Interface INestedPersist
Interface to be implemented by objects that are to take place in a nested persist (INSERT/UPDATE to the database).
Namespace: SuperOffice.Data
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
public interface INestedPersist
This interface support rather complex save operations. Through a 6-step process a set of related objects can take part of a save operation. All objects taking part of the nested save process should implement this interface.
In addition to exposing the 6-step save process, this interface also expose a method for the save process itself, and a property to check if the object is dirty (in need of an SQL UPDATE).
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is deleted.
bool IsDeleted { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
This interface support rather complex save operations. Through a 6-step process a set of related objects can take part of a save operation. All objects taking part of the nested save process should implement this interface.
In addition to exposing the 6-step save process, this interface also expose a method for the save process itself, and a property to check if the object is dirty (in need of an SQL UPDATE).
Is the object dirty?
bool IsDirty { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
This interface support rather complex save operations. Through a 6-step process a set of related objects can take part of a save operation. All objects taking part of the nested save process should implement this interface.
In addition to exposing the 6-step save process, this interface also expose a method for the save process itself, and a property to check if the object is dirty (in need of an SQL UPDATE).
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is marked for delete.
bool IsMarkedForDelete { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
This interface support rather complex save operations. Through a 6-step process a set of related objects can take part of a save operation. All objects taking part of the nested save process should implement this interface.
In addition to exposing the 6-step save process, this interface also expose a method for the save process itself, and a property to check if the object is dirty (in need of an SQL UPDATE).
Is the nested persist in a saving state, hence disable Sentry when reading id's
bool IsSaving { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
This interface support rather complex save operations. Through a 6-step process a set of related objects can take part of a save operation. All objects taking part of the nested save process should implement this interface.
In addition to exposing the 6-step save process, this interface also expose a method for the save process itself, and a property to check if the object is dirty (in need of an SQL UPDATE).
Interface to be implemented by objects that are to take place in a nested persist (INSERT/UPDATE to the database).
void add_OnElementIdUpdate(OnIdUpdate value)
Type | Name | Description |
OnIdUpdate | value |
This interface support rather complex save operations. Through a 6-step process a set of related objects can take part of a save operation. All objects taking part of the nested save process should implement this interface.
In addition to exposing the 6-step save process, this interface also expose a method for the save process itself, and a property to check if the object is dirty (in need of an SQL UPDATE).
Update related objects with correct id's to make sure that relations are consistent before saving to the database.
void OnIdUpdate()
This interface support rather complex save operations. Through a 6-step process a set of related objects can take part of a save operation. All objects taking part of the nested save process should implement this interface.
In addition to exposing the 6-step save process, this interface also expose a method for the save process itself, and a property to check if the object is dirty (in need of an SQL UPDATE).
Allow for "fake id's" to be forced upon related objects.
void OnPreIdUpdate()
In order to figure out which objects taking part of the nested save operation that actually needs to be saved, this method allows for "fake id's" to be forced upon related objects. Upon receiving the "fake id", the objects receiving such an id can determine if they needs to be persisted (e.g. saved) to the database. However, the fake id's forced upon related objects must be set to correct id's in the OnIdUpdate method taking place later in the save operation.
Allow the object to add itself to a collection of requests for primary keys.
void OnPrimaryKeyRequest(PKContainer pkContainer)
Type | Name | Description |
PKContainer | pkContainer | Collection of objects getting a primary key. |
When implementing this method, add yourself to the collection if you need a new primary key.
Update primary key.
void OnPrimaryKeyUpdate(PKContainer pkContainer)
Type | Name | Description |
PKContainer | pkContainer | Collection of objects getting a primary key. |
This interface support rather complex save operations. Through a 6-step process a set of related objects can take part of a save operation. All objects taking part of the nested save process should implement this interface.
In addition to exposing the 6-step save process, this interface also expose a method for the save process itself, and a property to check if the object is dirty (in need of an SQL UPDATE).
Add the object to the collection of objects that are to be saved within the transaction.
void OnSave(BatchSave batchSave)
Type | Name | Description |
BatchSave | batchSave | An object holding all the objects that needs to be persisted. |
This interface support rather complex save operations. Through a 6-step process a set of related objects can take part of a save operation. All objects taking part of the nested save process should implement this interface.
In addition to exposing the 6-step save process, this interface also expose a method for the save process itself, and a property to check if the object is dirty (in need of an SQL UPDATE).
Called after the save operation has completed. A boolean value is passed to notify whether or not the save operation succeeded. The complete save operation is rolled back if Save operation failed.
void OnSaved(bool bSucceeded)
Type | Name | Description |
Boolean | bSucceeded | True if the save operation succeeded and false if the save operation failed and rolled back. |
This interface support rather complex save operations. Through a 6-step process a set of related objects can take part of a save operation. All objects taking part of the nested save process should implement this interface.
In addition to exposing the 6-step save process, this interface also expose a method for the save process itself, and a property to check if the object is dirty (in need of an SQL UPDATE).
Interface to be implemented by objects that are to take place in a nested persist (INSERT/UPDATE to the database).
void remove_OnElementIdUpdate(OnIdUpdate value)
Type | Name | Description |
OnIdUpdate | value |
This interface support rather complex save operations. Through a 6-step process a set of related objects can take part of a save operation. All objects taking part of the nested save process should implement this interface.
In addition to exposing the 6-step save process, this interface also expose a method for the save process itself, and a property to check if the object is dirty (in need of an SQL UPDATE).
Save all the contained objects to the database.
void Save()
Save contained objects to the database:
Force the save operation to be handled by someone else.
void SetSaveOwner(INestedPersist saveOwner)
Type | Name | Description |
INestedPersist | saveOwner | The object to handle the save operation. |
This interface support rather complex save operations. Through a 6-step process a set of related objects can take part of a save operation. All objects taking part of the nested save process should implement this interface.
In addition to exposing the 6-step save process, this interface also expose a method for the save process itself, and a property to check if the object is dirty (in need of an SQL UPDATE).
Interface to be implemented by objects that are to take place in a nested persist (INSERT/UPDATE to the database).
event OnIdUpdate OnElementIdUpdate
Event Type
Type | Description |
OnIdUpdate |
This interface support rather complex save operations. Through a 6-step process a set of related objects can take part of a save operation. All objects taking part of the nested save process should implement this interface.
In addition to exposing the 6-step save process, this interface also expose a method for the save process itself, and a property to check if the object is dirty (in need of an SQL UPDATE).