'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BinaryObjectTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BinaryObjectRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXBinaryObjectId'.
Binary objects, i.e., blobs. Used for images, documents, SuperOffice inbox mail and other large binary items Collection of BinaryObjectRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the BinaryObject table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'BinaryObject'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BinaryObjectTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BinaryObjectRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXBinaryObjectConceptualType'.
Class representing index 'IDXBinaryObjectExtraInfo'.
Class representing index 'IDXBinaryObjectMimeType'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the BusinessGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch BusinessGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for Business, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'BusinessGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'BusinessGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BusinessGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BusinessGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXBusinessGLId'.
User group link table for Business, for MDO item hiding Collection of BusinessGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the BusinessGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'BusinessGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BusinessGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BusinessGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXBusinessGLBusiness_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXBusinessGLGroup_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the BusinessHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch BusinessHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for Business, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'BusinessHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'BusinessHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BusinessHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BusinessHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXBusinessHLId'.
Heading link table for Business, for MDO headers Collection of BusinessHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the BusinessHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'BusinessHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BusinessHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BusinessHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXBusinessHLBusiness_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXBusinessHLHeading_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the Business table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch BusinessRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Business list table
Row Object for table 'Business'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'Business'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BusinessTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BusinessRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXBusinessId'.
Class representing index 'IDXBusinessName'.
Business list table Collection of BusinessRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Business table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Business'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct BusinessTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a BusinessRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the CacheInvalidation table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CacheInvalidationRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Names and generation numbers for distributed invalidation of caches
Row Object for table 'CacheInvalidation'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CacheInvalidation'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CacheInvalidationTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CacheInvalidationRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCacheInvalidationId'.
Class representing index 'IDXCacheInvalidationName'.
Names and generation numbers for distributed invalidation of caches Collection of CacheInvalidationRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CacheInvalidation table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CacheInvalidation'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CacheInvalidationTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CacheInvalidationRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the CacheTables table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CacheTablesRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Specifies which tables should be cached to local files (or otherwise), generally these are the lists and other low-frequency-of-change tables. Contains the ID of any tables cached in SOCache. The files are binary and called <tablename>.bin. <Shift>+<F5> throws all cache files.
Row Object for table 'CacheTables'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CacheTables'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CacheTablesTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CacheTablesRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCacheTabsCacheTabs_id'.
Specifies which tables should be cached to local files (or otherwise), generally these are the lists and other low-frequency-of-change tables. Contains the ID of any tables cached in SOCache. The files are binary and called <tablename>.bin. <Shift>+<F5> throws all cache files. Collection of CacheTablesRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CacheTables table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CacheTables'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CacheTablesTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CacheTablesRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXCacheTabsTableId'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the CategoryFamily table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CategoryFamilyRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Grouping table so that multiple company categories can be grouped under one term; to simplify searching for things like 'all customers'
Row Object for table 'CategoryFamily'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CategoryFamily'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CategoryFamilyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CategoryFamilyRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCategoryFamilyId'.
Class representing index 'IDXCategoryFamilyName'.
Grouping table so that multiple company categories can be grouped under one term; to simplify searching for things like 'all customers' Collection of CategoryFamilyRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CategoryFamily table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CategoryFamily'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CategoryFamilyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CategoryFamilyRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the CategoryGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CategoryGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for Category, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'CategoryGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'CategoryGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CategoryGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CategoryGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCategoryGLId'.
User group link table for Category, for MDO item hiding Collection of CategoryGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CategoryGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CategoryGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CategoryGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CategoryGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXCategoryGLCategory_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXCategoryGLGroup_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the CategoryHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CategoryHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for Category, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'CategoryHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'CategoryHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CategoryHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CategoryHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCategoryHLId'.
Heading link table for Category, for MDO headers Collection of CategoryHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CategoryHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CategoryHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CategoryHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CategoryHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXCategoryHLCategory_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXCategoryHLHeading_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the category_membership table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CategoryMembershipRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table connects users to categories (many-to-many).
Row Object for table 'category_membership'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'category_membership'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CategoryMembershipTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CategoryMembershipRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCategory_membershipId'.
This table connects users to categories (many-to-many). Collection of CategoryMembershipRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CategoryMembership table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'category_membership'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CategoryMembershipTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CategoryMembershipRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXCategory_membershipCategor'.
Class representing index 'IDXCategory_membershipUser_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the Category table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CategoryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Category list table
Row Object for table 'Category'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'Category'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CategoryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CategoryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCategoryId'.
Class representing index 'IDXCategoryName'.
Category list table Collection of CategoryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Category table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Category'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CategoryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CategoryRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the cc_template table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CcTemplateRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains templates for the customer center
Row Object for table 'cc_template'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'cc_template'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CcTemplateTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CcTemplateRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCc_templateId'.
This table contains templates for the customer center Collection of CcTemplateRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CcTemplate table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'cc_template'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CcTemplateTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CcTemplateRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXCc_templateKey'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the chat_message table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ChatMessageRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains messages in a chat session.
Row Object for table 'chat_message'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'chat_message'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ChatMessageTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ChatMessageRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXChat_messageId'.
This table contains messages in a chat session. Collection of ChatMessageRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ChatMessage table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'chat_message'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ChatMessageTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ChatMessageRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXChat_messageSession_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the chat_session table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ChatSessionRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains chat sessions.
Row Object for table 'chat_session'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'chat_session'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ChatSessionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ChatSessionRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXChat_sessionId'.
This table contains chat sessions. Collection of ChatSessionRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ChatSession table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'chat_session'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ChatSessionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ChatSessionRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXChat_sessionCustomer_id'.
Class representing index 'IStatusTopic_idId'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IStatusTopic_idId'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IDXChat_sessionTopic_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXChat_sessionUser_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the chat_topic table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ChatTopicRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains chat topics.
Row Object for table 'chat_topic'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'chat_topic'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ChatTopicTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ChatTopicRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXChat_topicId'.
This table contains chat topics. Collection of ChatTopicRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ChatTopic table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'chat_topic'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ChatTopicTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ChatTopicRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXChat_topicLanguage_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the chat_topic_user table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ChatTopicUserRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table connected the chat topics with the users (i.e. the membership).
Row Object for table 'chat_topic_user'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'chat_topic_user'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ChatTopicUserTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ChatTopicUserRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXChat_topic_userId'.
This table connected the chat topics with the users (i.e. the membership). Collection of ChatTopicUserRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ChatTopicUser table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'chat_topic_user'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ChatTopicUserTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ChatTopicUserRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXChat_topic_userTopic_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXChat_topic_userUser_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the company_domain table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CompanyDomainRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains web-domains associated with a certain cust_company entry.
Row Object for table 'company_domain'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'company_domain'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CompanyDomainTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CompanyDomainRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCompany_domainId'.
This table contains web-domains associated with a certain cust_company entry. Collection of CompanyDomainRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CompanyDomain table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'company_domain'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CompanyDomainTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CompanyDomainRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXCompany_domainCompany_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the company table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CompanyRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Information on license and owner of this SuperOffice database. This table should only have 1 row. This table contains encrypted license information. Changing it will disable login for all users and require you to restore the database from backup.
Row Object for table 'company'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'company'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CompanyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CompanyRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCompId'.
Information on license and owner of this SuperOffice database. This table should only have 1 row. This table contains encrypted license information. Changing it will disable login for all users and require you to restore the database from backup. Collection of CompanyRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Company table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'company'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CompanyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CompanyRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ComptrGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ComptrGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for Comptr, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'ComptrGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ComptrGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ComptrGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ComptrGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXComptrGLId'.
User group link table for Comptr, for MDO item hiding Collection of ComptrGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ComptrGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ComptrGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ComptrGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ComptrGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXComptrGLComptr_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXComptrGLGroup_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ComptrHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ComptrHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for Comptr, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'ComptrHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ComptrHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ComptrHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ComptrHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXComptrHLId'.
Heading link table for Comptr, for MDO headers Collection of ComptrHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ComptrHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ComptrHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ComptrHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ComptrHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXComptrHLComptr_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXComptrHLHeading_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the Comptr table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ComptrRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Comptr list table. List of all possible competitors (sale).
Row Object for table 'Comptr'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'Comptr'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ComptrTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ComptrRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXComptrId'.
Class representing index 'IDXComptrName'.
Comptr list table. List of all possible competitors (sale). Collection of ComptrRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Comptr table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Comptr'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ComptrTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ComptrRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the config table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ConfigRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains certain system-wide configuration values.
Row Object for table 'config'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'config'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ConfigTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ConfigRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXConfigId'.
This table contains certain system-wide configuration values. Collection of ConfigRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Config table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'config'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ConfigTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ConfigRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ConfigurableScreenAppliesTo table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ConfigurableScreenAppliesToRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Mapping between recipes in scil and chosen type of data (appliesToKey) to differ layouts on
Row Object for table 'ConfigurableScreenAppliesTo'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ConfigurableScreenAppliesTo'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ConfigurableScreenAppliesToTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ConfigurableScreenAppliesToRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXConfigurableScreenAppliesT'.
Mapping between recipes in scil and chosen type of data (appliesToKey) to differ layouts on Collection of ConfigurableScreenAppliesToRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ConfigurableScreenAppliesTo table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ConfigurableScreenAppliesTo'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ConfigurableScreenAppliesToTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ConfigurableScreenAppliesToRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ConfigurableScreenDelta table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ConfigurableScreenDeltaRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Parts of recipes in SCIL to insert or remove in given recipes
Row Object for table 'ConfigurableScreenDelta'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ConfigurableScreenDelta'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ConfigurableScreenDeltaTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ConfigurableScreenDeltaRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXConfigurableScreenDeltaId'.
Parts of recipes in SCIL to insert or remove in given recipes Collection of ConfigurableScreenDeltaRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ConfigurableScreenDelta table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ConfigurableScreenDelta'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ConfigurableScreenDeltaTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ConfigurableScreenDeltaRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXConfigurableScreenDeltaRec'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ConnectionConfigField table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ConnectionConfigFieldRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Configuration data for Erp and Quote Connections
Row Object for table 'ConnectionConfigField'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ConnectionConfigField'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ConnectionConfigFieldTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ConnectionConfigFieldRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXConnectionConfigFieldId'.
Configuration data for Erp and Quote Connections Collection of ConnectionConfigFieldRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ConnectionConfigField table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ConnectionConfigField'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ConnectionConfigFieldTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ConnectionConfigFieldRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXConnectionConfigFieldErpCo'.
Class representing index 'IDXConnectionConfigFieldQuote'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ConsentPerson table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ConsentPersonRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Link table that defines who has which consents
Row Object for table 'ConsentPerson'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ConsentPerson'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ConsentPersonTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ConsentPersonRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXConsentPersonId'.
Class representing index 'IPerson_idConsentPurpose_id'.
Link table that defines who has which consents Collection of ConsentPersonRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ConsentPerson table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ConsentPerson'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ConsentPersonTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ConsentPersonRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXConsentPersonConsentSource'.
Class representing index 'IDXConsentPersonLegalBase_id'.
Class representing index 'IPerson_idConsentPurpose_id'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ConsentPurpose table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ConsentPurposeRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
GDPR purpose alternatives
Row Object for table 'ConsentPurpose'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ConsentPurpose'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ConsentPurposeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ConsentPurposeRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXConsentPurposeId'.
Class representing index 'IDXConsentPurposeKey'.
Class representing index 'IDXConsentPurposeName'.
GDPR purpose alternatives Collection of ConsentPurposeRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ConsentPurpose table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ConsentPurpose'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ConsentPurposeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ConsentPurposeRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ConsentSource table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ConsentSourceRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Consent source for GDPR
Row Object for table 'ConsentSource'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ConsentSource'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ConsentSourceTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ConsentSourceRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXConsentSourceId'.
Class representing index 'IDXConsentSourceKey'.
Consent source for GDPR Collection of ConsentSourceRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ConsentSource table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ConsentSource'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ConsentSourceTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ConsentSourceRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ContIntGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ContIntGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for ContInt, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'ContIntGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ContIntGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ContIntGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ContIntGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXContIntGLId'.
User group link table for ContInt, for MDO item hiding Collection of ContIntGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ContIntGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ContIntGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ContIntGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ContIntGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXContIntGLContint_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXContIntGLGroup_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ContIntHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ContIntHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for ContInt, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'ContIntHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ContIntHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ContIntHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ContIntHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXContIntHLId'.
Heading link table for ContInt, for MDO headers Collection of ContIntHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ContIntHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ContIntHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ContIntHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ContIntHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXContIntHLContint_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXContIntHLHeading_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ContInt table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ContIntRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
ContInt list table. List-text of all valid contact interest types.
Row Object for table 'ContInt'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ContInt'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ContIntTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ContIntRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXContIntId'.
Class representing index 'IDXContIntName'.
ContInt list table. List-text of all valid contact interest types. Collection of ContIntRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ContInt table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ContInt'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ContIntTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ContIntRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the contactinterest table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ContactInterestRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Link-table between contact and interests in ContInt
Row Object for table 'contactinterest'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'contactinterest'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ContactInterestTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ContactInterestRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCintrId'.
Link-table between contact and interests in ContInt Collection of ContactInterestRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ContactInterest table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'contactinterest'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ContactInterestTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ContactInterestRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'ICont_idIntr_idx'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IDXCintrEndDate'.
Class representing index 'IDXCintrStartDate'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the contact table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ContactRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Companies and Organizations. This table features a special record containing information about the contact that owns the database.
Row Object for table 'contact'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'contact'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ContactTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ContactRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXContId'.
Companies and Organizations. This table features a special record containing information about the contact that owns the database.
Collection of ContactRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Contact
Class representing a custom search against table 'contact'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ContactTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ContactRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXContDbi_agent_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXContDbi_key'.
Class representing index 'IDXContDbi_last_modified'.
Class representing index 'IDXContDbi_last_syncronized'.
Class representing index 'IDXContDeletedDate'.
Class representing index 'IDXContDept'.
Class representing index 'IDXContKname'.
Class representing index 'IDXContMother_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXContName'.
Class representing index 'INameDept'.
Class representing index 'IDXContNum1'.
Class representing index 'IDXContNum2'.
Class representing index 'IDXContOrgNr'.
Class representing index 'IDXContSoundEx'.
Class representing index 'IDXContSource'.
Class representing index 'IDXContSupportPersonId'.
Class representing index 'IDXContUdef2_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXContUdef_id'.
Typed facade for an object[] that contains all the fields of the CounterValue table, intended for use with DatabaseOperations.DatabaseOperations.ImportTable for bulk import of data.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the CounterValue table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CounterValueRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Visible for rights
Row Object for table 'CounterValue'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CounterValue'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CounterValueTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CounterValueRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCounterValueId'.
Visible for rights Collection of CounterValueRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CounterValue table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CounterValue'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CounterValueTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CounterValueRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IContact_idRecord_type'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IContact_idRecord_type'.
Class representing index 'IContact_idSale_status'.
Class representing index 'IProject_idRecord_type'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IProject_idRecord_type'.
Class representing index 'IProject_idSale_status'.
Class representing index 'IRecord_typeDirectionIntent_i'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IRecord_typeDirectionIntent_i'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IRecord_typeDirectionIntent_i'.
Class representing index 'ISale_statusAmountClassId'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'ISale_statusAmountClassId'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the CountryGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CountryGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for Country, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'CountryGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'CountryGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CountryGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CountryGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCountryGLId'.
User group link table for Country, for MDO item hiding Collection of CountryGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CountryGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CountryGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CountryGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CountryGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXCountryGLCountry_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXCountryGLGroup_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the CountryHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CountryHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for Country, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'CountryHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'CountryHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CountryHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CountryHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCountryHLId'.
