Enum CustomFieldType
Custom Field type: 1 = Number, 2 = Short text, 3 = Long text, 4 = Date, 5 = Unlimited date, 6 = Checkbox, 7 = Drop-down listbox, 8 = Decimal, 9 = DateTime, 10 = Time, 11 = TimeSpan, 12 = Relation, 13 = Attachment
Namespace: SuperOffice.Data
Assembly: SoCore.dll
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.superoffice.net/ws/crm/NetServer/")]
public enum CustomFieldType
Name | Description |
Attachment | 13: File Attachment: int record id in attachment table: '[I:1234]' |
Blob | 5: Binary blob, encoded as Base64 string. |
Checkbox | 6: Boolean, stored as an integer, 1 = checked/true, 0 = unchecked/false: '[I:1]' |
Date | 4: Date: '[D:06/19/2019]' |
DateTime | 9: Date + Time: '[DT:06/19/2019 14:35:56.00000]' |
Decimal | 8: Decimal / floating point, stored as a double: '[F:3.14159]' |
DynamicLink | 14: Dynamic Link: contains link redirect value: 'https://example.com/scripts/ticket.fcgi?action=redirectLink&extraFieldId=5&table=y_equipment&id=2' |
Integer | 1: Number (32-bit integer): '[I:123]' |
ListText | 15: Text with list items to choose between: 'text value' |
LongText | 3: Long text: 'long text value' |
MdoList | 7: MDO List item reference, stored as an integer ID: '[I:123]' |
RelationTo | 12: Relation to another table. Stored as an int (primary key of record in other table): '[I:1234]' |
ShortText | 2: Short text, up to 255 characters: 'text value' |
Time | 10: Time only - ignore the date part: '[T:06/19/2019 14:35:56.00000]' |
TimeSpan | 11: Timespan in some units (hours, minutes or seconds): '[I:1234]' |
Unknown | 0: Unknown/Undefined field type: 0 |