Enum UDefFieldType
Field type: 1 = Number, 2 = Short text, 3 = Long text, 4 = Date, 5 = Unlimited date, 6 = Checkbox, 7 = Drop-down listbox, 8 = Decimal
Namespace: SuperOffice.Data
Assembly: SoCore.dll
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.superoffice.net/ws/crm/NetServer/")]
public enum UDefFieldType
Name | Description |
Checkbox | 6: Checkbox, stored as an integer, 1 = checked |
Date | 4: Date, between 1.1.1970 and 2038, stored as seconds after 1.1.1970 |
Decimal | 8: Decimal / floating point, stored as a double |
List | 7: List item reference, stored as an integer ID |
LongText | 3: Long text, up to 199 characters, stored in the 'large' table |
Number | 1: Number (32-bit integer) |
ShortText | 2: Short text, up to 39 characters, stored in the 'small' table |
UnlimitedDate | 5: Unlimited date (without time), stored as an YYYYMMDD string |