Heading link table for Country, for MDO headers Collection of CountryHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CountryHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CountryHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CountryHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CountryHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXCountryHLCountry_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXCountryHLHeading_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the country table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CountryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Country information
Row Object for table 'country'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'country'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CountryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CountryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCntryId'.
Class representing index 'IDXCntryName'.
Country information Collection of CountryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Country table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'country'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CountryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CountryRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXCntryEname'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the Credentials table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CredentialsRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Alternative credentials
Row Object for table 'Credentials'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Credentials'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CredentialsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CredentialsRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'ICredentialTypeSearchName'.
Class representing index 'IDXCredentialsId'.
Alternative credentials Collection of CredentialsRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Credentials table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Credentials'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CredentialsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CredentialsRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'ICredentialTypePersonId'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'ICredentialTypeIsActiveIdVali'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'ICredentialTypePersonId'.
Class representing index 'IDXCredentialsSearchName'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the CreditedGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CreditedGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for Credited, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'CreditedGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'CreditedGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CreditedGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CreditedGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCreditedGLId'.
User group link table for Credited, for MDO item hiding Collection of CreditedGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CreditedGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CreditedGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CreditedGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CreditedGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXCreditedGLCredited_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXCreditedGLGroup_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the CreditedHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CreditedHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for Credited, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'CreditedHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'CreditedHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CreditedHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CreditedHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCreditedHLId'.
Heading link table for Credited, for MDO headers Collection of CreditedHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CreditedHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CreditedHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CreditedHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CreditedHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXCreditedHLCredited_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXCreditedHLHeading_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the Credited table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CreditedRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Credited list table. List of who is to be credited for the sale.
Row Object for table 'Credited'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'Credited'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CreditedTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CreditedRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCreditedId'.
Class representing index 'IDXCreditedName'.
Credited list table. List of who is to be credited for the sale. Collection of CreditedRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Credited table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Credited'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CreditedTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CreditedRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the CurrencyGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CurrencyGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for Currency, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'CurrencyGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'CurrencyGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CurrencyGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CurrencyGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCurrencyGLId'.
User group link table for Currency, for MDO item hiding Collection of CurrencyGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CurrencyGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CurrencyGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CurrencyGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CurrencyGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXCurrencyGLCurrency_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXCurrencyGLGroup_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the CurrencyHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CurrencyHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for Currency, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'CurrencyHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'CurrencyHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CurrencyHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CurrencyHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCurrencyHLId'.
Heading link table for Currency, for MDO headers Collection of CurrencyHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CurrencyHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'CurrencyHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CurrencyHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CurrencyHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXCurrencyHLCurrency_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXCurrencyHLHeading_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the Currency table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CurrencyRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Currency list table
Row Object for table 'Currency'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'Currency'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CurrencyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CurrencyRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCurrencyId'.
Class representing index 'IDXCurrencyName'.
Currency list table Collection of CurrencyRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Currency table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Currency'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CurrencyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CurrencyRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the cust_category table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CustCategoryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains entries for categories exposed through a customer language.
Row Object for table 'cust_category'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'cust_category'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CustCategoryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CustCategoryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCust_categoryId'.
This table contains entries for categories exposed through a customer language. Collection of CustCategoryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CustCategory table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'cust_category'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CustCategoryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CustCategoryRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXCust_categoryCategory_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXCust_categoryLanguage_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXCust_categoryParent_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the cust_config table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CustConfigRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains JSON structures used for customizing the customer center
Row Object for table 'cust_config'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'cust_config'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CustConfigTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CustConfigRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCust_configId'.
This table contains JSON structures used for customizing the customer center Collection of CustConfigRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CustConfig table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'cust_config'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CustConfigTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CustConfigRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the cust_lang table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch CustLangRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains entries for customer languages.
Row Object for table 'cust_lang'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'cust_lang'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CustLangTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CustLangRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXCust_langId'.
This table contains entries for customer languages. Collection of CustLangRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the CustLang table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'cust_lang'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct CustLangTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CustLangRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXCust_langKb_root'.
Class representing a custom search against the table. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct TableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a CustomTableRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'CustomTableRowIdx'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the dashboard table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DashboardRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Describes a dashboard
Row Object for table 'dashboard'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dashboard'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DashboardTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DashboardRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDashboardId'.
Describes a dashboard Collection of DashboardRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Dashboard table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dashboard'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DashboardTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DashboardRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDashboardAssociate_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the dashboard_theme table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DashboardThemeRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
A set of style rules for the Dashboard
Row Object for table 'dashboard_theme'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dashboard_theme'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DashboardThemeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DashboardThemeRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDashboard_themeId'.
A set of style rules for the Dashboard Collection of DashboardThemeRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DashboardTheme table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dashboard_theme'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DashboardThemeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DashboardThemeRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the dashboard_tile_definition table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DashboardTileDefinitionRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Describes the contents of a tile
Row Object for table 'dashboard_tile_definition'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dashboard_tile_definition'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DashboardTileDefinitionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DashboardTileDefinitionRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDashboard_tile_definitionI'.
Describes the contents of a tile Collection of DashboardTileDefinitionRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DashboardTileDefinition table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dashboard_tile_definition'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DashboardTileDefinitionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DashboardTileDefinitionRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDashboard_tile_definitionE'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the dashboard_tile_field table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DashboardTileFieldRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Describes the contents of a tile field
Row Object for table 'dashboard_tile_field'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dashboard_tile_field'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DashboardTileFieldTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DashboardTileFieldRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDashboard_tile_fieldId'.
Describes the contents of a tile field Collection of DashboardTileFieldRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DashboardTileField table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dashboard_tile_field'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DashboardTileFieldTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DashboardTileFieldRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDashboard_tile_fieldDashbo'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the dashboard_tile table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DashboardTileRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Represents one tile in the dashboard
Row Object for table 'dashboard_tile'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dashboard_tile'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DashboardTileTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DashboardTileRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDashboard_tileId'.
Represents one tile in the dashboard Collection of DashboardTileRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DashboardTile table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dashboard_tile'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DashboardTileTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DashboardTileRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDashboard_tileDashboard_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the DataRight table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DataRightRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Data right definition
Row Object for table 'DataRight'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DataRight'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DataRightTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DataRightRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDataRightId'.
Class representing index 'IRoleIdTableIdFieldIdRelation'.
Data right definition Collection of DataRightRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DataRight table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DataRight'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DataRightTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DataRightRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDataRightRoleId'.
Class representing index 'IRoleIdTableIdFieldIdRelation'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IRoleIdTableIdFieldIdRelation'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the DatabaseModel table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DatabaseModelRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
New DatabaseModel used by Continuous Database
Row Object for table 'DatabaseModel'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DatabaseModel'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DatabaseModelTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DatabaseModelRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDatabaseModelId'.
New DatabaseModel used by Continuous Database Collection of DatabaseModelRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DatabaseModel table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DatabaseModel'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DatabaseModelTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DatabaseModelRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the dbi_agent_field table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DbiAgentFieldRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
DBI agent fields
Row Object for table 'dbi_agent_field'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dbi_agent_field'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DbiAgentFieldTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DbiAgentFieldRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDbi_agent_fieldId'.
DBI agent fields Collection of DbiAgentFieldRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DbiAgentField table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dbi_agent_field'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DbiAgentFieldTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DbiAgentFieldRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDbi_agent_fieldAgent_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the dbi_agent table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DbiAgentRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
DBI agent settings
Row Object for table 'dbi_agent'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dbi_agent'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DbiAgentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DbiAgentRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDbi_agentId'.
DBI agent settings Collection of DbiAgentRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DbiAgent table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dbi_agent'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DbiAgentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DbiAgentRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the dbi_agent_schedule table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DbiAgentScheduleRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
DBI agent schedule settings
Row Object for table 'dbi_agent_schedule'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dbi_agent_schedule'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DbiAgentScheduleTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DbiAgentScheduleRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDbi_agent_scheduleId'.
DBI agent schedule settings Collection of DbiAgentScheduleRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DbiAgentSchedule table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dbi_agent_schedule'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DbiAgentScheduleTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DbiAgentScheduleRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDbi_agent_scheduleAgent_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXDbi_agent_scheduleSchedule'.
Class representing index 'IDXDbi_agent_scheduleScript_i'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the DeliveryTermsGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DeliveryTermsGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for DeliveryTerms, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'DeliveryTermsGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'DeliveryTermsGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DeliveryTermsGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DeliveryTermsGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTermsGLId'.
User group link table for DeliveryTerms, for MDO item hiding Collection of DeliveryTermsGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DeliveryTermsGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DeliveryTermsGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DeliveryTermsGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DeliveryTermsGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTermsGLDeliveryter'.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTermsGLGroup_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the DeliveryTermsHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DeliveryTermsHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for DeliveryTerms, for MDO item headings
Row Object for table 'DeliveryTermsHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'DeliveryTermsHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DeliveryTermsHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DeliveryTermsHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTermsHLId'.
Heading link table for DeliveryTerms, for MDO item headings Collection of DeliveryTermsHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DeliveryTermsHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DeliveryTermsHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DeliveryTermsHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DeliveryTermsHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTermsHLDeliveryter'.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTermsHLHeading_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the DeliveryTerms table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DeliveryTermsRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
The list of Delivery terms, in the internal product register
Row Object for table 'DeliveryTerms'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'DeliveryTerms'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DeliveryTermsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DeliveryTermsRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTermsId'.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTermsName'.
The list of Delivery terms, in the internal product register Collection of DeliveryTermsRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DeliveryTerms table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DeliveryTerms'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DeliveryTermsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DeliveryTermsRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the DeliveryTypeGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DeliveryTypeGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for DeliveryType, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'DeliveryTypeGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'DeliveryTypeGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DeliveryTypeGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DeliveryTypeGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTypeGLId'.
User group link table for DeliveryType, for MDO item hiding Collection of DeliveryTypeGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DeliveryTypeGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DeliveryTypeGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DeliveryTypeGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DeliveryTypeGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTypeGLDeliverytype'.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTypeGLGroup_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the DeliveryTypeHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DeliveryTypeHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for DeliveryType, for MDO item headings
Row Object for table 'DeliveryTypeHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'DeliveryTypeHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DeliveryTypeHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DeliveryTypeHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTypeHLId'.
Heading link table for DeliveryType, for MDO item headings Collection of DeliveryTypeHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DeliveryTypeHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DeliveryTypeHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DeliveryTypeHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DeliveryTypeHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTypeHLDeliverytype'.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTypeHLHeading_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the DeliveryType table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DeliveryTypeRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
The list of Delivery types, in the internal product register
Row Object for table 'DeliveryType'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'DeliveryType'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DeliveryTypeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DeliveryTypeRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTypeId'.
Class representing index 'IDXDeliveryTypeName'.
The list of Delivery types, in the internal product register Collection of DeliveryTypeRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DeliveryType table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DeliveryType'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DeliveryTypeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DeliveryTypeRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the DiaryView table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DiaryViewRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Configuration of a multi-user diary view
Row Object for table 'DiaryView'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DiaryView'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DiaryViewTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DiaryViewRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDiaryViewId'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the DiaryViewRow table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DiaryViewRowRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Configuration of a multi-user diary view
Row Object for table 'DiaryViewRow'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DiaryViewRow'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DiaryViewRowTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DiaryViewRowRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDiaryViewRowId'.
Configuration of a multi-user diary view Collection of DiaryViewRowRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DiaryViewRow table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DiaryViewRow'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DiaryViewRowTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DiaryViewRowRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDiaryViewRowDiaryViewId'.
Configuration of a multi-user diary view Collection of DiaryViewRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DiaryView table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DiaryView'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DiaryViewTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DiaryViewRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDiaryViewAssoc_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the dictionary_base table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DictionaryBaseRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Language catalog for the ejournal dictionaries (automatic proof reading of message text etc)
Row Object for table 'dictionary_base'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dictionary_base'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DictionaryBaseTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DictionaryBaseRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDictionary_baseId'.
Language catalog for the ejournal dictionaries (automatic proof reading of message text etc) Collection of DictionaryBaseRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DictionaryBase table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dictionary_base'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DictionaryBaseTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DictionaryBaseRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the dictionary table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DictionaryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User added dictionary words
Row Object for table 'dictionary'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dictionary'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DictionaryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DictionaryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDictionaryId'.
User added dictionary words Collection of DictionaryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Dictionary table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'dictionary'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DictionaryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DictionaryRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDictionaryInclude'.
Class representing index 'IDXDictionaryUser_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXDictionaryWord'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the doc_document table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DocDocumentRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains documents.
Row Object for table 'doc_document'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'doc_document'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DocDocumentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DocDocumentRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDoc_documentId'.
This table contains documents. Collection of DocDocumentRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DocDocument table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'doc_document'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DocDocumentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DocDocumentRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDoc_documentAttachment_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXDoc_documentChanged_by'.
Class representing index 'IDXDoc_documentCreated_by'.
Class representing index 'IDXDoc_documentFolder_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXDoc_documentTitle'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the doc_folder table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DocFolderRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
A document folder.
Row Object for table 'doc_folder'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'doc_folder'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DocFolderTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DocFolderRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDoc_folderId'.
A document folder. Collection of DocFolderRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DocFolder table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'doc_folder'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DocFolderTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DocFolderRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDoc_folderCreated_by'.
Class representing index 'IDXDoc_folderFolder_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXDoc_folderTitle'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the DocTmplGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DocTmplGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for DocTmpl, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'DocTmplGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'DocTmplGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DocTmplGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DocTmplGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDocTmplGLId'.
User group link table for DocTmpl, for MDO item hiding Collection of DocTmplGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DocTmplGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DocTmplGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DocTmplGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DocTmplGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDocTmplGLDoctmpl_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXDocTmplGLGroup_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the DocTmplHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DocTmplHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for DocTmpl, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'DocTmplHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'DocTmplHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DocTmplHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DocTmplHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDocTmplHLId'.
Heading link table for DocTmpl, for MDO headers Collection of DocTmplHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DocTmplHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DocTmplHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DocTmplHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DocTmplHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDocTmplHLDoctmpl_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXDocTmplHLHeading_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the DocTmpl table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DocTmplRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
DocTmpl list table. Describes templates available for writing new documents.
Row Object for table 'DocTmpl'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'DocTmpl'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DocTmplTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DocTmplRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDocTmplId'.
Class representing index 'IDXDocTmplName'.
DocTmpl list table. Describes templates available for writing new documents. Collection of DocTmplRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the DocTmpl table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'DocTmpl'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DocTmplTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DocTmplRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the document table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch DocumentRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Documents, this table is an extension of the Appointment table. There is always a corresponding appointment record; the relation between appointment and document is navigable in both directions. A document-type appointment record always has a corresponding document record and a record in VisibleFor specifying who may see this.
Row Object for table 'document'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'document'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DocumentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DocumentRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXDocId'.
Documents, this table is an extension of the Appointment table. There is always a corresponding appointment record; the relation between appointment and document is navigable in both directions. A document-type appointment record always has a corresponding document record and a record in VisibleFor specifying who may see this.
Collection of DocumentRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Document
Class representing a custom search against table 'document'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct DocumentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a DocumentRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXDocArchiveProvider'.
Class representing index 'IDXDocExtref'.
Class representing index 'IDXDocHeader'.
Class representing index 'IDXDocOur_ref'.
Class representing index 'IDXDocSname'.
Class representing index 'IDXDocUdef2_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXDocUdef_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the eab_entry table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EabEntryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains eab (email address book) entries, i.e. an alias ('Ola Hansen') and an address ('').
Row Object for table 'eab_entry'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'eab_entry'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EabEntryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EabEntryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEab_entryId'.
