Enum Registry
Enum used to map registry values by reg_id
Namespace: SuperOffice.Data
Assembly: SoCore.dll
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.superoffice.net/ws/crm/NetServer/")]
public enum Registry
Name | Description |
AccessLicensePageWithoutLogin | 281: Access license page without login (Yes = 1) |
ActiveLinksInMessages | 9: ActiveLinksInMessages |
AddedLegalHtmlCodeInUpgrade | 267: Added new legal HtmlCode in upgrade |
AddedOptionsFcgi | 332: Added OPTIONS verb to FastCGI handlers |
AlertChatMessages | 66: Whether to alert chat messages |
AllowSentryBypass | 235: Allow sentry to be bypassed? (1 = Explicit in ejScript |
AllowedMailingLinksDomains | 358: Comma separated strings with domains that should be allowed when checking hash on mailing links |
AllwaysSendMailToNewCustomers | 48: Allways send mail to new customers |
AnonNSKey | 243: NS ticket for anon system user |
ArriveNewTicket | 128: Use alternative NewTicket version |
AutoStartTimer | 133: Start the timer automatic when entering a message |
BaseURLForFAQCategory | 62: Alternative Base URL for external FAQ categories. Can be empty. |
BaseURLForFAQEntry | 61: Alternative Base URL for external FAQ entries. Can be empty. |
BlockCustomerFAQParsing | 64: Block parsing of FAQ entries under customer |
BlockLoginAttempts | 55: Number of minutes to block after MaxLoginAttempts is reached |
BlockPanesRenderMode | 232: Block new panes render mode (only render selected pane)? (Yes = 1) |
CCTAddMessage | 10000: Customer Center Template |
CCTCanceled | 10001: Customer Center Template |
CCTChangeCust | 10002: Customer Center Template |
CCTConfirmCustomer | 10003: Customer Center Template |
CCTDoneConfirmCustomer | 10004: Customer Center Template |
CCTDoneRegister | 10005: Customer Center Template |
CCTEMarketeerSimpleMessage | 10006: Customer Center Template |
CCTFramework | 10007: Customer Center Template |
CCTListTicket | 10008: Customer Center Template |
CCTListTickets | 10009: Customer Center Template |
CCTLoggedIn | 10010: Customer Center Template |
CCTLoggedOut | 10011: Customer Center Template |
CCTLogin | 10012: Customer Center Template |
CCTNewTicket | 10013: Customer Center Template |
CCTNoAccess | 10014: Customer Center Template |
CCTPasswordSent | 10015: Customer Center Template |
CCTRegisterCust | 10016: Customer Center Template |
CCTSendPassword | 10017: Customer Center Template |
CCTSubscription | 10018: Customer Center Template |
CCTTicketPosted | 10019: Customer Center Template |
CCTUpdateConsent | 10025: |
CCTUpdateSubscriptions | 10024: |
CCTViewKBCategory | 10020: Customer Center Template |
CCTViewKBEntry | 10021: Customer Center Template |
CCTViewKBSearch | 10022: Customer Center Template |
CCTWelcome | 10023: Customer Center Template |
CSPHeader | 318: Content Policy Provider string |
CarrotPassword | 204: Password for carrot sms |
CarrotUsername | 203: Username for carrot sms |
CellphoneAndPhoneUpdateDone | 208: Updated cellphone and phone searchable fields |
CellphoneUpdateDone | 93: Cellphone update done by upgrade |
ChatAvailableImage | 30: Filename of chatAvailable image |
ChatCheckForIdleSessions | 344: Chat: check for idle sessions (no fetch from customer side) |
ChatUnavailableImage | 31: Filename of chatUnavailable image |
ChatUserIdleTime | 65: Remove user from chat topic if he has been idle long than... |
ChatWhoisString | 28: Link to web page finding the owner of an ip |
CheckHtmlValidityInSOEditor | 286: Check HTML validity when editing messages in SOEditor |
CleanerImportOnOff | 7: CleanerImportOnOff |
CleanerOnOff | 6: CleanerOnOff |
CleanerThreshold | 2: CleanerThreshold |
CleanerTolerance | 3: CleanerTolerance |
CleanupLinefeedInNSMail | 285: Cleanup single Linefeeds when sending Emails through Netserver |
ClipMessagesLength | 341: Clip ticket messages at this length when showing them |
CollapsableMessageStrings | 111: Strings which triggers a collapsable message |
ComponentMaxWidth | 355: Maximum width of various UI components in forms |
