Enum LocalizedTextType
The type of the locale text strings
Namespace: SuperOffice.Data
Assembly: SoCore.dll
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.superoffice.net/ws/crm/NetServer/")]
public enum LocalizedTextType
Name | Description |
Column | 3: |
FunctionRightDesc | 12: 12 (languageid > 0) |
FunctionRightLabel | 11: 11 (languageid > 0) |
ImportField | 4: 4 - import system field names |
ImportGUICategory | 6: 6 - import system table groups |
ImportObject | 5: 5 - import system table names |
Label | 1: 1 = fieldlabels |
PushNotificationText | 41: 41 - push notification tex |
StartupHints | 7: 7 (languageid > 0) |
StatusMonitorName | 16: languageid = 0 |
Table | 2: |
UdefAppointmentLabel | 23: 23 (languageid = 0) |
UdefContactLabel | 19: 19 (languageid = 0) |
UdefDocumentLabel | 24: 24 (languageid = 0) |
UdefPersonLabel | 20: 20 (languageid = 0) |
UdefProjectLabel | 21: 21 (languageid = 0) |
UdefSaleLabel | 22: 22 (languageid = 0) |
Unknown | 0: Unknown - used when initializing |