Enum ReplyTemplateFlags
Describes access level to get reply templaes
Namespace: SuperOffice.Data
Assembly: SoCore.dll
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.superoffice.net/ws/crm/NetServer/")]
public enum ReplyTemplateFlags
Name | Description |
ReplyTemplateAll | 9: Not system templates |
ReplyTemplateCustomerChatLog | 22: System template: Chat log |
ReplyTemplateCustomerConfirmEmail | 20: System template - confirm customer email |
ReplyTemplateCustomerCustomerReply | 2: System template for reply to customers on new request |
ReplyTemplateCustomerNewCustomer | 1: System template for reply to new customers |
ReplyTemplateCustomerPassword | 3: System template for sending password to customers |
ReplyTemplateHotlistNewMessage | 15: New message in a request in the favourites list: |
ReplyTemplateHotlistTicketActivated | 16: A request in the favourites list has been activated |
ReplyTemplateHotlistTicketAlarm | 17: System template for notifying a user that a request in the favourites list has been escalated |
ReplyTemplateHotlistTicketTakenOver | 18: System template for notifying a user that a request in the user's favourites list has been taken over by another user |
ReplyTemplateLicenseExpirationWarning | 19: System template for sending warning to administrator about expiring licence |
ReplyTemplateNewLink | 23: System template - new link |
ReplyTemplateNone | 10: Used for installing or updating system templates |
ReplyTemplatePrintTicket | 21: System template: print request |
ReplyTemplatePublishKbAnswer | 13: System template for formatting the answer when a request is published in the FAQ module |
ReplyTemplatePublishKbQuestion | 12: System template for formatting the question when a request is published in the FAQ module |
ReplyTemplateUserActiveTickets | 4: System template for sending an overview of open requests to a user |
ReplyTemplateUserNewMessage | 5: System template for notifying a user that a new message has arrived |
ReplyTemplateUserNewTicket | 8: System template for notifying a user that a new request has arrived |
ReplyTemplateUserTicketActivated | 6: System template for notifying a user that a request has been activated |
ReplyTemplateUserTicketAlarm | 7: System template for notifying a user that a request has been escalated |
ReplyTemplateUserTicketTakenOver | 11: System template for notifying a user that one of the user's requests has been taken over by another user |
ReplyTemplateWeekStat | 14: System template defining weekly statistics layout |