ConvertProfilesToClob | 125: Convert profiles to clob |
ConvertRegScreenChoosersToTable | 168: Convert screen choosers from registry to table |
ConverterDone | 248: If convert to seven is done, the 1, else 0 |
CopyLDAPSearchBase | 113: Make sure the LDAP search base field is copied once |
CreateExtraTableDbiFields | 121: Create extra table dbi fields |
CrmGroup | 236: Crm group for users |
CrmRoleAdmin | 237: Crm role for admin users |
CrmRoleCustomer | 241: Crm role for customers |
CrmRoleStandard | 238: Crm role for standard users |
CrossPostMergeTimeWindow | 188: Will attempt to link cross posts inside time frame of x minutes |
CrystalReportsSoapEndpoint | 71: Endpoint for CrystalReports of soap |
CurlDisableStartTls | 322: Disable the use of STARTTLS for Curl |
CurlMailTransferTimeout | 321: How many seconds do we allow for curl mail timeout |
CustomCacheBustingParameter | 289: String that is added to all included CSS and javascript files for cache busting |
CustomNotifyEnabled | 247: Has custom notify been enabled for users? (Yes = 1) |
CustomerCenterTemplatesMovedToDB | 361: Customer center templates have been moved from disk to db |
CustomerEnableFAQAjax | 252: Enable FAQ Search based on AJAX |
CustomerEncryptionMethod | 143: Encrypt customer passwords |
DBIBetaRelease | 130: Enable DBI beta release |
DBIExecutable | 131: DBI executable |
DBSchemaDirty | 244: If the DB schema is dirty - Netserver needs restart |
DbIntegratorEnableStreaming | 95: Enable streaming of database integrator data |
DecodingMailSorter | 80: Enable decoding of mail bodies before mail sorter |
DefaultBlogicScreensOnEditTicket | 195: Use new blogic screens instead of old screens for request editing |
DefaultEditorBodyFont | 288: Default font style in <body> tag for CKEditor |
DefaultEditorContent | 268: Default editor content, for setting font or other styling |
DefaultNoCustomerOnForwarding | 185: No default copy to customer on forwarding |
DefaultSmsCountry | 94: The default country code for the SMS module |
DefaultStatusWhenTakingOwnership | 296: Default status when taking ownership of a ticket |
DefaultTicketStatusClosed | 160: Default ticket status: closed |
DefaultTicketStatusConnected | 163: Default ticket status: connected |
DefaultTicketStatusDeleted | 162: Default ticket status: deleted |
DefaultTicketStatusInactive | 161: Default ticket status: inactive |
DefaultTicketStatusOpen | 159: Default ticket status: open |
DefaultTimeToReplyOnNewTicket | 45: The default time_to_reply on new tickets, -1 disabled |
DefaultTrackAllLinks | 331: Default value for 'Track all links' checkbox in new mailing |
DelayMailboxImport | 53: Delay import of each mailbox with a given number of seconds |
DelegateAlgorithm | 190: Choose delegate algorithm |
DeleteInboxDays | 292: The number of days before inbox backups are deleted |
DirtyTicketSaveEvent | 156: Deprecated ticket.save() event script |
DisableExternalSpmUpdate | 67: Disable external database updates when sending spm |
DisableHtmlFiltering | 26: Disable filtering of HTML when viewing |
DisableImportMailInlineSupport | 359: Setting this to 1 will disable inline support for mime types, instead creating atttachments |
DisableUnauthenticatedCreationInCustomerCentre | 297: Disable unauthenticated creation of new customers and requests in the customer centre |
DisplayDataSources | 191: Display the data sources menu |
DoNotAllowMultipleLogins | 326: Log out old sessions when logging into new sessions, |
DoNotChangeSMRoles | 254: Do not change roles in SuperOffice Sales&Marketing |
DoNotKickLoginSessions | 150: Do not kick existing login session - block new ones instead |
DoNotSearchBodyForTag | 72: Do not search email body for message tag |
DoNotTestSmtp | 52: Do not test SMTP server ie relaying denied |
DoNotUseCompanyCountry | 324: Do not use company country for new persons |
EjSenderVersion | 158: Used for version checking ejSender |
EjournalCronLast | 4: Previous run time for ejCron |
EjournalCronNow | 5: This run time for ejCron |
