Enum ShipmentAddrStatus
Status for sending to a particular recipient This Enum is used by: s_shipment_addr.status
Namespace: SuperOffice.Data
Assembly: SoCore.dll
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.superoffice.net/ws/crm/NetServer/")]
public enum ShipmentAddrStatus : short
Name | Description |
Blocked | 3: Blocked because of nomailing flag |
Bounced | 5: Bounce received from transport channel |
Clicked | 7: Test recipient, will be deleted after sent (enum name is not correct, but that cant be changed now) |
Complained | 10: Recipient sent a complaint |
Duplicate | 2: Blocked because it duplicates another shipment addr in the same batch |
NoSubscription | 9: Recipient does not have subscription for shipmentType |
Opened | 6: Recipient has opened the message, we know because of tracking |
Ready | 1: Ready for shipment |
Sent | 4: Sent |
SoftBounced | 8: Vacation notice, etc |
TooManyBounces | 11: Recipient address has bounced too many times |
Unknown | 0: Default value for empty rows |