Enum QuoteStatus
The state of a quote-alternative or line: Ok / OkWithInfo / Warn / Error This Enum is used by: QuoteVersion.Status; QuoteAlternative.Status; QuoteLine.Status
Namespace: SuperOffice.Data
Assembly: SoCore.dll
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.superoffice.net/ws/crm/NetServer/")]
public enum QuoteStatus : short
Name | Description |
Error | 3: There is a problem that the system will not be able to get around. The user needs to do something. Example: The user has registered a quoteline that is discountinued and the amount the user has registered is not in stock. |
Ok | 0: OK, all is good |
OkWithInfo | 1: All is good, but there is some additional information that the user should be made aware of. |
Warning | 2: There is a problem that the user must be made aware of. |