EjournalOutbox | 22: ejOutbox executable |
EjournalOutboxDelay | 25: ejOutbox mail delay in minutes |
EjournalOutboxDeleteSentMailAfter | 47: Outbox delete SentMail after x days |
EjournalSender | 1: ejSender executable |
EmailImplementation | 320: Which email implementation to use. 2 = old email implementation |
EmailSendingRetryLimit | 310: When email sending fails, retry only this many times |
EmarketeerNewLinkGraceDate | 246: Grace datetime for allowed use of older emarketeer link format |
EnableBackdoor | 24: Obsolete |
EnableEditMessage | 105: Enable editing of messages |
EnableEjStat | 88: Enable the new eJournal statistics |
EnableNewGui | 106: Enable new gui |
EnableNewImportMail | 87: If 1 the new version of importmail is enabled |
EnableSpellCheck27 | 39: Enable spellchecking on eJournal 2.7 |
ExampleBounceFilterAdded | 264: Has the example bounce e-mail filter been added? (Yes = 1) |
ExpiredWorkflowName | 211: User specified name for expired workflow |
ExternalCustomerAuthEnabled | 50: External authentication of customers enabled. |
ExternalCustomerAuthURL | 51: External authentication connection string (url). |
FacebookCallbackKey | 303: Key for verifying requests to the Facebook callback URL |
FaqAddCommentsAccess | 198: Who can add comments to FAQ entries (0=none, 1=customers, 2=all) |
FaqReadCommentsAccess | 199: Who can read comments to FAQ entries (0=none, 1=customers, 2=all) |
FaqSuggestions | 29: Number of faq suggestions in email filter |
FaqTitleWeight | 27: The weight of each word in faq title |
FastPersonRecipientSearch | 351: Faster recipient/person search, no email search |
FixCreationScripts | 184: Fix old creation scripts and move includes |
ForceHTTPS | 186: Force use of https protocol |
ForceIEEdgeMode | 317: Force IE to run in Edge mode using Meta header |
ForceImmediateFileLogging | 336: Force immediate logging to file(more overhead) |
HideContactPersonPassword | 107: Hide contact person passwords |
HideExportButton | 282: Hide Export button from grids (Hide = 1) |
HideIntegratedEjSpmBlock | 225: Hide the integrated emarketeer/mailings block flag |
HideUserStatistics | 58: Hide user sensitive statistics |
IdleLimitCustomerSeconds | 37: Number of idle seconds before customer is logged out(SOAP). |
IdleLimitCustomerSecondsWeb | 49: Number of idle seconds before customer is logged out. |
IgnoreReturnPath | 124: Ignore return path |
ImageResizerExecutable | 284: ImageResizer executable |
ImportMail3ExpireTime | 81: Number of minutes before ImportMail should try a mail again (mode3) |
ImportMail3ExpireTimeAnalyze | 82: Number of minutes before ImportMail should try to analyze again (mode3) |
ImportMailCreateUnknownPersons | 343: ImportMail: create new persons for unknown email addresses |
ImportMailProcPri | 115: Importmail priority class |
ImportMailTimeout | 32: Seconds before importMail looses ownership |
ImportMessageAsAttachment | 129: Import message/* MIME parts as attachment, not part of the text |
ImportmailCheckInvalidUTF8 | 345: ImportMail: check for invalid UTF-8 and fallback to ISO-8859-1 |
IncomingSmsBox | 266: Sms box (main_in_filter) for incoming sms |
InlineImagesDefault | 192: Default value for making images included in messages inlined |
InternalMessageWhenNotCustomer | 119: Make message internal when sender is not contact |
InvoiceEntrySumAdded | 147: Added field ie_sum with content in table invoice_entry |
InvoiceUpdateDone | 44: InvoiceUpdateDone |
KeepDbLog | 117: Keep database log entries for x days |
KeepExistingCustomerCenterTemplatesOnDisk | 353: Keep existing customer center templates on disk |
KeepFormKeys | 118: Keep form keys in database for x days |
KeepWarningLog | 116: Keep warning log files for x days |
LastCleanedExpiredNotify | 301: Time of last removal of expired notify entries |
LastDiskSpaceWarningAttachments | 84: Time of last warning mail sent about low disk space |
LastDiskSpaceWarningBase | 85: Time of last warning mail sent about low disk space |
LastDiskSpaceWarningText | 86: Time of last warning mail sent about low disk space |