This table contains eab (email address book) entries, i.e. an alias ('Ola Hansen') and an address (''). Collection of EabEntryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EabEntry table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'eab_entry'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EabEntryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EabEntryRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEab_entryDbi_agent_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEab_entryDbi_key'.
Class representing index 'IDXEab_entryDbi_last_modified'.
Class representing index 'IDXEab_entryDbi_last_syncroni'.
Class representing index 'IDXEab_entryFolder_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEab_entryName'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the eab_folder table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EabFolderRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains eab (email address book) folders, used for containing email addresses.
Row Object for table 'eab_folder'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'eab_folder'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EabFolderTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EabFolderRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEab_folderId'.
This table contains eab (email address book) folders, used for containing email addresses. Collection of EabFolderRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EabFolder table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'eab_folder'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EabFolderTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EabFolderRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEab_folderFolder_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEab_folderName'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the EjCategoryGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjCategoryGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for EjCategory, for mass handling ej_category members
Row Object for table 'EjCategoryGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'EjCategoryGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjCategoryGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjCategoryGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEjCategoryGLId'.
User group link table for EjCategory, for mass handling ej_category members Collection of EjCategoryGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EjCategoryGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'EjCategoryGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjCategoryGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjCategoryGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEjCategoryGLEj_category_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjCategoryGLGroup_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ej_category table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjCategoryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains categories, in which tickets are categorized. The categories are organized in a hierarchial manner.
Row Object for table 'ej_category'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ej_category'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjCategoryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjCategoryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEj_categoryId'.
This table contains categories, in which tickets are categorized. The categories are organized in a hierarchial manner. Collection of EjCategoryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EjCategory table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ej_category'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjCategoryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjCategoryRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEj_categoryCategory_master'.
Class representing index 'IDXEj_categoryParent_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEj_categoryReply_template'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ej_message table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjMessageRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains the messages listed under tickets.
Row Object for table 'ej_message'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ej_message'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjMessageTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjMessageRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEj_messageId'.
This table contains the messages listed under tickets. Collection of EjMessageRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EjMessage table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ej_message'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjMessageTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjMessageRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEj_messageBody_attachment'.
Class representing index 'IDXEj_messageCreated_at'.
Class representing index 'IDXEj_messageCreated_by'.
Class representing index 'IDXEj_messageCustomer_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEj_messageHtml_body_attach'.
Class representing index 'IDXEj_messageMessage_id'.
Class representing index 'ISearch_titleBodyHtml_body'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'ISearch_titleBodyHtml_body'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'ISearch_titleBodyHtml_body'.
Class representing index 'IDXEj_messageTicket_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ej_role table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjRoleRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Define access rights, memberships and other properties for role user members
Row Object for table 'ej_role'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ej_role'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjRoleTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjRoleRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEj_roleId'.
Define access rights, memberships and other properties for role user members Collection of EjRoleRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EjRole table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ej_role'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjRoleTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjRoleRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEj_roleUser_group'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ejpackage_item table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjpackageItemRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table stores info on installed packages in the system
Row Object for table 'ejpackage_item'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejpackage_item'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjpackageItemTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjpackageItemRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEjpackage_itemId'.
This table stores info on installed packages in the system Collection of EjpackageItemRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EjpackageItem table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejpackage_item'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjpackageItemTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjpackageItemRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEjpackage_itemDomain'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjpackage_itemEjpackage'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjpackage_itemItem_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjpackage_itemParent_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ejpackage table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjpackageRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table stores packages on the system.
Row Object for table 'ejpackage'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejpackage'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjpackageTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjpackageRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEjpackageId'.
This table stores packages on the system. Collection of EjpackageRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Ejpackage table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejpackage'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjpackageTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjpackageRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEjpackageAttachment_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjpackageUploaded_by'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ejscript_debug table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjscriptDebugRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains information when debugging an ejscript
Row Object for table 'ejscript_debug'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejscript_debug'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjscriptDebugTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjscriptDebugRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEjscript_debugId'.
This table contains information when debugging an ejscript Collection of EjscriptDebugRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EjscriptDebug table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejscript_debug'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjscriptDebugTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjscriptDebugRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ejscript table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjscriptRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Row Object for table 'ejscript'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejscript'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjscriptTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjscriptRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEjscriptId'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjscriptUnique_identifier'.
ejscript Collection of EjscriptRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Ejscript table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejscript'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjscriptTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjscriptRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEjscriptHierarchy_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjscriptInclude_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ejsel_ejsel table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjselEjselRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table defines sources for complex selections in a many/many relationship
Row Object for table 'ejsel_ejsel'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejsel_ejsel'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjselEjselTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjselEjselRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEjsel_ejselId'.
This table defines sources for complex selections in a many/many relationship Collection of EjselEjselRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EjselEjsel table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejsel_ejsel'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjselEjselTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjselEjselRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEjsel_ejselChild'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjsel_ejselOperation'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjsel_ejselOrder_pos'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjsel_ejselParent'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ejsel_meta_result table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjselMetaResultRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table stores result meta data
Row Object for table 'ejsel_meta_result'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejsel_meta_result'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjselMetaResultTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjselMetaResultRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEjsel_meta_resultId'.
This table stores result meta data Collection of EjselMetaResultRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EjselMetaResult table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejsel_meta_result'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjselMetaResultTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjselMetaResultRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEjsel_meta_resultCreated_a'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjsel_meta_resultEjselecti'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjsel_meta_resultOwner'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ejsel_result_set table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjselResultSetRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table stores result set reference data, result sets for selections
Row Object for table 'ejsel_result_set'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejsel_result_set'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjselResultSetTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjselResultSetRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEjsel_result_setId'.
This table stores result set reference data, result sets for selections Collection of EjselResultSetRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EjselResultSet table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejsel_result_set'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjselResultSetTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjselResultSetRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEjsel_result_setMeta_resul'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjsel_result_setRef_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ejsel_source_idlist table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjselSourceIdlistRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table stores id list source for selections
Row Object for table 'ejsel_source_idlist'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejsel_source_idlist'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjselSourceIdlistTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjselSourceIdlistRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEjsel_source_idlistId'.
This table stores id list source for selections Collection of EjselSourceIdlistRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EjselSourceIdlist table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejsel_source_idlist'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjselSourceIdlistTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjselSourceIdlistRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ejsel_source_script table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjselSourceScriptRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table stores a selection script source
Row Object for table 'ejsel_source_script'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejsel_source_script'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjselSourceScriptTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjselSourceScriptRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEjsel_source_scriptId'.
This table stores a selection script source Collection of EjselSourceScriptRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EjselSourceScript table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejsel_source_script'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjselSourceScriptTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjselSourceScriptRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ejsel_source_xml table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjselSourceXmlRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table stores a selection source as xml
Row Object for table 'ejsel_source_xml'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejsel_source_xml'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjselSourceXmlTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjselSourceXmlRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEjsel_source_xmlId'.
This table stores a selection source as xml Collection of EjselSourceXmlRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EjselSourceXml table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejsel_source_xml'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjselSourceXmlTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjselSourceXmlRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ejselection table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjselectionRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table stores selections, dynamic groups.
Row Object for table 'ejselection'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejselection'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjselectionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjselectionRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEjselectionId'.
This table stores selections, dynamic groups. Collection of EjselectionRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Ejselection table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejselection'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjselectionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjselectionRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEjselectionCreator'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjselectionHierarchy_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjselectionInclude_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjselectionSource_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjselectionSource_type'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ejuser table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EjuserRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains entries for the users of the system.
Row Object for table 'ejuser'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejuser'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjuserTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjuserRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEjuserId'.
This table contains entries for the users of the system. Collection of EjuserRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Ejuser table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ejuser'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EjuserTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EjuserRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEjuserDbi_agent_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjuserDbi_key'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjuserDbi_last_modified'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjuserDbi_last_syncronized'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjuserDefault_category'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjuserDefault_status_add_m'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjuserDefault_status_new_t'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjuserEmail'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjuserLast_category'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjuserLoginname'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjuserPicture_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjuserProfile_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjuserUsergroup'.
Class representing index 'IDXEjuserUsername'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the element_profile table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ElementProfileRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
The new (4.0) profile table. Contains profile for a single Html-element. Connected through element_profile_link
Row Object for table 'element_profile'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'element_profile'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ElementProfileTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ElementProfileRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXElement_profileId'.
The new (4.0) profile table. Contains profile for a single Html-element. Connected through element_profile_link Collection of ElementProfileRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ElementProfile table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'element_profile'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ElementProfileTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ElementProfileRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXElement_profileOwned_by_us'.
Class representing index 'IDXElement_profileScreen_defi'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the email_account table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EmailAccountRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Email account information
Row Object for table 'email_account'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'email_account'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EmailAccountTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EmailAccountRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEmail_accountId'.
Class representing index 'IDXEmail_accountEmail_address'.
Email account information Collection of EmailAccountRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EmailAccount table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'email_account'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EmailAccountTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EmailAccountRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEmail_accountAssociate_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the email_attachment table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EmailAttachmentRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Attachment info related to an email_item
Row Object for table 'email_attachment'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'email_attachment'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EmailAttachmentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EmailAttachmentRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEmail_attachmentId'.
Attachment info related to an email_item Collection of EmailAttachmentRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EmailAttachment table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'email_attachment'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EmailAttachmentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EmailAttachmentRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEmail_attachmentEmail_item'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the email_flow_content_link table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EmailFlowContentLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Links content to an email workflow
Row Object for table 'email_flow_content_link'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'email_flow_content_link'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EmailFlowContentLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EmailFlowContentLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEmail_flow_content_linkId'.
Links content to an email workflow Collection of EmailFlowContentLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EmailFlowContentLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'email_flow_content_link'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EmailFlowContentLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EmailFlowContentLinkRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the email_flow table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EmailFlowRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
A set of properties related to the email workflow.
Row Object for table 'email_flow'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'email_flow'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EmailFlowTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EmailFlowRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEmail_flowId'.
A set of properties related to the email workflow. Collection of EmailFlowRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EmailFlow table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'email_flow'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EmailFlowTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EmailFlowRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEmail_flowHierarchy_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the email_folder table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EmailFolderRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Corresponds to an email folder on a mail server
Row Object for table 'email_folder'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'email_folder'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EmailFolderTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EmailFolderRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEmail_folderId'.
Corresponds to an email folder on a mail server Collection of EmailFolderRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EmailFolder table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'email_folder'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EmailFolderTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EmailFolderRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEmail_folderAccount_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the email_item table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EmailItemRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Email data
Row Object for table 'email_item'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'email_item'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EmailItemTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EmailItemRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEmail_itemId'.
Email data Collection of EmailItemRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EmailItem table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'email_item'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EmailItemTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EmailItemRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEmail_itemAccount_id'.
Class representing index 'IAccount_idServer_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEmail_itemEmail_folder_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEmail_itemMessageId'.
Class representing index 'IDXEmail_itemServer_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the Email table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EmailRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Email addresses for contacts, projects and persons
Row Object for table 'Email'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Email'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EmailTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EmailRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXEmailId'.
Email addresses for contacts, projects and persons Collection of EmailRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Email table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Email'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EmailTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EmailRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXEmailAppointment_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEmailContact_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEmailDbi_agent_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEmailEmail_address'.
Class representing index 'IDXEmailPerson_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEmailProject_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXEmailProtocol'.
Class representing index 'IDXEmailRank'.
Class representing index 'IDXEmailReserved_id1'.
Class representing index 'IDXEmailReserved_id2'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the EntityCounts table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch EntityCountsRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Number of different entities an associate has created for usage statistics
Row Object for table 'EntityCounts'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'EntityCounts'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EntityCountsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EntityCountsRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IAssociate_idEntity_name'.
Class representing index 'IDXEntityCountsId'.
Number of different entities an associate has created for usage statistics Collection of EntityCountsRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the EntityCounts table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'EntityCounts'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct EntityCountsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a EntityCountsRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IAssociate_idEntity_name'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ErpConfiguration table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ErpConfigurationRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Global settings for the Erp Integration Server
Row Object for table 'ErpConfiguration'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpConfiguration'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpConfigurationTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpConfigurationRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXErpConfigurationId'.
Global settings for the Erp Integration Server Collection of ErpConfigurationRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ErpConfiguration table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpConfiguration'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpConfigurationTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpConfigurationRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ErpConnectionAccess table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ErpConnectionAccessRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Access control for Erp Connections
Row Object for table 'ErpConnectionAccess'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpConnectionAccess'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpConnectionAccessTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpConnectionAccessRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXErpConnectionAccessId'.
Access control for Erp Connections Collection of ErpConnectionAccessRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ErpConnectionAccess table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpConnectionAccess'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpConnectionAccessTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpConnectionAccessRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ErpConnectionActorType table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ErpConnectionActorTypeRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Data about the configuration of one Erp Actor on one ErpConnection
Row Object for table 'ErpConnectionActorType'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpConnectionActorType'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpConnectionActorTypeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpConnectionActorTypeRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXErpConnectionActorTypeId'.
Class representing index 'IErpConnectionIdActorTypeErp'.
Data about the configuration of one Erp Actor on one ErpConnection Collection of ErpConnectionActorTypeRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ErpConnectionActorType table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpConnectionActorType'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpConnectionActorTypeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpConnectionActorTypeRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IErpConnectionIdActorTypeErp'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IErpConnectionIdActorTypeCrm'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ErpConnection table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ErpConnectionRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
One connection to an ERP connector, specifying Client and other required information
Row Object for table 'ErpConnection'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpConnection'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpConnectionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpConnectionRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXErpConnectionConnectionId'.
Class representing index 'IDXErpConnectionId'.
One connection to an ERP connector, specifying Client and other required information Collection of ErpConnectionRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ErpConnection table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpConnection'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpConnectionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpConnectionRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXErpConnectionErpConnectorI'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ErpConnector table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ErpConnectorRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
One ERP Connector, known by its URL
Row Object for table 'ErpConnector'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpConnector'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpConnectorTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpConnectorRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXErpConnectorId'.
One ERP Connector, known by its URL Collection of ErpConnectorRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ErpConnector table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpConnector'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpConnectorTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpConnectorRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ErpExternalKey table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ErpExternalKeyRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
The external (ERP-facing) key related to a synchronized record / connection
Row Object for table 'ErpExternalKey'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpExternalKey'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpExternalKeyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpExternalKeyRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IErpConnectionIdActorTypeErpK'.
Class representing index 'IErpConnectionIdErpInternalKe'.
Class representing index 'IDXErpExternalKeyId'.
The external (ERP-facing) key related to a synchronized record / connection Collection of ErpExternalKeyRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ErpExternalKey table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpExternalKey'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpExternalKeyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpExternalKeyRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IErpConnectionIdErpInternalKe'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IErpConnectionIdActorTypeErpK'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IDXErpExternalKeyErpInternalK'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ErpField table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ErpFieldRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Store the metadata describing the fields that belong to an actor/connection combination, as described by the Erp Connector
Row Object for table 'ErpField'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpField'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpFieldTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpFieldRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IErpConnectionActorTypeIdErpF'.
Class representing index 'IDXErpFieldId'.
Store the metadata describing the fields that belong to an actor/connection combination, as described by the Erp Connector Collection of ErpFieldRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ErpField table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpField'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpFieldTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpFieldRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IErpConnectionActorTypeIdErpF'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ErpInternalKey table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ErpInternalKeyRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
The internal (superoffice-facing) key related to a synchronized record
Row Object for table 'ErpInternalKey'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpInternalKey'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpInternalKeyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpInternalKeyRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXErpInternalKeyId'.
Class representing index 'IRecordIdTableId'.
