Enum ShipmentFlags
Bit number enum for use with shipment flags
Namespace: SuperOffice.Data
Assembly: SoCore.dll
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.superoffice.net/ws/crm/NetServer/")]
public enum ShipmentFlags
Name | Description |
FromAlwaysForward | 1: Value: 2 |
FromOurContact | 3: Value: 8 |
FromSalesContact | 2: Value: 4 |
IncludeCompanies | 16: If set, then we include companies in the selection as well |
IncludeNoMailings | 14: Send even if persons consent and subscription indicates otherwise |
Linkify | 15: If this is set, then all links should automatically be tracked. If it is not set, nothing should be done (do not unlinkify) |
NoStaticListLookup | 9: Value: 512 |
PopulateOnlyNow | 11: Value: 2048 |
PreferCompany | 17: If this is and IncludeCompanies are set, then use the company instead when sending |
RecalculateRecipients | 7: Value: 128 |
RecalculateRecipientsOnce | 13: Value: 8192 This is used when you have chosen the "Reload and send to new" option. After it has been sent, this flag is turned off again |
RemoveDuplicates | 8: Value: 256 |
ReplyToAlwaysForward | 4: Value: 16 |
ReplyToEmpty | 10: Value: 1024 |
ReplyToOurContact | 6: Value: 64 |
ReplyToSalesContact | 5: Value: 32 |
TrackRecipients | 12: Value: 4096 Flag used for mailings created in 7.1 or later, where we can resend them, list recipients, etc. |
log | 0: Value: 1 |