LastLicenseExpirationCheck | 239: Last time the license expiration time was checked |
LastLicenseInfo | 137: Last time the license info was sent [deprecated] |
LastRequestDaysLimit | 35: Last request days limit |
LastRequestTicketLimit | 34: Last request ticket limit (maxId-x) |
LastnameFirst | 148: Parse lastname first, when reading customer names |
LimitSearchExtraTableResult | 135: Limit the number of entries return in an extra table search result |
LogChannels | 77: LogChannels. |
LogPath | 40: LogPath in eJournal |
LogoutUrl | 193: Redirect to this URL after logout |
MailFilterMinFaqValue | 132: Mail auto faq minimum score value, also used in faq search on customer center and mailbox |
MailgunIncludeOutOfOffice | 329: Whether mailgun route should include out-of-office replies |
MailgunRewriteSenderHeader | 333: Add X-Mailgun-Rewrite-Sender-Header: false to email headers |
MailingsUseEnvelopeFrom | 349: Use from address as envelope-from for mailings |
MapiServerAppendString | 202: String to append to server MAPI/AD-string if it is not there |
MaxGridRows | 325: Max number of rows returned in grids |
MaxLoginAttempts | 54: Maximum sequential login attempts |
MaxRowsForCharts | 304: The maximum number of estimated row we accept for a chart |
MaximumCountRecipients | 104: Maximum count of listed recipients in form for add message |
MaximumSmsMessagesPerDay | 91: Maximum SMS messages sent per day |
MaximumSmsMessagesPerRecipient | 92: Maximum SMS messages sent to a recipient |
MinimumDiskSpace | 79: Limit of free disk space before sending warning (megabytes) |
MovedSystemScriptsToScreenChooser | 350: Have we moved system scripts to screen choosers? |
NSConvertedProfiles | 234: Profiles are converted to NS syntax |
NSGetKeyPath | 245: The file path to the program which performs AD authentication |
NetServerKeepAlive | 249: NetServer keep-alive every x seconds inside CRM |
NetServerSmsProvider | 258: Name of choosen SMS provider using NetServer API |
NewInvoiceEntryFormat | 123: Save discount percent with 2 decimals and also save money |
NoEjOutbox | 36: Disable internal outbox. |
NotificationExpire | 70: Number of seconds for a notification message to live |
NotifyActiveTickets | 8: NotifyActiveTickets |
NotifyActiveTicketsDays | 21: Notify active tickets delay |
NotifyFramePidGain | 212: PID controller gain parameters for NotifyFrame load balancing |
NotifyFramePidParamsDeprecated | 213: PID controller internal parameters for NotifyFrame load balancing |
NotifyFrameServerLoad | 214: Desired NotifyFrame load on the server. Requests per second |
NotifyTimeOfDayForReport | 319: Time of day for open requests report |
NsPluginConfig | 327: Config values for current netserver sms plugin |
NsPluginSender | 259: Netserver plugin sender |
NumOfListedLinks | 41: Max number of links or images listed on a customer |
OldMessageBeforeSignature | 182: Copy old message before signature when adding a message |
OptimizedCustomerCenterListTickets | 334: Enable optimized list tickets in Customer Center for improved performance |
OracleIndexesUpdated | 220: Oracle indexes have been updated |
OutmailWrapColumn | 23: Outmail wrap column (only used for parameter to htmlConvToText) |
ParseCustomerFields | 127: Parse customer/company fields in search listing |
PasteFaq | 157: Paste FAQ answer directly into message |
PhoneUpdateDone | 197: Phone update done by upgrade |
ProfilesConverted | 194: Whether the profiles have been converted to element_profile |
PsWinComPassword | 171: PsWinCom password |
PsWinComSender | 172: PsWinCom sender |
PsWinComUsername | 170: PsWinCom username |
PublishedWorkflowName | 210: User specified name for published workflow |
QueueTicketStatuses | 283: Ids of ticket statuses that are queues, as a commaseparated list |
QuickReplyMode | 335: Set quick reply mode. 0=normal, 1=submit on ok, 2=removed |
RecipientControlAdvancedSearch | 346: Recipient component searches each word and company name |
RefreshNotifyFrameDeprecated | 112: Notify frame refresh rate |