The internal (superoffice-facing) key related to a synchronized record Collection of ErpInternalKeyRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ErpInternalKey table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpInternalKey'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpInternalKeyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpInternalKeyRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IRecordIdTableId'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ErpListItemMapping table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ErpListItemMappingRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Defines a mapping of ERP to CRM fields, per connection and actor type
Row Object for table 'ErpListItemMapping'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpListItemMapping'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpListItemMappingTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpListItemMappingRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IErpFieldIdErpItemKey'.
Class representing index 'IDXErpListItemMappingId'.
Defines a mapping of ERP to CRM fields, per connection and actor type Collection of ErpListItemMappingRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ErpListItemMapping table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpListItemMapping'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpListItemMappingTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpListItemMappingRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IErpFieldIdErpItemKey'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ErpSyncLog table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ErpSyncLogRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Record all field changes done by the Erp Sync
Row Object for table 'ErpSyncLog'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpSyncLog'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpSyncLogTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpSyncLogRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXErpSyncLogId'.
Record all field changes done by the Erp Sync Collection of ErpSyncLogRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ErpSyncLog table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ErpSyncLog'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ErpSyncLogTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ErpSyncLogRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ExtAppGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ExtAppGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for ExtApp, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'ExtAppGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ExtAppGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtAppGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtAppGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXExtAppGLId'.
User group link table for ExtApp, for MDO item hiding Collection of ExtAppGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ExtAppGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ExtAppGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtAppGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtAppGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXExtAppGLExtapp_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXExtAppGLGroup_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ExtAppHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ExtAppHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for ExtApp, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'ExtAppHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ExtAppHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtAppHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtAppHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXExtAppHLId'.
Heading link table for ExtApp, for MDO headers Collection of ExtAppHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ExtAppHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ExtAppHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtAppHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtAppHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXExtAppHLExtapp_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXExtAppHLHeading_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ExtApp table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ExtAppRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
ExtApp list table. Applications startable from SuperOffice
Row Object for table 'ExtApp'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ExtApp'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtAppTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtAppRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXExtAppId'.
Class representing index 'IDXExtAppName'.
ExtApp list table. Applications startable from SuperOffice Collection of ExtAppRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ExtApp table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ExtApp'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtAppTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtAppRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ext_datasource table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ExtDatasourceRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains external datasources, used for databaseintegration of customers and companies.
Row Object for table 'ext_datasource'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ext_datasource'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtDatasourceTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtDatasourceRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXExt_datasourceId'.
This table contains external datasources, used for databaseintegration of customers and companies. Collection of ExtDatasourceRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ExtDatasource table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ext_datasource'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtDatasourceTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtDatasourceRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ext_field table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ExtFieldRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains entries mapping an external field to an internal field. Used for database integration.
Row Object for table 'ext_field'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ext_field'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtFieldTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtFieldRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXExt_fieldId'.
This table contains entries mapping an external field to an internal field. Used for database integration. Collection of ExtFieldRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ExtField table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ext_field'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtFieldTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtFieldRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXExt_fieldExt_table'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ext_table table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ExtTableRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains entries used for mapping an external table to an internal table (customer or cust_company) for database integration.
Row Object for table 'ext_table'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ext_table'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtTableTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtTableRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXExt_tableId'.
This table contains entries used for mapping an external table to an internal table (customer or cust_company) for database integration. Collection of ExtTableRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ExtTable table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ext_table'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtTableTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtTableRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXExt_tableChild_table'.
Class representing index 'IDXExt_tableExt_datasource'.
Class representing index 'IDXExt_tableParent_table'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the external_document table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ExternalDocumentRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table stores documents which can be viewed externaly, through the customer module
Row Object for table 'external_document'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'external_document'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExternalDocumentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExternalDocumentRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXExternal_documentId'.
This table stores documents which can be viewed externaly, through the customer module Collection of ExternalDocumentRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ExternalDocument table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'external_document'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExternalDocumentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExternalDocumentRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXExternal_documentAttachmen'.
Class representing index 'IDXExternal_documentChanged_b'.
Class representing index 'IDXExternal_documentCreated_b'.
Class representing index 'IDXExternal_documentHierarchy'.
Class representing index 'IDXExternal_documentS_message'.
Class representing index 'IDXExternal_documentTitle'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ExternalEvent table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ExternalEventRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
The definition of projects as events in Audience (or other Collaborative apps)
Row Object for table 'ExternalEvent'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ExternalEvent'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExternalEventTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExternalEventRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXExternalEventId'.
The definition of projects as events in Audience (or other Collaborative apps) Collection of ExternalEventRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ExternalEvent table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ExternalEvent'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExternalEventTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExternalEventRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXExternalEventEventDate'.
Class representing index 'IDXExternalEventEventEnabled'.
Class representing index 'IDXExternalEventParentRecord'.
Class representing index 'IDXExternalEventParentTable'.
Handle extra fields on behalf of row objects, instead of baking this into the generated code
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the extra_fields table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ExtraFieldsRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains entries for the extra fields in the system.
Row Object for table 'extra_fields'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'extra_fields'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtraFieldsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtraFieldsRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_fieldsId'.
This table contains entries for the extra fields in the system. Collection of ExtraFieldsRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ExtraFields table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'extra_fields'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtraFieldsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtraFieldsRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_fieldsExtra_table'.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_fieldsTarget_extra_t'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the extra_menus table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ExtraMenusRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains entries for the extra menus in the system.
Row Object for table 'extra_menus'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'extra_menus'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtraMenusTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtraMenusRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_menusId'.
This table contains entries for the extra menus in the system. Collection of ExtraMenusRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ExtraMenus table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'extra_menus'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtraMenusTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtraMenusRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_menusExtra_table'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the extra_tables_entry table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ExtraTablesEntryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Hits/entries in result set of executed search in ejournal extra tables
Row Object for table 'extra_tables_entry'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'extra_tables_entry'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtraTablesEntryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtraTablesEntryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_tables_entryId'.
Hits/entries in result set of executed search in ejournal extra tables Collection of ExtraTablesEntryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ExtraTablesEntry table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'extra_tables_entry'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtraTablesEntryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtraTablesEntryRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_tables_entryExtra_ta'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the extra_tables table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ExtraTablesRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the extra_tables_result table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ExtraTablesResultRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Result set of executed search in ejournal extra tables
Row Object for table 'extra_tables_result'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'extra_tables_result'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtraTablesResultTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtraTablesResultRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_tables_resultId'.
Result set of executed search in ejournal extra tables Collection of ExtraTablesResultRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ExtraTablesResult table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'extra_tables_result'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtraTablesResultTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtraTablesResultRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_tables_resultExtra_t'.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_tables_resultLogin_i'.
This table contains entries for the extra tables in the system.
Row Object for table 'extra_tables'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'extra_tables'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtraTablesTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtraTablesRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_tablesId'.
This table contains entries for the extra tables in the system. Collection of ExtraTablesRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ExtraTables table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'extra_tables'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ExtraTablesTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ExtraTablesRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_tablesDisplay_field'.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_tablesFullname_field'.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_tablesHierarchy_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_tablesParent_field'.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_tablesScreen_chooser'.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_tablesScreen_chooser'.
Class representing index 'IDXExtra_tablesScreen_chooser'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the Favourite table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch FavouriteRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Favourite records (star-marking)
Row Object for table 'Favourite'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Favourite'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FavouriteTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FavouriteRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXFavouriteId'.
Favourite records (star-marking) Collection of FavouriteRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Favourite table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Favourite'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FavouriteTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FavouriteRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IRecord_idAssociate_idTable_i'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IRecord_idAssociate_idTable_i'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IRecord_idAssociate_idTable_i'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the FieldLabel table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch FieldLabelRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Field label override table, makes it possible to override internal string resources. Define your own text for the panels in SuperOffice, e.g. rename Project to Cars in SOAdmin - System Options - Labels This table contains controlling data for the string substitution mechanism. There is one row in this table for each label or string that can be substituted; the active field indicates whether the string is actually being substituted or not. Initially, all rows have this field set to 0. The table is loaded with initial data during database setup. Only SuperOffice Development has the necessary expertise to safely add rows to this table. If a row has active = 1, the table LocaleText should contain one or more rows pointing back to this table, with the actual text to be used.
Row Object for table 'FieldLabel'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'FieldLabel'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FieldLabelTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FieldLabelRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXFieldLabelId'.
Field label override table, makes it possible to override internal string resources. Define your own text for the panels in SuperOffice, e.g. rename Project to Cars in SOAdmin - System Options - Labels This table contains controlling data for the string substitution mechanism. There is one row in this table for each label or string that can be substituted; the active field indicates whether the string is actually being substituted or not. Initially, all rows have this field set to 0. The table is loaded with initial data during database setup. Only SuperOffice Development has the necessary expertise to safely add rows to this table. If a row has active = 1, the table LocaleText should contain one or more rows pointing back to this table, with the actual text to be used. Collection of FieldLabelRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the FieldLabel table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'FieldLabel'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FieldLabelTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FieldLabelRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXFieldLabelResourceId'.
Class representing the validation of a field. This class is a collection of ValidationRule
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the foreignapp table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ForeignAppRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Top level of Foreign Key system
Row Object for table 'foreignapp'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'foreignapp'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ForeignAppTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ForeignAppRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXFkAppId'.
Top level of Foreign Key system Collection of ForeignAppRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ForeignApp table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'foreignapp'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ForeignAppTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ForeignAppRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the foreigndevice table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ForeignDeviceRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Middle level of Foreign Key system
Row Object for table 'foreigndevice'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'foreigndevice'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ForeignDeviceTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ForeignDeviceRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXFkDeviceId'.
Middle level of Foreign Key system Collection of ForeignDeviceRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ForeignDevice table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'foreigndevice'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ForeignDeviceTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ForeignDeviceRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXFkDeviceDevice_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXFkDeviceForeignapp_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXFkDeviceName'.
Class representing index 'IDXFkDeviceOwner_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the foreignkey table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ForeignKeyRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Foreign Key - enables storage of arbitrary extra key information for every table/row in SuperOffice. You may use this table to store your extra information instead of using the dictionary SDK to create your own tables.
Row Object for table 'foreignkey'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'foreignkey'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ForeignKeyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ForeignKeyRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXFkKeyId'.
Foreign Key - enables storage of arbitrary extra key information for every table/row in SuperOffice. You may use this table to store your extra information instead of using the dictionary SDK to create your own tables. Collection of ForeignKeyRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ForeignKey table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'foreignkey'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ForeignKeyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ForeignKeyRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXFkKeyForeigndevice_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXFkKeyRecord_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXFkKeySeqno'.
Class representing index 'IDXFkKeySubkey'.
Class representing index 'IDXFkKeySubvalue'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the form_field_value table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch FormFieldValueRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Form field values saved in a searchable format
Row Object for table 'form_field_value'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'form_field_value'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FormFieldValueTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FormFieldValueRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_field_valueId'.
Form field values saved in a searchable format Collection of FormFieldValueRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the FormFieldValue table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'form_field_value'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FormFieldValueTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FormFieldValueRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_field_valueBool_value'.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_field_valueDatetime_v'.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_field_valueDouble_val'.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_field_valueForm_submi'.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_field_valueInt_value'.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_field_valueLabel'.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_field_valueSequence'.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_field_valueString_val'.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_field_valueType'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the form_keys table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch FormKeysRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Keys that makes sure a form is not posted twice
Row Object for table 'form_keys'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'form_keys'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FormKeysTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FormKeysRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_keysId'.
Keys that makes sure a form is not posted twice Collection of FormKeysRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the FormKeys table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'form_keys'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FormKeysTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FormKeysRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_keysForm_key'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the form table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch FormRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
A form which can be published on a webpage and submitted by visitors
Row Object for table 'form'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'form'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FormTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FormRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXFormId'.
A form which can be published on a webpage and submitted by visitors Collection of FormRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Form table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'form'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FormTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FormRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXFormForm_key'.
Class representing index 'IDXFormResponse_shipment_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXFormScript_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the form_submission table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch FormSubmissionRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
A form submission
Row Object for table 'form_submission'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'form_submission'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FormSubmissionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FormSubmissionRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_submissionId'.
A form submission Collection of FormSubmissionRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the FormSubmission table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'form_submission'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FormSubmissionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FormSubmissionRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_submissionContact_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_submissionForm_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_submissionPerson_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXForm_submissionResponse_sh'.
Typed facade for an object[] that contains all the fields of the FreeTextIndex table, intended for use with DatabaseOperations.DatabaseOperations.ImportTable for bulk import of data.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the freetextindex table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch FreeTextIndexRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This is the index table for the free text search function. Each word in FreeTextWords can have multiple occurrences in this table. Each record in this table points to one occurrence of the word, and points to both the table in which the word occurs (which might be contact or text), and also a pointer to the owner table (which is one of contact, person, project, appointment or sale).
Row Object for table 'freetextindex'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'freetextindex'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FreeTextIndexTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FreeTextIndexRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXFtIdxId'.
This is the index table for the free text search function. Each word in FreeTextWords can have multiple occurrences in this table. Each record in this table points to one occurrence of the word, and points to both the table in which the word occurs (which might be contact or text), and also a pointer to the owner table (which is one of contact, person, project, appointment or sale). Collection of FreeTextIndexRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the FreeTextIndex table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'freetextindex'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FreeTextIndexTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FreeTextIndexRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXFtIdxContact_id'.
Class representing index 'IWord_idOwnertable_id'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IWord_idOwnertable_id'.
Class representing index 'IOwnerrecord_idOwnertable_idW'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IOwnerrecord_idOwnertable_idW'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IOwnerrecord_idOwnertable_idW'.
Class representing index 'ITable_idRecord_id'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'ITable_idRecord_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the freetextstopwords table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch FreeTextStopWordsRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Here are the words that can be excluded from Free Text Search by using the FreeTextAdmin. The words that appear here will not be found in FreeTextWords and typically include "are", "this", "that", and so on - words that occur frequently, but are not useful for searching. The more (good) stop words you have, the smaller the index will be.
Row Object for table 'freetextstopwords'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'freetextstopwords'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FreeTextStopWordsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FreeTextStopWordsRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXFtStopWrdId'.
Here are the words that can be excluded from Free Text Search by using the FreeTextAdmin. The words that appear here will not be found in FreeTextWords and typically include "are", "this", "that", and so on - words that occur frequently, but are not useful for searching. The more (good) stop words you have, the smaller the index will be. Collection of FreeTextStopWordsRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the FreeTextStopWords table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'freetextstopwords'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FreeTextStopWordsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FreeTextStopWordsRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXFtStopWrdWord'.
Typed facade for an object[] that contains all the fields of the FreeTextWords table, intended for use with DatabaseOperations.DatabaseOperations.ImportTable for bulk import of data.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the freetextwords table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch FreeTextWordsRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains the word list (automatically updated by the indexer) for the free-text search. Words are in UPPERCASE and truncated to 9 significant characters. Indexed words, dynamically updated by the freetext index
Row Object for table 'freetextwords'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'freetextwords'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FreeTextWordsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FreeTextWordsRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXFtWrdId'.
This table contains the word list (automatically updated by the indexer) for the free-text search. Words are in UPPERCASE and truncated to 9 significant characters. Indexed words, dynamically updated by the freetext index Collection of FreeTextWordsRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the FreeTextWords table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'freetextwords'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FreeTextWordsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FreeTextWordsRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXFtWrdSoundEx'.
Class representing index 'IDXFtWrdWord'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the FunctionRight table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch FunctionRightRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the FunctionRightRoleLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch FunctionRightRoleLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Functional right definition
Row Object for table 'FunctionRightRoleLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'FunctionRightRoleLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FunctionRightRoleLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FunctionRightRoleLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXFunctionRightRoleLinkId'.
