Enum AppointmentType
Value for field 'type' in table 'appointment'. This Enum is used by: appointment.type
Namespace: SuperOffice.Data
Assembly: SoCore.dll
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.superoffice.net/ws/crm/NetServer/")]
public enum AppointmentType : short
Name | Description |
BookingForChecklist | 7: Booking, made for check list. When accepted this will change type to inChecklist |
BookingForDiary | 6: Booking, made for diary. When accepted this will change type to inDiary |
Document | 4: Document of any kind, including outgoing, incoming and email |
MergeDraft | 8: Document is a template for mailmerge operations |
MergeFinal | 9: Document is a result of a mailmerge operations (there are probably many documents like this!) |
Note | 3: Paper clip on diary, expands to “post-it” note when clicked |
SavedReport | 5: Saved Report (i.e., not a Report Definition but the result of an actual report run) |
Unknown | 0: Unknown - used when initializing |
inChecklist | 2: Appointment is a followup with no specific starttime |
inDiary | 1: Show in diary. If overdue or done today, show in checklist also |