RegisterCustomerConfirmEmail | 298: Require a confirmed email address before you can register new customers |
RegistryEntry_End | 0: internal |
ReplacedLangFrWithSe | 180: Replaced fr with se in user table |
ReplyTemplateCustomerChatLog | 328: ReplyTemplate for customer chat log |
ReplyTemplateCustomerConfirmEmail | 299: ReplyTemplate for customer confirm email |
ReplyTemplateCustomerCustomerReply | 12: ReplyTemplateCustomerCustomerReply |
ReplyTemplateCustomerNewCustomer | 11: ReplyTemplateCustomerNewCustomer |
ReplyTemplateCustomerPassword | 13: ReplyTemplateCustomerPassword |
ReplyTemplateHotlistNewMessage | 73: ReplyTemplateHotlistNewMessage |
ReplyTemplateHotlistTicketActivated | 74: ReplyTemplateHotlistTicketActivated |
ReplyTemplateHotlistTicketAlarm | 75: ReplyTemplateHotlistTicketAlarm |
ReplyTemplateHotlistTicketTakenOver | 76: ReplyTemplateHotlistTicketTakenOver. |
ReplyTemplateLicenseExpirationWarning | 240: ReplyTemplateLicenseExpirationWarning |
ReplyTemplateNewLink | 339: ReplyTemplate for sending out new links |
ReplyTemplatePrintTicket | 323: Reply template for printing tickets |
ReplyTemplatePublishKbAnswer | 43: ReplyTemplatePublishKbAnswer |
ReplyTemplatePublishKbQuestion | 42: ReplyTemplatePublishKbQuestion |
ReplyTemplateUserActiveTickets | 14: ReplyTemplateUserActiveTickets |
ReplyTemplateUserNewMessage | 15: ReplyTemplateUserNewMessage |
ReplyTemplateUserNewTicket | 18: ReplyTemplateUserNewTicket |
ReplyTemplateUserTicketActivated | 16: ReplyTemplateUserTicketActivated |
ReplyTemplateUserTicketAlarm | 17: ReplyTemplateUserTicketAlarm |
ReplyTemplateUserTicketTakenOver | 38: ReplyTemplateUserTicketTakenOver. |
ReplyTemplateWeekStat | 56: ReplyTemplateWeekStat |
ReplyToAllOnlyLatestExternalMessage | 300: Reply to all button only includes recipients related to last external message |
ReplyToPrimaryEmail | 356: Reply to customers primary email, not the one the ticket originated from |
ReportStartRootFolder | 126: Document report folder start path id |
SLinkCleanUpDone | 265: Clean up in table s_link is done? (Yes = 1) |
SMTPIgnoreLeadingDotEscaping | 60: Ignore the escaping of leading dots when encoding mail. |
SandboxTicketMessages | 348: Use sandbox for viewing ticket messages |
SanitizeMailingsHtml | 352: Sanitize html used in mailings |
ScreenChooserAddMessage | 99: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for Add message screen |
ScreenChooserCategories | 154: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for categories screen |
ScreenChooserEditTicket | 100: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for Edit ticket screen |
ScreenChooserHelpPage | 142: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for help pages |
ScreenChooserInvoiceStat | 134: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for invoice screen |
ScreenChooserKnowledgeEditKbEntry | 166: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for edit knowledgebase entry screen |
ScreenChooserKnowledgeListFolders | 165: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for list knowledgebase folders screen |
ScreenChooserKnowledgeViewKbEntry | 167: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for view knowledgebase entry screen |
ScreenChooserListTicketMessages | 98: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for List ticket messages screen |
ScreenChooserListTicketTop | 97: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for List ticket top screen |
ScreenChooserNewTicket | 96: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for New ticket screen |
ScreenChooserPriorities | 152: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for priorities screen |
ScreenChooserTicketMainMenu | 103: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for Tickets main menu screen |
ScreenChooserUsers | 151: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for users screen |
ScreenChooserViewCompany | 102: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for View company screen |