Functional right definition Collection of FunctionRightRoleLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the FunctionRightRoleLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'FunctionRightRoleLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FunctionRightRoleLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FunctionRightRoleLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXFunctionRightRoleLinkFunct'.
Class representing index 'IDXFunctionRightRoleLinkRoleI'.
Class representing index 'IRoleIdFunctionRightId'.
Functional right definition
Row Object for table 'FunctionRight'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'FunctionRight'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FunctionRightTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FunctionRightRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXFunctionRightId'.
Functional right definition Collection of FunctionRightRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the FunctionRight table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'FunctionRight'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct FunctionRightTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a FunctionRightRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the Heading table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch HeadingRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading items for all MDO lists, lists that are grouped and filtered.
Row Object for table 'Heading'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Heading'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct HeadingTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a HeadingRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXHeadingId'.
Heading items for all MDO lists, lists that are grouped and filtered. Collection of HeadingRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Heading table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Heading'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct HeadingTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a HeadingRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXHeadingListTableId'.
Class representing index 'IDXHeadingName'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the help table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch HelpRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains the help pages.
Row Object for table 'help'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'help'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct HelpTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a HelpRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXHelpId'.
This table contains the help pages. Collection of HelpRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Help table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'help'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct HelpTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a HelpRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXHelpApplication_area_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXHelpModule_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXHelpParent_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXHelpScreen_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the hierarchy table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch HierarchyRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains folders used to group the extra tables in the system.
Row Object for table 'hierarchy'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'hierarchy'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct HierarchyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a HierarchyRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXHierarchyId'.
This table contains folders used to group the extra tables in the system. Collection of HierarchyRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Hierarchy table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'hierarchy'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct HierarchyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a HierarchyRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXHierarchyDomain'.
Class representing index 'IDXHierarchyName'.
Class representing index 'IDXHierarchyParent_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the History table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch HistoryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
History lists for lists and searchable controls. Maintains history for Navigator or other search (find dialogs). A single table may have more than one record here, as indicated by the extra_id field. The HistorySize (preference may be set in maintenance client) defines how many records you can have in a history list.
Row Object for table 'History'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'History'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct HistoryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a HistoryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXHistId'.
History lists for lists and searchable controls. Maintains history for Navigator or other search (find dialogs). A single table may have more than one record here, as indicated by the extra_id field. The HistorySize (preference may be set in maintenance client) defines how many records you can have in a history list. Collection of HistoryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the History table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'History'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct HistoryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a HistoryRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IAssociate_idTable_idExtra_id'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IAssociate_idTable_idExtra_id'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IAssociate_idTable_idExtra_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXHistRank'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the hotlist table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch HotlistRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
The table is used by the hotlist to store the relationship between tickets and users
Row Object for table 'hotlist'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'hotlist'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct HotlistTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a HotlistRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXHotlistId'.
The table is used by the hotlist to store the relationship between tickets and users Collection of HotlistRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Hotlist table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'hotlist'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct HotlistTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a HotlistRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXHotlistTicket_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXHotlistUser_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ImportDefault table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ImportDefaultRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Defaults for import fields/objects
Row Object for table 'ImportDefault'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ImportDefault'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ImportDefaultTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ImportDefaultRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXImportDefaultId'.
Defaults for import fields/objects Collection of ImportDefaultRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ImportDefault table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ImportDefault'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ImportDefaultTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ImportDefaultRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXImportDefaultImportObject_'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ImportField table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ImportFieldRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Import object types - see localetext for names
Row Object for table 'ImportField'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ImportField'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ImportFieldTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ImportFieldRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXImportFieldId'.
Import object types - see localetext for names Collection of ImportFieldRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ImportField table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ImportField'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ImportFieldTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ImportFieldRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXImportFieldImportObject_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ImportObject table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ImportObjectRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Import object types - see localetext for names.
Row Object for table 'ImportObject'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ImportObject'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ImportObjectTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ImportObjectRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXImportObjectId'.
Import object types - see localetext for names. Collection of ImportObjectRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ImportObject table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ImportObject'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ImportObjectTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ImportObjectRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ImportRelation table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ImportRelationRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Relations between import objects
Row Object for table 'ImportRelation'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ImportRelation'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ImportRelationTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ImportRelationRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXImportRelationId'.
Relations between import objects Collection of ImportRelationRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ImportRelation table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ImportRelation'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ImportRelationTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ImportRelationRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXImportRelationSource'.
Class representing index 'IDXImportRelationTarget'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the inbox table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch InboxRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Info and status for safe email import
Row Object for table 'inbox'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'inbox'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct InboxTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a InboxRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXInboxId'.
Info and status for safe email import Collection of InboxRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Inbox table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'inbox'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct InboxTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a InboxRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXInboxImported'.
Class representing index 'IDXInboxLocking_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXInboxMail_in_filter'.
Class representing index 'IDXInboxStatus'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the IntentGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch IntentGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for Intent, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'IntentGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'IntentGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct IntentGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a IntentGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXIntentGLId'.
User group link table for Intent, for MDO item hiding Collection of IntentGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the IntentGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'IntentGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct IntentGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a IntentGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXIntentGLGroup_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXIntentGLIntent_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the IntentHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch IntentHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for Intent, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'IntentHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'IntentHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct IntentHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a IntentHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXIntentHLId'.
Heading link table for Intent, for MDO headers Collection of IntentHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the IntentHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'IntentHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct IntentHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a IntentHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXIntentHLHeading_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXIntentHLIntent_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the Intent table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch IntentRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Intent list for SAINT. More information regarding SuperOffice Sales Intelligence on
Row Object for table 'Intent'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'Intent'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct IntentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a IntentRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXIntentId'.
Class representing index 'IDXIntentName'.
Intent list for SAINT. More information regarding SuperOffice Sales Intelligence on Collection of IntentRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Intent table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Intent'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct IntentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a IntentRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the invitation table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch InvitationRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Invitations to events
Row Object for table 'invitation'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'invitation'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct InvitationTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a InvitationRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXInvitationId'.
Invitations to events Collection of InvitationRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Invitation table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'invitation'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct InvitationTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a InvitationRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXInvitationAppointment_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXInvitationEvent_uid'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the invoice_entry table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch InvoiceEntryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contain all invoices, connected to a message
Row Object for table 'invoice_entry'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'invoice_entry'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct InvoiceEntryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a InvoiceEntryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXInvoice_entryId'.
This table contain all invoices, connected to a message Collection of InvoiceEntryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the InvoiceEntry table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'invoice_entry'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct InvoiceEntryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a InvoiceEntryRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXInvoice_entryDate_invoiced'.
Class representing index 'IDXInvoice_entryMessage_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXInvoice_entryType'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the invoice table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch InvoiceRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains invoice entries, normally created when an invoice is sent to a customer, and we want to update the balance.
Row Object for table 'invoice'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'invoice'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct InvoiceTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a InvoiceRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXInvoiceId'.
This table contains invoice entries, normally created when an invoice is sent to a customer, and we want to update the balance. Collection of InvoiceRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Invoice table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'invoice'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct InvoiceTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a InvoiceRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXInvoiceCompany_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXInvoiceCustomer_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the invoice_sum table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch InvoiceSumRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table is used temporarily when listing invoice statistics. It is used because we need to sort balances from both customers and companies.
Row Object for table 'invoice_sum'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'invoice_sum'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct InvoiceSumTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a InvoiceSumRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXInvoice_sumId'.
This table is used temporarily when listing invoice statistics. It is used because we need to sort balances from both customers and companies. Collection of InvoiceSumRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the InvoiceSum table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'invoice_sum'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct InvoiceSumTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a InvoiceSumRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXInvoice_sumCompany_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXInvoice_sumCustomer_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXInvoice_sumLogin_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the invoice_type table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch InvoiceTypeRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
A invoiceable item category (a product or service) that provides default invoice line values
Row Object for table 'invoice_type'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'invoice_type'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct InvoiceTypeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a InvoiceTypeRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXInvoice_typeId'.
A invoiceable item category (a product or service) that provides default invoice line values Collection of InvoiceTypeRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the InvoiceType table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'invoice_type'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct InvoiceTypeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a InvoiceTypeRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the item_config table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ItemConfigRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table is a generic table for storing item configuration. It is only used by the class ItemConfig.
Row Object for table 'item_config'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'item_config'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ItemConfigTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ItemConfigRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXItem_configId'.
This table is a generic table for storing item configuration. It is only used by the class ItemConfig. Collection of ItemConfigRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ItemConfig table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'item_config'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ItemConfigTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ItemConfigRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXItem_configDomain'.
Class representing index 'IDXItem_configItem_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the kb_attachment table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch KbAttachmentRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table connects FAQ entries to attachments.
Row Object for table 'kb_attachment'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_attachment'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbAttachmentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbAttachmentRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_attachmentId'.
This table connects FAQ entries to attachments. Collection of KbAttachmentRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the KbAttachment table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_attachment'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbAttachmentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbAttachmentRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_attachmentAttachment_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_attachmentEntry_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the kb_category_log table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch KbCategoryLogRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Who and when, if somebody edits a knowledge base folder
Row Object for table 'kb_category_log'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_category_log'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbCategoryLogTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbCategoryLogRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_category_logId'.
Who and when, if somebody edits a knowledge base folder Collection of KbCategoryLogRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the KbCategoryLog table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_category_log'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbCategoryLogTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbCategoryLogRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_category_logKb_category'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_category_logUser_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the kb_category table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch KbCategoryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Knowledge base folder hierarchy
Row Object for table 'kb_category'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_category'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbCategoryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbCategoryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_categoryId'.
Knowledge base folder hierarchy Collection of KbCategoryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the KbCategory table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_category'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbCategoryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbCategoryRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_categoryCreated_by'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_categoryDbi_agent_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_categoryDbi_key'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_categoryDbi_last_modifi'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_categoryDbi_last_syncro'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_categoryParent_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_categorySort_order'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the kb_entry_comment table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch KbEntryCommentRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Comments to entries in the knowledge base, typically made by customers
Row Object for table 'kb_entry_comment'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_entry_comment'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbEntryCommentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbEntryCommentRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entry_commentId'.
Comments to entries in the knowledge base, typically made by customers Collection of KbEntryCommentRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the KbEntryComment table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_entry_comment'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbEntryCommentTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbEntryCommentRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entry_commentCustomer_i'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entry_commentDbi_agent_'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entry_commentDbi_key'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entry_commentDbi_last_m'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entry_commentDbi_last_s'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entry_commentKb_entry_i'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the kb_entry_keyword table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch KbEntryKeywordRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains all keywords for the faq entries
Row Object for table 'kb_entry_keyword'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_entry_keyword'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbEntryKeywordTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbEntryKeywordRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entry_keywordId'.
This table contains all keywords for the faq entries Collection of KbEntryKeywordRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the KbEntryKeyword table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_entry_keyword'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbEntryKeywordTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbEntryKeywordRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entry_keywordKb_entry_i'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entry_keywordKeyword'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the kb_entry_log table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch KbEntryLogRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Who and when, if somebody edits a knowledge base entry
Row Object for table 'kb_entry_log'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_entry_log'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbEntryLogTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbEntryLogRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entry_logId'.
Who and when, if somebody edits a knowledge base entry Collection of KbEntryLogRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the KbEntryLog table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_entry_log'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbEntryLogTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbEntryLogRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entry_logKb_entry_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entry_logUser_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the kb_entry table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch KbEntryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains FAQ entries.
Row Object for table 'kb_entry'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_entry'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbEntryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbEntryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entryId'.
This table contains FAQ entries. Collection of KbEntryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the KbEntry table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_entry'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbEntryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbEntryRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entryCategory_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entryCreated_by'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entryDbi_agent_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entryDbi_key'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entryDbi_last_modified'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entryDbi_last_syncroniz'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entrySort_order'.
Class representing index 'ITitleQuestionAnswerKeywords'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'ITitleQuestionAnswerKeywords'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'ITitleQuestionAnswerKeywords'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'ITitleQuestionAnswerKeywords'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entryWorkflow_phase'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the kb_entry_words table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch KbEntryWordsRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains all the words and how many times the are refered to in the FAQ entires
Row Object for table 'kb_entry_words'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_entry_words'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbEntryWordsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbEntryWordsRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entry_wordsId'.
This table contains all the words and how many times the are refered to in the FAQ entires Collection of KbEntryWordsRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the KbEntryWords table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_entry_words'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbEntryWordsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbEntryWordsRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_entry_wordsWord'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the kb_group_entry table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch KbGroupEntryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains group entries for FAQ groups.
Row Object for table 'kb_group_entry'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_group_entry'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbGroupEntryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbGroupEntryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_group_entryId'.
This table contains group entries for FAQ groups. Collection of KbGroupEntryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the KbGroupEntry table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_group_entry'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbGroupEntryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbGroupEntryRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_group_entryKb_entry_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_group_entryKb_group_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the kb_group table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch KbGroupRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains FAQ groups. A group is a cluster of entries (potentially located anywhere in the FAQ hierarchy). A group is located in a certain category.
Row Object for table 'kb_group'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_group'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbGroupTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbGroupRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_groupId'.
This table contains FAQ groups. A group is a cluster of entries (potentially located anywhere in the FAQ hierarchy). A group is located in a certain category. Collection of KbGroupRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the KbGroup table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_group'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbGroupTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbGroupRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_groupDbi_agent_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_groupDbi_key'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_groupDbi_last_modified'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_groupDbi_last_syncroniz'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_groupKb_category_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_groupParent_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the kb_http_link table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch KbHttpLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains URL's associated with a single FAQ entry.
Row Object for table 'kb_http_link'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_http_link'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbHttpLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbHttpLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_http_linkId'.
This table contains URL's associated with a single FAQ entry. Collection of KbHttpLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the KbHttpLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_http_link'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbHttpLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbHttpLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_http_linkEntry_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the kb_solution_finder_entry table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch KbSolutionFinderEntryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Knowledge base problem solving wizard, items in a category linking to a knowledge base entry
Row Object for table 'kb_solution_finder_entry'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_solution_finder_entry'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbSolutionFinderEntryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbSolutionFinderEntryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_solution_finder_entryId'.
Knowledge base problem solving wizard, items in a category linking to a knowledge base entry Collection of KbSolutionFinderEntryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the KbSolutionFinderEntry table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_solution_finder_entry'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbSolutionFinderEntryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbSolutionFinderEntryRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_solution_finder_entryKb'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_solution_finder_entrySo'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the kb_solution_finder table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch KbSolutionFinderRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Knowledge base problem solving wizard, categories and subcategories for drilling down
Row Object for table 'kb_solution_finder'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_solution_finder'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbSolutionFinderTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbSolutionFinderRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_solution_finderId'.
Knowledge base problem solving wizard, categories and subcategories for drilling down Collection of KbSolutionFinderRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the KbSolutionFinder table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_solution_finder'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbSolutionFinderTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbSolutionFinderRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_solution_finderParent_i'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the kb_workflow_access table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch KbWorkflowAccessRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Control of who can do what in a knowledge base workflow step
Row Object for table 'kb_workflow_access'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_workflow_access'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbWorkflowAccessTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbWorkflowAccessRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_workflow_accessId'.
Control of who can do what in a knowledge base workflow step Collection of KbWorkflowAccessRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the KbWorkflowAccess table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_workflow_access'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbWorkflowAccessTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbWorkflowAccessRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_workflow_accessKb_workf'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_workflow_accessUser_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the kb_workflow table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch KbWorkflowRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Knowledge base workflow steps
Row Object for table 'kb_workflow'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_workflow'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbWorkflowTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbWorkflowRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_workflowId'.
