Enum ExtraFieldFlags
Flag values for the CS extrafields dictionary This Enum consists of flag values that can be combined.
Namespace: SuperOffice.Data
Assembly: SoCore.dll
public enum ExtraFieldFlags
Name | Description |
CannotChange | 16: The field cannot change after being set |
Deleted | 256: The field is deleted |
DontEscape | 128: Do not HTML-escape the value when displaying field |
DropDown | 32: The field is a dropdown (extra string fields) |
Hidden | 262144: The field is not shown anywhere |
HideFunctions | 65536: Hide the function buttons for this relation |
HideHeaderIfEmpty | 32768: Hide the header for this list if there are no entries |
InNewTicket | 4: The field is viewed in new-ticket form |
Indexed | 524288: The field is indexed |
IsForeignId | 1024: The field is a foreign id |
IsId | 512: The field is the id |
ListRelations | 8192: List relations |
Neutral | 0: No flags set |
NotEmpty | 131072: The field cannot be empty |
Public | 2: The field is public (external) |
ReadOnly | 2048: The field is not writeable |
Readable | 64: The field is directly readable from database |
Searchable | 1: The field is searchable |
SetWhenClicked | 8: The field is set (datetime) when clicked |
ShowRelationInArchives | 4194304: The field is a FK, and in Archives this relation should be followed and columns in the target table should be available in the archive |
ShowWithProperties | 2097152: The field listed with the other main properties for the entity (i.e. for "Edit ticket" it is shown on the first pane) |
UseDefault | 4096: Use default value for field if no value is supplied |
ViewInList | 16384: View this field when listing rows |
ViewInSearch | 1048576: The field is viewed in relational searches |