ScreenChooserViewCustomer | 101: [Deprecated] Screen chooser for View customer screen |
SearchEngineCallback | 360: SE CB (internal use only) |
SearchEngineFilters | 256: |
SearchSubjectBeforeMsgId | 175: Search subject before message id for ticket connection |
SearchToSelections | 196: Converted old searches to selectins |
SecurityModelEnabled | 231: Enable extended security model? (Yes = 1) |
SelectCompanyColumns | 227: Define the columns used to select a company |
SelectCustomerColumns | 226: Define the columns used to select a customer |
SelectTicketColumns | 228: Define the columns used to select a ticket |
SentimentCalculationTimeframe | 354: Calculate sentiment for messages less than X minutes old |
SetupCompanyAddress | 20: SetupCompanyAddress |
SetupCompanyName | 19: SetupCompanyName |
SetupFCGI | 260: Setup has asked for setting up FastCGI |
ShowAutoRepliesToCustomers | 46: Show auto replies sendt to customers |
ShowAvatarsInCustomerCentre | 255: Enable avatars/profile images in Customer Centre |
ShowBlogicMenu | 108: ShowBlogicMenu |
ShowOldReportsMenu | 309: Enable to show the old reports menu item under stats |
ShowReplyTemplatesToCustomers | 33: Show reply templates sendt to customers |
ShowSubmitSpinner | 280: Show spinner when submitting forms |
ShowTotalInvoiceUnits | 78: Show total invoice units on top of requests |
SmsChannel | 139: The channel for an outgoing SMS |
SmsProvider | 169: The choosen SMS provider |
SmsSender | 138: The sender name of a SMS |
SmsServiceEndpoint | 90: Service endpoint for this sms installation |
SmsServiceId | 89: Service id for this sms installation |
SmtpTimeout | 10: SMTP timeout value |
SoapSystemUserPassword | 120: Soap system user password |
SoapUseExtension | 262: The file extension used by SOAP executables |
SpmConcurrentSMTPThreads | 306: This is the number of SMTP threads used when sending eMarketing |
SpmDefaultFrom | 69: Default spm test from adress |
SpmDefaultMailingRate | 305: This is the default mails pr minutes for the mailing module |
SpmHideNewMessageOption | 307: Hide option to create new request in mailings |
SpmImgDBCopied | 230: Has emarketeer image database been copied to new table structure? |
SpmMsgTicketParserUpdateDone | 222: Parser code updated in eMarketeer Message. Done = 1 |
SpmOnlyPrimaryOnTicketSelection | 221: Which customers to receive mail on request selection shipment(0 = all, 1 = only primary |
SpmSMTPServer | 68: Specify an alternative SMTP server for spm |
SpmSMTPServerPort | 200: Specify an alternative SMTP server port for spm |
SpmTimeToRestartSenders | 308: Seconds before restarting emarketing senders |
SpmUseDeliveryReport | 149: Use SMS delivery reports in eMarketeer |
SpmUseHtmlEditor | 146: Enable the internal html editor in spm |
StrictGDRPMode | 342: Enable strict GDPR mode for mailings |
StripNewLineInParser | 83: Turn on stripping of new lines in parser commands |
SuperOfficeIntegrationPassword | 206: Password used by the SO integration |
SystemNSKey | 242: NS ticket for system user |
SystemTimeMode | 59: System wide time mode. 0=12hrs 1=24hrs |
SystemTimeModeInstalled | 63: Is system wide time mode installed? |
Tele2Endpoint | 217: WebService end point for Tele2 SMS integration |
Tele2SmsPassword | 216: Password for Tele2 SMS integration |
Tele2SmsUsername | 215: Username for Tele2 SMS integration |
TemporaryKeyHardDeleteDelay | 338: Time (in days) past expiration before hard delete of temporary keys |
TemporaryKeyTTL | 337: Time to live (in minutes) for temporary keys |
ThumbnailsIsDefaultMode | 311: If true (1; then thumbnails is the default mode in Mailings |
TicketLogSystem | 357: Which ticket log system we are using |
TimeKeyTTL | 330: How many 10-minute intervals should customer centre links live |
TimeZoneForNetServer | 250: Time zone for NetServer calls |
UnicodeConvertedTemplateFolder | 205: Have we asked to convert the templates to utf-8? |
UnpublishedWorkflowName | 209: User specified name for unpublished workflow |
UpdateCustomerEmails | 155: Update customers with cust_email reference |