Knowledge base workflow steps Collection of KbWorkflowRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the KbWorkflow table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'kb_workflow'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct KbWorkflowTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a KbWorkflowRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_workflowNext'.
Class representing index 'IDXKb_workflowPrevious'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the LanguageInfoCountry table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch LanguageInfoCountryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Many-many link between countries and languages, to give intelligent choices for language
Row Object for table 'LanguageInfoCountry'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'LanguageInfoCountry'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LanguageInfoCountryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LanguageInfoCountryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXLanguageInfoCountryId'.
Many-many link between countries and languages, to give intelligent choices for language Collection of LanguageInfoCountryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the LanguageInfoCountry table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'LanguageInfoCountry'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LanguageInfoCountryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LanguageInfoCountryRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the LanguageInfo table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch LanguageInfoRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Information about languages, from ISO standards and related information
Row Object for table 'LanguageInfo'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'LanguageInfo'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LanguageInfoTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LanguageInfoRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXLanguageInfoId'.
Information about languages, from ISO standards and related information Collection of LanguageInfoRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the LanguageInfo table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'LanguageInfo'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LanguageInfoTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LanguageInfoRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the LegalBase table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch LegalBaseRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Legal base for GDPR (Article 6)
Row Object for table 'LegalBase'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'LegalBase'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LegalBaseTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LegalBaseRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXLegalBaseKey'.
Class representing index 'IDXLegalBaseId'.
Legal base for GDPR (Article 6) Collection of LegalBaseRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the LegalBase table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'LegalBase'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LegalBaseTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LegalBaseRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the legal_html_tags table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch LegalHtmlTagsRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table is used as a list of all legal HTML tags. HTML tags not in this list will be ignored when viewing html versions of messages
Row Object for table 'legal_html_tags'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'legal_html_tags'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LegalHtmlTagsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LegalHtmlTagsRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXLegal_html_tagsId'.
This table is used as a list of all legal HTML tags. HTML tags not in this list will be ignored when viewing html versions of messages Collection of LegalHtmlTagsRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the LegalHtmlTags table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'legal_html_tags'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LegalHtmlTagsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LegalHtmlTagsRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the LicenseAssocLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch LicenseAssocLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Link between ModuleLicense and Associate, for per-assoc licenses; this is how licenses are assigned/consumed
Row Object for table 'LicenseAssocLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'LicenseAssocLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LicenseAssocLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LicenseAssocLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXLicenseAssocLinkId'.
Class representing index 'IModuleLicenseIdAssocId'.
Link between ModuleLicense and Associate, for per-assoc licenses; this is how licenses are assigned/consumed Collection of LicenseAssocLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the LicenseAssocLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'LicenseAssocLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LicenseAssocLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LicenseAssocLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IModuleLicenseIdAssocId'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the LicenseSatlLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch LicenseSatlLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Link between License and Satellite, for per-database licenses
Row Object for table 'LicenseSatlLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'LicenseSatlLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LicenseSatlLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LicenseSatlLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXLicenseSatlLinkId'.
Class representing index 'IModuleLicenseIdSatelliteId'.
Link between License and Satellite, for per-database licenses Collection of LicenseSatlLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the LicenseSatlLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'LicenseSatlLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LicenseSatlLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LicenseSatlLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IModuleLicenseIdSatelliteId'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the LocaleText table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch LocaleTextRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Multi-language text items. Used for user-defined field labels. Must be assigned correct name to match the language they start SuperOffice in. This table should be viewed in conjunction with FieldLabel. If a row in FieldLable has active = 1 this table will need to contain at least one row with the same resourceId as the FieldLabel row. The language id can be either 0 or one of the Windows language ID's; SuperOffice will pick the correct language on startup according to the user settings. If a label cannot be found with the given language and also not with language 0, it will not be substituted.
Row Object for table 'LocaleText'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'LocaleText'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LocaleTextTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LocaleTextRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'ILanguageIdTypeIdResourceId'.
Class representing index 'IDXLocaleTextId'.
Multi-language text items. Used for user-defined field labels. Must be assigned correct name to match the language they start SuperOffice in. This table should be viewed in conjunction with FieldLabel. If a row in FieldLable has active = 1 this table will need to contain at least one row with the same resourceId as the FieldLabel row. The language id can be either 0 or one of the Windows language ID's; SuperOffice will pick the correct language on startup according to the user settings. If a label cannot be found with the given language and also not with language 0, it will not be substituted. Collection of LocaleTextRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the LocaleText table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'LocaleText'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LocaleTextTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LocaleTextRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'ILanguageIdTypeIdResourceId'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'ILanguageIdTypeIdResourceId'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IDXLocaleTextResourceId'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the locking table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch LockingRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Generic locking and error messages
Row Object for table 'locking'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'locking'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LockingTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LockingRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXLockingId'.
Generic locking and error messages Collection of LockingRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Locking table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'locking'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LockingTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LockingRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the log_debug table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch LogDebugRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
A log used for debugging, especially useful for bLogic/ejscript
Row Object for table 'log_debug'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'log_debug'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LogDebugTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LogDebugRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXLog_debugId'.
A log used for debugging, especially useful for bLogic/ejscript Collection of LogDebugRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the LogDebug table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'log_debug'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LogDebugTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LogDebugRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the log_events table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch LogEventsRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
System log
Row Object for table 'log_events'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'log_events'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LogEventsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LogEventsRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXLog_eventsId'.
System log Collection of LogEventsRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the LogEvents table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'log_events'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LogEventsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LogEventsRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the login_customer table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch LoginCustomerRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains entries for customer sessions. At first only used for Soap logins, but will later also be used for web logins
Row Object for table 'login_customer'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'login_customer'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LoginCustomerTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LoginCustomerRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXLogin_customerId'.
This table contains entries for customer sessions. At first only used for Soap logins, but will later also be used for web logins Collection of LoginCustomerRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the LoginCustomer table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'login_customer'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LoginCustomerTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LoginCustomerRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXLogin_customerCustomer_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXLogin_customerOrigin'.
Class representing index 'IDXLogin_customerSession_key'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the login table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch LoginRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains entries for the user sessions.
Row Object for table 'login'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'login'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LoginTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LoginRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXLoginId'.
This table contains entries for the user sessions. Collection of LoginRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Login table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'login'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct LoginTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a LoginRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXLoginOrigin'.
Class representing index 'IDXLoginSession_key'.
Class representing index 'IDXLoginStatus'.
Class representing index 'IDXLoginUser_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the mail_alias table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MailAliasRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains the alias'es for each mailbox, one-to-many-relation. It is in so we can substract the alias'es when when listing the recipients of a message.
Row Object for table 'mail_alias'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'mail_alias'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MailAliasTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MailAliasRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMail_aliasId'.
This table contains the alias'es for each mailbox, one-to-many-relation. It is in so we can substract the alias'es when when listing the recipients of a message.
Collection of MailAliasRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MailAlias
Class representing a custom search against table 'mail_alias'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MailAliasTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MailAliasRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXMail_aliasFilter_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the mail_block table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MailBlockRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table controls the spam-protection system, ensuring that a single email recipient does not recieve too many emails during a certain period of time.
Row Object for table 'mail_block'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'mail_block'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MailBlockTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MailBlockRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMail_blockId'.
This table controls the spam-protection system, ensuring that a single email recipient does not recieve too many emails during a certain period of time. Collection of MailBlockRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MailBlock table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'mail_block'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MailBlockTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MailBlockRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the mail_in_filter table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MailInFilterRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains entries for the mailboxes the eJournal system is fetching mail from (POP3 or IMAP).
Row Object for table 'mail_in_filter'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'mail_in_filter'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MailInFilterTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MailInFilterRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMail_in_filterId'.
This table contains entries for the mailboxes the eJournal system is fetching mail from (POP3 or IMAP). Collection of MailInFilterRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MailInFilter table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'mail_in_filter'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MailInFilterTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MailInFilterRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXMail_in_filterCategory_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXMail_in_filterLanguage_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXMail_in_filterPriority'.
Class representing index 'IDXMail_in_filterReply_templa'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the mail_in_uidl table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MailInUidlRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table is used to avoid spamming the system by importing the same message several times (normally a result of a crash somewhere). When a mailbox is openede, then unique id for each message is stored in this table, and then removed only when the message has been correctly imported and deleted from mailbox.
Row Object for table 'mail_in_uidl'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'mail_in_uidl'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MailInUidlTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MailInUidlRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMail_in_uidlId'.
This table is used to avoid spamming the system by importing the same message several times (normally a result of a crash somewhere). When a mailbox is openede, then unique id for each message is stored in this table, and then removed only when the message has been correctly imported and deleted from mailbox. Collection of MailInUidlRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MailInUidl table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'mail_in_uidl'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MailInUidlTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MailInUidlRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXMail_in_uidlFilter_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the MailingDomains table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MailingDomainsRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
List of allowed domains used in a Mailing
Row Object for table 'MailingDomains'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'MailingDomains'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MailingDomainsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MailingDomainsRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMailingDomainsId'.
Class representing index 'IDXMailingDomainsName'.
List of allowed domains used in a Mailing Collection of MailingDomainsRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MailingDomains table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'MailingDomains'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MailingDomainsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MailingDomainsRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the MergeMoveLog table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MergeMoveLogRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Log of merge and move operations (person, contact, project)
Row Object for table 'MergeMoveLog'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'MergeMoveLog'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MergeMoveLogTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MergeMoveLogRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMergeMoveLogId'.
Log of merge and move operations (person, contact, project) Collection of MergeMoveLogRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MergeMoveLog table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'MergeMoveLog'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MergeMoveLogTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MergeMoveLogRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXMergeMoveLogOperation'.
Class representing index 'IDXMergeMoveLogTableNumber'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the message_customers table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MessageCustomersRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains all cutomers who are involved in a message
Row Object for table 'message_customers'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'message_customers'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MessageCustomersTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MessageCustomersRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMessage_customersId'.
This table contains all cutomers who are involved in a message Collection of MessageCustomersRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MessageCustomers table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'message_customers'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MessageCustomersTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MessageCustomersRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXMessage_customersCustomer_'.
Class representing index 'IDXMessage_customersMessage_i'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the MessageHandler table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MessageHandlerRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Presence and heartbeat of a message handler, should be updated once a minute. Older records are stale
Row Object for table 'MessageHandler'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'MessageHandler'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MessageHandlerTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MessageHandlerRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMessageHandlerId'.
Class representing index 'IDXMessageHandlerUniqueIdenti'.
Presence and heartbeat of a message handler, should be updated once a minute. Older records are stale Collection of MessageHandlerRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MessageHandler table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'MessageHandler'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MessageHandlerTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MessageHandlerRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXMessageHandlerMachine'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the message_header table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MessageHeaderRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains small pieces of information which is listed over the body for each message.
Row Object for table 'message_header'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'message_header'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MessageHeaderTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MessageHeaderRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMessage_headerId'.
This table contains small pieces of information which is listed over the body for each message. Collection of MessageHeaderRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MessageHeader table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'message_header'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MessageHeaderTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MessageHeaderRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXMessage_headerMessage_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the message_id table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MessageIdRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table links an email message id to an eJournal item
Row Object for table 'message_id'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'message_id'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MessageIdTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MessageIdRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMessage_idId'.
This table links an email message id to an eJournal item Collection of MessageIdRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MessageId table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'message_id'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MessageIdTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MessageIdRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXMessage_idDomain'.
Class representing index 'IDXMessage_idItem_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXMessage_idMessageId'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the Message table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MessageRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Definition of a message, corresponding to the header of a protocol
Row Object for table 'Message'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Message'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MessageTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MessageRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IAssociateIdSystemMessageIdOn'.
Class representing index 'IDXMessageId'.
Definition of a message, corresponding to the header of a protocol Collection of MessageRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Message table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Message'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MessageTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MessageRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IAssociateIdSystemMessageIdOn'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IAssociateIdSystemMessageIdOn'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Summary description for ModifyRules.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ModuleLicense table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ModuleLicenseRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Module licenses, belonging to one single owner
Row Object for table 'ModuleLicense'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ModuleLicense'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ModuleLicenseTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ModuleLicenseRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXModuleLicenseId'.
Class representing index 'IModuleNameModuleVersionModul'.
Module licenses, belonging to one single owner Collection of ModuleLicenseRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ModuleLicense table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ModuleLicense'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ModuleLicenseTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ModuleLicenseRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IModuleNameModuleVersionModul'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IModuleNameModuleVersionModul'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ModuleOwner table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ModuleOwnerRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Unique owner of a set of licensed modules
Row Object for table 'ModuleOwner'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ModuleOwner'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ModuleOwnerTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ModuleOwnerRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXModuleOwnerId'.
Class representing index 'IDXModuleOwnerOwnerName'.
Unique owner of a set of licensed modules Collection of ModuleOwnerRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ModuleOwner table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ModuleOwner'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ModuleOwnerTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ModuleOwnerRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the MrMrsGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MrMrsGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for MrMrs, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'MrMrsGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'MrMrsGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MrMrsGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MrMrsGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMrMrsGLId'.
User group link table for MrMrs, for MDO item hiding Collection of MrMrsGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MrMrsGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'MrMrsGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MrMrsGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MrMrsGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXMrMrsGLGroup_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXMrMrsGLMrmrs_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the MrMrsHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MrMrsHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for MrMrs, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'MrMrsHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'MrMrsHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MrMrsHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MrMrsHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMrMrsHLId'.
Heading link table for MrMrs, for MDO headers Collection of MrMrsHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MrMrsHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'MrMrsHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MrMrsHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MrMrsHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXMrMrsHLHeading_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXMrMrsHLMrmrs_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the MrMrs table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MrMrsRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
MrMrs list table. List of salutations.
Row Object for table 'MrMrs'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'MrMrs'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MrMrsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MrMrsRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMrMrsId'.
Class representing index 'IDXMrMrsName'.
MrMrs list table. List of salutations. Collection of MrMrsRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MrMrs table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'MrMrs'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MrMrsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MrMrsRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ms_filter_mail table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MsFilterMailRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table connects mail filters (ms_filter) to mailboxes (mail_in_filter).
Row Object for table 'ms_filter_mail'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ms_filter_mail'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MsFilterMailTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MsFilterMailRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_filter_mailId'.
This table connects mail filters (ms_filter) to mailboxes (mail_in_filter). Collection of MsFilterMailRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MsFilterMail table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ms_filter_mail'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MsFilterMailTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MsFilterMailRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_filter_mailMail_in_filt'.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_filter_mailMail_sorter_'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ms_filter table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MsFilterRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains email filters. These are the filters allowing you to do advanced parsing of incomming emails.
Row Object for table 'ms_filter'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ms_filter'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MsFilterTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MsFilterRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_filterId'.
This table contains email filters. These are the filters allowing you to do advanced parsing of incomming emails. Collection of MsFilterRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MsFilter table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ms_filter'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MsFilterTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MsFilterRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_filterAutofaq_reply_cat'.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_filterBody_template'.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_filterEjscript'.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_filterNew_category'.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_filterNew_owner'.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_filterNew_priority'.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_filterNew_tags'.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_filterReply_template'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ms_substitute table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MsSubstituteRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Regexp for extracting info from emails when they enter they system
Row Object for table 'ms_substitute'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ms_substitute'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MsSubstituteTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MsSubstituteRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_substituteId'.
Regexp for extracting info from emails when they enter they system Collection of MsSubstituteRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MsSubstitute table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ms_substitute'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MsSubstituteTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MsSubstituteRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_substituteMs_filter_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ms_trashbin table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch MsTrashbinRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains entries for emails which have been trashed by a filter, waiting for confirmation of deletion or import.
