Enum ETableRight
Table right is a combination of bits representing permissions on a row. This Enum consists of flag values that can be combined.
Namespace: SuperOffice.Data
Assembly: SoCore.dll
public enum ETableRight
Name | Description |
Delete | 8: The user is allowed to delete this row. |
F | 16: just Filtering |
FI | 20: Filtering and Insert (Anonymous) |
FULL | 15: Select, Update, Insert, Delete - no restrictions |
Filtering | 16: A flag used to indicate that some fields may be hidden. |
Insert | 4: The user is allowed to add new rows to the table. |
None | 0: The row should be hidden from the user. |
R | 1: Select only |
RF | 17: Select or Filter |
RI | 5: Select and Insert (Anonymous) |
RestrictedUpdate | 32: A hint flag used to indicate that some fields may not be updateable, even though the user has update access to the row. |
Select | 1: The user is allowed to see the row. |
UDR | 11: Select, Update, Delete |
UR | 3: Select or Update |
URI | 7: Select, Update, Insert |
URU | 34: Update or RestrictedUpdate |
Uninitialized | 128: Magic value to indicate not |
Unused1 | 64: Unused value only present for serializatrion purposes |
Update | 2: The user is allowed to modify the values in this row. |
WRITE | 38: Update/RestrictedUpdate or Insert |