UpdateFaqAccessToWorkflowDone | 218: Update of faq access to workflows done by upgrade |
UpdateTicketCustomersDone | 141: This values is set to 1 when finished updating ticket_customers |
UpdateUserDateFormatsDone | 207: Update to new dateformats for users |
UpdatedActivateField | 229: Did upgrade nullify ticket.activate field for tickets without postponed status? Yes = 1 |
UpgradeCSParserConverted | 287: Whether upgrade has converted cs:parser to [[ |
UpgradeCustomerPasswordStatus | 144: Status for batch upgrading customers password |
UpgradeNotPresentComment | 173: Not present comment done in upgrade |
UpgradeRolesConverted | 291: Status for upgrading ejRoles to SO common roles |
UpgradeScreenDefinitionsToScripts | 145: Status for converting existing ScreenDefs to ejscript creation |
UpgradeTicketStatusName | 176: Name on ticket status done in upgrade |
UsageStatsDataAddNextRun | 314: Next local run time for data-addition usage stats |
UsageStatsTableSizeNextRun | 315: Next local run time for table-size usage stats |
UsageStatsWebNextRun | 313: Next local run time for Web/CS/Pocket usage stats |
UsageStatsWinNextRun | 312: Next local run time for Windows usage stats |
UseAbsoluteURLsInHTML | 189: Make URLs in HTML absolute |
UseAttachmentFolders | 253: Use folders for attachments, 10000 in each folder, folders named folder0, folder1.. (Yes = 1) |
UseAutoSuppressHeader | 263: Understand and send the MS Exchange header X-Auto-Response-Suppress |
UseBrowserSpellCheck | 269: Whether to use the spell checker in the browser (Yes = 1) |
UseCalltoOnPhoneLinks | 270: Use callTo functionality on phone numbers for companies and contacts (Yes = 1) |
UseCookieInCustomerCenter | 347: Use cookies for login in customer center |
UseEjParserForTemplates | 187: Use ejParser for parsing templates |
UseExtension | 251: The file extension used in CS |
UseFCGIImpersonation | 261: Use Impersonation for FastCGI |
UseFullText | 224: Use full text search functionality when available |
UseHtmlRedirect | 114: Uses HTML (meta tag) redirect, instead of HTTP based |
UseLegacyHtmlConverter | 340: If 2, then use legacy htmlConverter for html to plain conversion |
UseMiddleName | 233: Use middle name in GUI? (Yes = 1) |
UseNetServerSms | 257: Set this to 1 to use NetServer as transporter for SMS |
UseOldHtmlSelectTreeLayout | 164: Use the old HtmlSelectTree layout (nested dropdowns) |
UseOldMailInFilterRegExp | 122: Use old regexp type in mailInFilter |
UseOnlyOneCookie | 177: Use only one cookie |
UseParserInDBIntegrator | 110: Use Parser on the SQL query on external queries |
UseSafeParserFunction | 153: Use safe parser function on customer pages |
UseSha1OnLinks | 290: eMarketing links with id higher than this should use Sha1 encryption |
UseSmsDeliveryReport | 140: Set this to 1 to turn on SMS delivery report |
UseWebServiceSms | 136: Set this to 1 to use WebService as transporter for SMS |
UseWordByWordKbSearch | 174: Kb search will search for each single word |
UserAgentIsMobile | 294: Detect mobile devices using the HTTP_USER_AGENT variable |
UserAgentIsTablet | 295: Detect tablet devices using the HTTP_USER_AGENT variable |
UserGroupsConverted | 293: Are the user groups converted to 7.5 (Yes = 1) |
UserOldScreensOnEditTicketDone | 223: User setting for old screens on edit ticket updated from registry setting. Done = 1 |
UserSignaturesConvertedToHtml | 219: Whether the user signatures have been converted to html text |
UserSyncResyncNextRun | 316: Next local run time for resyncing user information |
ViewCompanyWithPanes | 178: Use panes on the viewCompany screen |
ViewCustomerWithPanes | 179: Use panes on the viewCustomer screen |
ViewExtraTableEntryWithPanes | 181: Use panes on the viewExtraTableEntry screen |
ViewTicketWithPanes | 183: Use panes on the viewTicket screen |
WeekStatRecipient | 57: The email address(es) of week stat recipients |
WwwPath | 109: Path or URL to www folder |
eMarketingEditorInNewWindow | 302: Open the eMarketing Editor in new window |