Row Object for table 'ms_trashbin'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ms_trashbin'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MsTrashbinTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MsTrashbinRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_trashbinId'.
This table contains entries for emails which have been trashed by a filter, waiting for confirmation of deletion or import. Collection of MsTrashbinRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the MsTrashbin table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ms_trashbin'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct MsTrashbinTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a MsTrashbinRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_trashbinMail_in_filter_'.
Class representing index 'IDXMs_trashbinMail_sorter_id'.
ValidationRule stating that a null value was provided where one is not allowed.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the notice_frame table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch NoticeFrameRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
PID controller for automatic adjustment of pop up message check rate
Row Object for table 'notice_frame'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'notice_frame'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct NoticeFrameTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a NoticeFrameRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXNotice_frameId'.
PID controller for automatic adjustment of pop up message check rate Collection of NoticeFrameRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the NoticeFrame table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'notice_frame'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct NoticeFrameTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a NoticeFrameRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the notify table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch NotifyRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table contains the pop-up messages displayed for users for various events, such as 'new ticket', etc.
Row Object for table 'notify'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'notify'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct NotifyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a NotifyRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXNotifyId'.
This table contains the pop-up messages displayed for users for various events, such as 'new ticket', etc. Collection of NotifyRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Notify table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'notify'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct NotifyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a NotifyRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXNotifyCategory_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXNotifyChat_topic_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXNotifyOwner_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXNotifyTicket_alert_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXNotifyTicket_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXNotifyUser2_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXNotifyUser_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the OLEField table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch OLEFieldRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Control data table for the OLE DB Provider
Row Object for table 'OLEField'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OLEField'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OLEFieldTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OLEFieldRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXOLEFieldId'.
Control data table for the OLE DB Provider Collection of OLEFieldRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the OLEField table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OLEField'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OLEFieldTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OLEFieldRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXOLEFieldFieldId'.
Class representing index 'IDXOLEFieldOLEView_id'.
Class representing index 'IOLEView_idFieldId'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the OLEFieldText table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch OLEFieldTextRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Control data table for the OLE DB Provider
Row Object for table 'OLEFieldText'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OLEFieldText'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OLEFieldTextTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OLEFieldTextRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXOLEFieldTextId'.
Control data table for the OLE DB Provider Collection of OLEFieldTextRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the OLEFieldText table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OLEFieldText'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OLEFieldTextTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OLEFieldTextRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXOLEFieldTextLanguageId'.
Class representing index 'IDXOLEFieldTextName'.
Class representing index 'IDXOLEFieldTextOLEField_id'.
Class representing index 'IOLEField_idLanguageId'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the OLESubject table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch OLESubjectRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Control data table for the OLE DB Provider
Row Object for table 'OLESubject'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OLESubject'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OLESubjectTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OLESubjectRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXOLESubjectId'.
Control data table for the OLE DB Provider Collection of OLESubjectRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the OLESubject table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OLESubject'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OLESubjectTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OLESubjectRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the OLESubjectText table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch OLESubjectTextRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Control data table for the OLE DB Provider
Row Object for table 'OLESubjectText'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OLESubjectText'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OLESubjectTextTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OLESubjectTextRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXOLESubjectTextId'.
Control data table for the OLE DB Provider Collection of OLESubjectTextRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the OLESubjectText table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OLESubjectText'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OLESubjectTextTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OLESubjectTextRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXOLESubjectTextLanguageId'.
Class representing index 'IDXOLESubjectTextName'.
Class representing index 'IDXOLESubjectTextOLESubject_i'.
Class representing index 'IOLESubject_idLanguageId'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the OLEView table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch OLEViewRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Control data table for the OLE DB Provider
Row Object for table 'OLEView'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OLEView'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OLEViewTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OLEViewRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXOLEViewId'.
Control data table for the OLE DB Provider Collection of OLEViewRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the OLEView table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OLEView'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OLEViewTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OLEViewRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXOLEViewOLESubject_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the OLEViewText table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch OLEViewTextRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Control data table for the OLE DB Provider
Row Object for table 'OLEViewText'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OLEViewText'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OLEViewTextTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OLEViewTextRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXOLEViewTextId'.
Control data table for the OLE DB Provider Collection of OLEViewTextRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the OLEViewText table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OLEViewText'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OLEViewTextTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OLEViewTextRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXOLEViewTextLanguageId'.
Class representing index 'IDXOLEViewTextName'.
Class representing index 'IDXOLEViewTextOLEView_id'.
Class representing index 'IOLEView_idLanguageId'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the obsolete_1 table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch Obsolete1RecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Obsolete table for functionality that was never implemented
Row Object for table 'obsolete_1'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'obsolete_1'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct Obsolete1TableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a Obsolete1Row. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXObsolete_1Id'.
Obsolete table for functionality that was never implemented Collection of Obsolete1Row. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Obsolete1 table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'obsolete_1'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct Obsolete1TableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a Obsolete1Rows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the obsolete_2 table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch Obsolete2RecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Obsolete table for functionality that was never implemented
Row Object for table 'obsolete_2'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'obsolete_2'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct Obsolete2TableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a Obsolete2Row. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXObsolete_2Id'.
Obsolete table for functionality that was never implemented Collection of Obsolete2Row. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Obsolete2 table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'obsolete_2'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct Obsolete2TableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a Obsolete2Rows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the obsolete_3 table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch Obsolete3RecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Obsolete table for functionality that was never implemented
Row Object for table 'obsolete_3'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'obsolete_3'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct Obsolete3TableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a Obsolete3Row. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXObsolete_3Id'.
Obsolete table for functionality that was never implemented Collection of Obsolete3Row. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Obsolete3 table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'obsolete_3'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct Obsolete3TableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a Obsolete3Rows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the obsolete_4 table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch Obsolete4RecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Obsolete table for functionality that was never implemented
Row Object for table 'obsolete_4'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'obsolete_4'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct Obsolete4TableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a Obsolete4Row. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXObsolete_4Id'.
Obsolete table for functionality that was never implemented Collection of Obsolete4Row. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Obsolete4 table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'obsolete_4'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct Obsolete4TableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a Obsolete4Rows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the OnlineApp table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch OnlineAppRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Echo and track information about Online Apps and their usage
Row Object for table 'OnlineApp'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OnlineApp'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OnlineAppTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OnlineAppRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXOnlineAppClientId'.
Class representing index 'IDXOnlineAppId'.
Echo and track information about Online Apps and their usage Collection of OnlineAppRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the OnlineApp table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OnlineApp'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OnlineAppTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OnlineAppRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the outbox table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch OutboxRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Outgoing emails with sending status and other info
Row Object for table 'outbox'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'outbox'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OutboxTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OutboxRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXOutboxId'.
Outgoing emails with sending status and other info Collection of OutboxRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Outbox table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'outbox'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OutboxTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OutboxRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXOutboxMessage_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXOutboxTicket_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the outgoing_message table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch OutgoingMessageRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Delivery of outgoing messages to messageplugins, updated with status asynchroneously
Row Object for table 'outgoing_message'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'outgoing_message'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OutgoingMessageTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OutgoingMessageRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXOutgoing_messageId'.
Delivery of outgoing messages to messageplugins, updated with status asynchroneously Collection of OutgoingMessageRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the OutgoingMessage table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'outgoing_message'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OutgoingMessageTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OutgoingMessageRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXOutgoing_messageExternal_m'.
Class representing index 'IDXOutgoing_messageRegistered'.
Class representing index 'IDXOutgoing_messageSession_ke'.
Class representing index 'IDXOutgoing_messageUpdated_as'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the OwnerContactLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch OwnerContactLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Table specifying which contacts can own associates. All contacts that have rows in this table (i.e. rows with contact_id pointing to them) will be offered as associate owners in the maintenance client and as candidate Satellite owners. Such contacts have restrictions on editing and deletion to protect database consistency.
Row Object for table 'OwnerContactLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OwnerContactLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OwnerContactLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OwnerContactLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXOwnerContactLinkId'.
Table specifying which contacts can own associates. All contacts that have rows in this table (i.e. rows with contact_id pointing to them) will be offered as associate owners in the maintenance client and as candidate Satellite owners. Such contacts have restrictions on editing and deletion to protect database consistency. Collection of OwnerContactLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the OwnerContactLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'OwnerContactLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct OwnerContactLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a OwnerContactLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXOwnerContactLinkContact_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PMembTypeGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PMembTypeGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for PMembType, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'PMembTypeGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PMembTypeGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PMembTypeGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PMembTypeGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPMembTypeGLId'.
User group link table for PMembType, for MDO item hiding Collection of PMembTypeGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PMembTypeGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PMembTypeGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PMembTypeGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PMembTypeGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPMembTypeGLGroup_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPMembTypeGLPmembtype_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PMembTypeHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PMembTypeHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for PMembType, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'PMembTypeHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PMembTypeHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PMembTypeHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PMembTypeHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPMembTypeHLId'.
Heading link table for PMembType, for MDO headers Collection of PMembTypeHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PMembTypeHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PMembTypeHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PMembTypeHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PMembTypeHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPMembTypeHLHeading_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPMembTypeHLPmembtype_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PMembType table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PMembTypeRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
PMembType list table. List text of titles (member types) for project members.
Row Object for table 'PMembType'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PMembType'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PMembTypeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PMembTypeRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPMembTypeName'.
Class representing index 'IDXPMembTypeId'.
PMembType list table. List text of titles (member types) for project members. Collection of PMembTypeRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PMembType table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PMembType'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PMembTypeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PMembTypeRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the password_rules table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PasswordRulesRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
This table may contain one entry specifying rules for passwords.
Row Object for table 'password_rules'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'password_rules'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PasswordRulesTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PasswordRulesRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPassword_rulesId'.
This table may contain one entry specifying rules for passwords. Collection of PasswordRulesRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PasswordRules table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'password_rules'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PasswordRulesTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PasswordRulesRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PaymentTermsGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PaymentTermsGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for PaymentTerms, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'PaymentTermsGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PaymentTermsGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PaymentTermsGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PaymentTermsGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTermsGLId'.
User group link table for PaymentTerms, for MDO item hiding Collection of PaymentTermsGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PaymentTermsGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PaymentTermsGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PaymentTermsGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PaymentTermsGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTermsGLGroup_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTermsGLPaymentterms'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PaymentTermsHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PaymentTermsHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for PaymentTerms, for MDO item headings
Row Object for table 'PaymentTermsHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PaymentTermsHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PaymentTermsHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PaymentTermsHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTermsHLId'.
Heading link table for PaymentTerms, for MDO item headings Collection of PaymentTermsHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PaymentTermsHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PaymentTermsHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PaymentTermsHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PaymentTermsHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTermsHLHeading_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTermsHLPaymentterms'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PaymentTerms table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PaymentTermsRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
The list of payment terms, in the internal product register
Row Object for table 'PaymentTerms'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PaymentTerms'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PaymentTermsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PaymentTermsRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTermsName'.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTermsId'.
The list of payment terms, in the internal product register Collection of PaymentTermsRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PaymentTerms table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PaymentTerms'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PaymentTermsTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PaymentTermsRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PaymentTypeGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PaymentTypeGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for PaymentType, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'PaymentTypeGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PaymentTypeGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PaymentTypeGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PaymentTypeGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTypeGLId'.
User group link table for PaymentType, for MDO item hiding Collection of PaymentTypeGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PaymentTypeGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PaymentTypeGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PaymentTypeGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PaymentTypeGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTypeGLGroup_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTypeGLPaymenttype_i'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PaymentTypeHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PaymentTypeHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for PaymentType, for MDO item headings
Row Object for table 'PaymentTypeHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PaymentTypeHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PaymentTypeHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PaymentTypeHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTypeHLId'.
Heading link table for PaymentType, for MDO item headings Collection of PaymentTypeHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PaymentTypeHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PaymentTypeHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PaymentTypeHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PaymentTypeHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTypeHLHeading_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTypeHLPaymenttype_i'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PaymentType table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PaymentTypeRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
The list of payment types, in the internal product register
Row Object for table 'PaymentType'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PaymentType'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PaymentTypeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PaymentTypeRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTypeName'.
Class representing index 'IDXPaymentTypeId'.
The list of payment types, in the internal product register Collection of PaymentTypeRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PaymentType table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PaymentType'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PaymentTypeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PaymentTypeRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PersIntGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PersIntGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for PersInt, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'PersIntGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PersIntGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersIntGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersIntGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPersIntGLId'.
User group link table for PersInt, for MDO item hiding Collection of PersIntGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PersIntGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PersIntGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersIntGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersIntGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPersIntGLGroup_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersIntGLPersint_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PersIntHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PersIntHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for PersInt, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'PersIntHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PersIntHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersIntHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersIntHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPersIntHLId'.
Heading link table for PersInt, for MDO headers Collection of PersIntHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PersIntHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PersIntHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersIntHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersIntHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPersIntHLHeading_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersIntHLPersint_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PersInt table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PersIntRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
PersInt list table. List of Person interests.
Row Object for table 'PersInt'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PersInt'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersIntTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersIntRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPersIntName'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersIntId'.
PersInt list table. List of Person interests. Collection of PersIntRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PersInt table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PersInt'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersIntTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersIntRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PersPosGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PersPosGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for PersPos, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'PersPosGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PersPosGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersPosGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersPosGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPersPosGLId'.
User group link table for PersPos, for MDO item hiding Collection of PersPosGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PersPosGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PersPosGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersPosGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersPosGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPersPosGLGroup_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersPosGLPerspos_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PersPosHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PersPosHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for PersPos, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'PersPosHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PersPosHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersPosHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersPosHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPersPosHLId'.
Heading link table for PersPos, for MDO headers Collection of PersPosHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PersPosHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PersPosHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersPosHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersPosHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPersPosHLHeading_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersPosHLPerspos_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PersPos table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PersPosRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
PersPos list table. Contact person position list
Row Object for table 'PersPos'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PersPos'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersPosTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersPosRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPersPosName'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersPosId'.
PersPos list table. Contact person position list Collection of PersPosRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PersPos table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PersPos'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersPosTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersPosRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the personinterest table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PersonInterestRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Note: If you add or remove rows in this table, you will need to update the interestCount field in the person table accordingly. This field should always reflect the number of interest records a person has, to enable the correct setting of the interest indicator on the tab in the person dialog. Replication note: The combination of person_id and pinterest_idx is unique. If a duplicate is made on a replicated database, the system will replace the record in the target database with the one derived from the source database during replication. Therefore, do not assume that a record in this table will retain its ID indefinitely, even if the person keeps the interest.
Row Object for table 'personinterest'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'personinterest'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersonInterestTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersonInterestRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPintrId'.
Note: If you add or remove rows in this table, you will need to update the interestCount field in the person table accordingly. This field should always reflect the number of interest records a person has, to enable the correct setting of the interest indicator on the tab in the person dialog. Replication note: The combination of person_id and pinterest_idx is unique. If a duplicate is made on a replicated database, the system will replace the record in the target database with the one derived from the source database during replication. Therefore, do not assume that a record in this table will retain its ID indefinitely, even if the person keeps the interest. Collection of PersonInterestRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PersonInterest table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'personinterest'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersonInterestTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersonInterestRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPintrEndDate'.
Class representing index 'IPers_idIntr_idx'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IDXPintrStartDate'.
Helper class to handle issues around the Rank field of the Person row
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the person table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PersonRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Persons in a company or an organizations. All associates have a corresponding person record
Row Object for table 'person'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'person'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersonTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersonRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPersId'.
