Enum EOwnershipIndex
This is used as an index into a matrix of tablerights when calculating the access rights for an associate.
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.Security
Assembly: SoCore.dll
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.superoffice.net/ws/crm/NetServer/")]
public enum EOwnershipIndex
Name | Description |
Anonymous | Anonymous users are not employees, could be anyone. Could be Neo trying to hack into your system... All anonymous users are mapped to this row in the rights matrix
External | External users are not employees, and are always mapped to the same row in the matrix
Group | The record belongs to someone is the same user group as us, but it isn't ours
MyCompany | External users: Other user belonging to the same contact (e.g. company)
Other | The record belongs to someone in a separate group from us.
OtherGroup | The record belongs to a secondary group common to us.
OtherToExternal | External users: ???
Owner | The record is owned by same associate as ourselves. i.e. it is our very own, our preciousssss
SameProject | External users: Other user participating in the same project
System | This is used as an index into a matrix of tablerights when calculating the access rights for an associate. |