Enum ValueOverride
Has a pre-calculated value been overriden in a QuoteAlternative or QuoteLine, and in that case what & how? This Enum is used by: QuoteAlternative.UserValueOverride; QuoteLine.UserValueOverride
Namespace: SuperOffice.Data
Assembly: SoCore.dll
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.superoffice.net/ws/crm/NetServer/")]
public enum ValueOverride : short
Name | Description |
DiscountAmount | 3: The discount amount has been overridden; all other fields should be recalculated |
DiscountPercent | 2: The discount percentage has been overriden; all other fields should be recalculated |
EarningAmount | 5: The earning amount has been overridden; all other fields should be recalculated |
EarningPercent | 4: The earning percent has been overridden; all other fields should be recalculated |
None | 0: Discount data is from the ERP system and has not been overridden |
Total | 1: The Total amount has been overridden; all other fields should be recalculated |