Persons in a company or an organizations. All associates have a corresponding person record Collection of PersonRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Person table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'person'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PersonTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PersonRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPersCont_id'.
Class representing index 'ICont_idRank'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersCreated_by_form_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersDbi_agent_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersDbi_key'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersDbi_last_modified'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersDbi_last_syncronized'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersDeletedDate'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersFname'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersKfname'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersKlname'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersLname'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersMiddleName'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersModified_by_workflow_i'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersPnum'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersSource'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersUdef2_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPersUdef_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PhoneFormat table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PhoneFormatRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Formatting information for telephone numbers
Row Object for table 'PhoneFormat'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PhoneFormat'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PhoneFormatTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PhoneFormatRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPhoneFormatId'.
Class representing index 'IPrefixCountryId'.
Formatting information for telephone numbers Collection of PhoneFormatRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PhoneFormat table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PhoneFormat'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PhoneFormatTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PhoneFormatRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IPrefixCountryId'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the phone table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PhoneRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Contact and Person phonenumbers (+fax)
Row Object for table 'phone'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'phone'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PhoneTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PhoneRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPhoneId'.
Contact and Person phonenumbers (+fax) Collection of PhoneRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Phone table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'phone'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PhoneTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PhoneRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IOwner_idType_idx'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IDXPhoneRank'.
Class representing index 'IDXPhoneSearchPhoneNumber'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PrefDescLine table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PrefDescLineRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Preference description - multiple choice line - drives the Preference GUI. May be used by third-party developers to add system preferences to be updated from SuperOffice Maintenance client, instead of ini-files.
Row Object for table 'PrefDescLine'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PrefDescLine'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PrefDescLineTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PrefDescLineRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPrefDescLineId'.
Preference description - multiple choice line - drives the Preference GUI. May be used by third-party developers to add system preferences to be updated from SuperOffice Maintenance client, instead of ini-files. Collection of PrefDescLineRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PrefDescLine table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PrefDescLine'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PrefDescLineTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PrefDescLineRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPrefDescLinePrefDesc_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPrefDescLinePrefValue'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PrefDesc table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PrefDescRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Preference description, drives the Preference GUI. Maintenance client - controls all preferences in SuperOffice. You find an overview off all standard preference on May be used by third-party developers to add system preferences to be updated from SuperOffice Maintenance client, instead of ini-files.
Row Object for table 'PrefDesc'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PrefDesc'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PrefDescTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PrefDescRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPrefDescId'.
Preference description, drives the Preference GUI. Maintenance client - controls all preferences in SuperOffice. You find an overview off all standard preference on May be used by third-party developers to add system preferences to be updated from SuperOffice Maintenance client, instead of ini-files. Collection of PrefDescRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PrefDesc table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PrefDesc'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PrefDescTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PrefDescRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPrefDescPrefkey'.
Class representing index 'IDXPrefDescPrefsection'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the preference table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PreferenceRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Not quite obsolete preference table; historical info mostly. From 6.1 this table now holds an upgrade stamp.
Row Object for table 'preference'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'preference'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PreferenceTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PreferenceRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPrefId'.
Class representing index 'ITypeId'.
Not quite obsolete preference table; historical info mostly. From 6.1 this table now holds an upgrade stamp. Collection of PreferenceRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Preference table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'preference'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PreferenceTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PreferenceRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'ITypeId'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PriceList table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PriceListRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
List of prices, cached from an ERP system
Row Object for table 'PriceList'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PriceList'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PriceListTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PriceListRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPriceListId'.
List of prices, cached from an ERP system Collection of PriceListRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PriceList table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PriceList'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PriceListTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PriceListRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPriceListCurrencyId'.
Class representing index 'IValidFromValidToIsActiveIsER'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IValidFromValidToIsActiveIsER'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IValidFromValidToIsActiveIsER'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IValidFromValidToIsActiveIsER'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PriceUnitGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PriceUnitGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for PriceUnit, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'PriceUnitGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PriceUnitGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PriceUnitGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PriceUnitGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPriceUnitGLId'.
User group link table for PriceUnit, for MDO item hiding Collection of PriceUnitGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PriceUnitGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PriceUnitGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PriceUnitGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PriceUnitGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPriceUnitGLGroup_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPriceUnitGLPriceunit_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PriceUnitHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PriceUnitHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for PriceUnit, for MDO item headings
Row Object for table 'PriceUnitHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PriceUnitHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PriceUnitHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PriceUnitHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPriceUnitHLId'.
Heading link table for PriceUnit, for MDO item headings Collection of PriceUnitHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PriceUnitHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PriceUnitHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PriceUnitHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PriceUnitHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPriceUnitHLHeading_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPriceUnitHLPriceunit_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PriceUnit table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PriceUnitRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
The list of price units, in the internal product register (meter, ton, bushel, microsecond, gradus, τρυβλίον, 五合枡, دونم or whatever)
Row Object for table 'PriceUnit'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PriceUnit'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PriceUnitTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PriceUnitRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPriceUnitName'.
Class representing index 'IDXPriceUnitId'.
The list of price units, in the internal product register (meter, ton, bushel, microsecond, gradus, τρυβλίον, 五合枡, دونم or whatever) Collection of PriceUnitRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PriceUnit table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PriceUnit'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PriceUnitTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PriceUnitRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PriorityGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PriorityGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for Priority, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'PriorityGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PriorityGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PriorityGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PriorityGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPriorityGLId'.
User group link table for Priority, for MDO item hiding Collection of PriorityGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PriorityGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PriorityGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PriorityGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PriorityGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPriorityGLGroup_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPriorityGLPriority_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the PriorityHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PriorityHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for Priority, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'PriorityHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'PriorityHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PriorityHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PriorityHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPriorityHLId'.
Heading link table for Priority, for MDO headers Collection of PriorityHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the PriorityHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'PriorityHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PriorityHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PriorityHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPriorityHLHeading_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXPriorityHLPriority_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the Priority table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch PriorityRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Priority list table. Used with appointments: low, high.
Row Object for table 'Priority'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'Priority'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PriorityTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PriorityRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPriorityName'.
Class representing index 'IDXPriorityId'.
Priority list table. Used with appointments: low, high. Collection of PriorityRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Priority table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Priority'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct PriorityTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a PriorityRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProbGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProbGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for Prob, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'ProbGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProbGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProbGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProbGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProbGLId'.
User group link table for Prob, for MDO item hiding Collection of ProbGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProbGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProbGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProbGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProbGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXProbGLGroup_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXProbGLProb_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProbHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProbHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for Prob, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'ProbHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProbHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProbHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProbHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProbHLId'.
Heading link table for Prob, for MDO headers Collection of ProbHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProbHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProbHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProbHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProbHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXProbHLHeading_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXProbHLProb_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the Prob table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProbRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Prob list table. Probability, used in sales .
Row Object for table 'Prob'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'Prob'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProbTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProbRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProbName'.
Class representing index 'IDXProbId'.
Prob list table. Probability, used in sales . Collection of ProbRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Prob table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Prob'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProbTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProbRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProductCategoryGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProductCategoryGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for ProductCategory, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'ProductCategoryGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductCategoryGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductCategoryGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductCategoryGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProductCategoryGLId'.
User group link table for ProductCategory, for MDO item hiding Collection of ProductCategoryGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProductCategoryGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductCategoryGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductCategoryGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductCategoryGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXProductCategoryGLGroup_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXProductCategoryGLProductca'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProductCategoryHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProductCategoryHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for ProductCategory, for MDO item headings
Row Object for table 'ProductCategoryHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductCategoryHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductCategoryHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductCategoryHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProductCategoryHLId'.
Heading link table for ProductCategory, for MDO item headings Collection of ProductCategoryHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProductCategoryHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductCategoryHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductCategoryHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductCategoryHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXProductCategoryHLHeading_i'.
Class representing index 'IDXProductCategoryHLProductca'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProductCategory table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProductCategoryRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
List for the ProductCategory field of the Product table (Quote Management)
Row Object for table 'ProductCategory'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductCategory'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductCategoryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductCategoryRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProductCategoryName'.
Class representing index 'IDXProductCategoryId'.
List for the ProductCategory field of the Product table (Quote Management) Collection of ProductCategoryRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProductCategory table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductCategory'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductCategoryTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductCategoryRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProductFamilyGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProductFamilyGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for ProductFamily, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'ProductFamilyGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductFamilyGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductFamilyGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductFamilyGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProductFamilyGLId'.
User group link table for ProductFamily, for MDO item hiding Collection of ProductFamilyGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProductFamilyGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductFamilyGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductFamilyGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductFamilyGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXProductFamilyGLGroup_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXProductFamilyGLProductfami'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProductFamilyHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProductFamilyHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for ProductFamily, for MDO item headings
Row Object for table 'ProductFamilyHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductFamilyHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductFamilyHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductFamilyHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProductFamilyHLId'.
Heading link table for ProductFamily, for MDO item headings Collection of ProductFamilyHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProductFamilyHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductFamilyHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductFamilyHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductFamilyHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXProductFamilyHLHeading_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXProductFamilyHLProductfami'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProductFamily table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProductFamilyRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
List for the ProductFamily field of the Product table (Quote Management)
Row Object for table 'ProductFamily'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductFamily'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductFamilyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductFamilyRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProductFamilyName'.
Class representing index 'IDXProductFamilyId'.
List for the ProductFamily field of the Product table (Quote Management) Collection of ProductFamilyRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProductFamily table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductFamily'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductFamilyTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductFamilyRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the Product table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProductRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
One Product, member of one price list
Row Object for table 'Product'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Product'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProductId'.
One Product, member of one price list Collection of ProductRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Product table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'Product'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXProductERPProductKey'.
Class representing index 'IDXProductPriceListId'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProductTypeGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProductTypeGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for ProductType, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'ProductTypeGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductTypeGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductTypeGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductTypeGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProductTypeGLId'.
User group link table for ProductType, for MDO item hiding Collection of ProductTypeGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProductTypeGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductTypeGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductTypeGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductTypeGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXProductTypeGLGroup_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXProductTypeGLProducttype_i'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProductTypeHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProductTypeHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for ProductType, for MDO item headings
Row Object for table 'ProductTypeHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductTypeHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductTypeHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductTypeHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProductTypeHLId'.
Heading link table for ProductType, for MDO item headings Collection of ProductTypeHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProductTypeHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductTypeHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductTypeHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductTypeHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXProductTypeHLHeading_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXProductTypeHLProducttype_i'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProductType table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProductTypeRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
List for the ProductType field of the Product table (Quote Management)
Row Object for table 'ProductType'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductType'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductTypeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductTypeRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProductTypeName'.
Class representing index 'IDXProductTypeId'.
List for the ProductType field of the Product table (Quote Management) Collection of ProductTypeRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProductType table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductType'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductTypeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductTypeRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProductVersion table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProductVersionRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Version information for code modules. Owner + code module must be unique
Row Object for table 'ProductVersion'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductVersion'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductVersionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductVersionRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IOwnerNameCodeNameVersion'.
Class representing index 'IDXProductVersionId'.
Version information for code modules. Owner + code module must be unique Collection of ProductVersionRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProductVersion table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProductVersion'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProductVersionTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProductVersionRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IOwnerNameCodeNameVersion'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
Class representing index 'IOwnerNameCodeNameVersion'. This particular class implements a from-the-left subset of the fields, to ease coding of these efficient searches
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the profile table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProfileRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Deprecated. This table contains entries for the user profiles.
Row Object for table 'profile'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'profile'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProfileTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProfileRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProfileId'.
Deprecated. This table contains entries for the user profiles. Collection of ProfileRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the Profile table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'profile'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProfileTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProfileRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXProfileUser_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProjStatusGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProjStatusGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for ProjStatus, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'ProjStatusGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProjStatusGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProjStatusGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProjStatusGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProjStatusGLId'.
User group link table for ProjStatus, for MDO item hiding Collection of ProjStatusGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProjStatusGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProjStatusGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProjStatusGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProjStatusGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXProjStatusGLGroup_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXProjStatusGLProjstatus_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProjStatusHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProjStatusHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for ProjStatus, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'ProjStatusHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProjStatusHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProjStatusHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProjStatusHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProjStatusHLId'.
Heading link table for ProjStatus, for MDO headers Collection of ProjStatusHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProjStatusHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProjStatusHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProjStatusHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProjStatusHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXProjStatusHLHeading_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXProjStatusHLProjstatus_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProjStatus table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProjStatusRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
ProjStatus list table. Project status
Row Object for table 'ProjStatus'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProjStatus'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProjStatusTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProjStatusRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProjStatusName'.
Class representing index 'IDXProjStatusId'.
ProjStatus list table. Project status Collection of ProjStatusRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProjStatus table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProjStatus'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProjStatusTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProjStatusRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProjTypeGroupLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProjTypeGroupLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
User group link table for ProjType, for MDO item hiding
Row Object for table 'ProjTypeGroupLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProjTypeGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProjTypeGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProjTypeGroupLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProjTypeGLId'.
User group link table for ProjType, for MDO item hiding Collection of ProjTypeGroupLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProjTypeGroupLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProjTypeGroupLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProjTypeGroupLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProjTypeGroupLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXProjTypeGLGroup_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXProjTypeGLProjtype_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProjTypeHeadingLink table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProjTypeHeadingLinkRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Heading link table for ProjType, for MDO headers
Row Object for table 'ProjTypeHeadingLink'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProjTypeHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProjTypeHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProjTypeHeadingLinkRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProjTypeHLId'.
Heading link table for ProjType, for MDO headers Collection of ProjTypeHeadingLinkRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProjTypeHeadingLink table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProjTypeHeadingLink'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProjTypeHeadingLinkTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProjTypeHeadingLinkRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXProjTypeHLHeading_id'.
Class representing index 'IDXProjTypeHLProjtype_id'.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the ProjType table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProjTypeRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
ProjType list table. List of valid Project types.
Row Object for table 'ProjType'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
This table is an Editable MDO list; fields are writeable if you have list- or general admin rights (or superoffice code signature)
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProjType'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProjTypeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProjTypeRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXProjTypeName'.
Class representing index 'IDXProjTypeId'.
ProjType list table. List of valid Project types. Collection of ProjTypeRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProjType table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'ProjType'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProjTypeTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProjTypeRows collection of matching rows.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) class that can be used to hold data corresponding to a row from the projectmember table.
Extension methods to make it easy to fetch ProjectMemberRecordData objects from the database, using the TargetedSelect infrastructure
Project members. Link-table between person and project
Row Object for table 'projectmember'. Row objects correspond directly to database tables, and one
instance of a row object represents one row in the corresponding table in the database.
Class representing a custom search against table 'projectmember'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProjectMemberTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProjectMemberRow. If your query matches more than one row in the database, the result will reflect the first row only.
Class representing index 'IDXPmembId'.
Project members. Link-table between person and project Collection of ProjectMemberRow. Each element of the collection represents one row in the ProjectMember table.
Class representing a custom search against table 'projectmember'. Use this class to create a query that is pre-populated with the correct ProjectMemberTableInfo and return fields; you can then add your own restrictions and other clauses to the query. The result will be a ProjectMemberRows collection of matching rows.
Class representing index 'IDXPmembContact_id'.