Enum FieldDataType
Datatype of the field in the database
Namespace: SuperOffice.Data
Assembly: SoCore.dll
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.superoffice.net/ws/crm/NetServer/")]
public enum FieldDataType
Name | Description |
Undefined | 0: Undefined data type (error) |
dbBlob | 11: Blob in hte database |
dbDateLocal | 17: Date, stored as a datetime in the database, with time value that should be ignored. This time is not timezone converted/sensitive |
dbDateTimeLocal | 6: DateTime ( e.g. seconds since 01.01.1970) in Local time stored as an integer value in the database. |
dbDateTimeUTC | 2: DateTime ( e.g. seconds since 01.01.1970) in UTC stored as an integer value in the database. |
dbDouble | 3: Double precision real (e.g. System.Double) value. |
dbExtendedDateTimeLocal | 14: DateTime, stored as a real datetime in the database, with extended range. Local time zone |
dbExtendedDateTimeUTC | 15: DateTime, stored as a real datetime in the database, with extended range. UTC time |
dbInt | 4: Integer (e.g. System.Int32) value. |
dbIntId | 5: Integer (e.g. System.Int32) id. |
dbIntIdArr | 18: Array if int's that represent ID's (foreign keys). Stored encoded as a long string, with each int becoming a word that can be fulltext indexed |
dbNull | 9: This is not a value |
dbShort | 8: Short integer (e.g. System.Int16) value |
dbShortId | 1: Short integer (e.g. System.Int16) id. |
dbString | 13: String (e.g. System.String) preferebly stored as a variable lenght string in the database. The Length can be up to (e.g. not including) 256 characters long depending upon the datatype. |
dbStringBlob | 12: Long string (e.g. System.String) stored as a (text) blob in the database |
dbTimeLocal | 16: Time, stored as a datetime in the database, with date value that should be ignored. This time is not timezone converted/sensitive |
dbUInt | 10: Unsigned integer (e.g. System.UInt32) id |
dbUShort | 7: Unsigned short integer (e.g. System.UInt16) value |