GET Project/{id}/Imageinfo
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GET /api/v1/Project/{projectId}/Imageinfo
Get the Blob that describes the given project's picture.
The actual bitmap is accessible via /api/Services80/project/123/image/content.
Path Part | Type | Description |
projectId | int32 | Project id Required |
Request Headers
Parameter Name | Description |
Authorization | Supports 'Basic', 'SoTicket' and 'Bearer' schemes, depending on installation type. |
X-XSRF-TOKEN | If not using Authorization header, you must provide XSRF value from cookie or hidden input field |
Accept | Content-type(s) you would like the response in: application/json , text/json , application/xml , text/xml , application/json-patch+json , application/merge-patch+json |
Accept-Language | Convert string references and multi-language values into a specified language (iso2) code. |
SO-Language | Convert string references and multi-language values into a specified language (iso2) code. Overrides Accept-Language value. |
SO-Culture | Number, date formatting in a specified culture (iso2 language) code. Partially overrides SO-Language/Accept-Language value. Ignored if no Language set. |
SO-TimeZone | Specify the timezone code that you would like date/time responses converted to. |
SO-AppToken | The application token that identifies the partner app. Used when calling Online WebAPI from a server. |
Response | Description |
200 | OK |
Response body: BlobEntity
Property Name | Type | Description |
BlobId | int32 | Primary key |
BlobSize | int32 | The length, in bytes, of the binary data AS STORED after any encryption and/or zipping. Important to get right, since some databases will not tell us just based on the blob itself! |
Description | string | A description that is entered by the user, and visible to the user |
ExtraInfo | string | Extra information, spare field, can be used for anything that makes sense. Should not refer to any particular context, that is something for the BinaryObjectLInk |
IsEncrypted | bool | Has the data been encrypted. |
IsZipped | bool | Has the data been zipped. |
MimeType | string | Mime type, describing the technical type (image/jpeg) of the data |
OriginalSize | int32 | Original size of the binary data, before encryption and/or zipping. This is what the ultimate client will get |
CreatedDate | date-time | Registered when in UTC. |
UpdatedDate | date-time | Last updated when in UTC. |
CreatedBy | Associate | The person that first created the document. The property is read-only. |
UpdatedBy | Associate | The person that last updated the appointment. |
ConceptualType | string | The type, for instance PHOTO, PERSONPHOTO, or whatever, that is descriptive of what kind of image or data this is |
TableRight | TableRight | The carrier's table right |
FieldProperties | object | Field property dictionary mapping field names to field access rights. |
Sample request
GET /api/v1/Project/{projectId}/Imageinfo
Authorization: Basic dGplMDpUamUw
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: sv
Sample response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Last-Modified: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 10:18:00 G10T
"BlobId": 974,
"BlobSize": 722,
"Description": "Cross-platform responsive model",
"ExtraInfo": "nostrum",
"IsEncrypted": false,
"IsZipped": false,
"MimeType": "qui",
"OriginalSize": 353,
"CreatedDate": "2017-06-08T10:18:00.5199623+02:00",
"UpdatedDate": "2013-10-11T10:18:00.5199623+02:00",
"CreatedBy": null,
"UpdatedBy": null,
"ConceptualType": "provident",
"TableRight": null,
"FieldProperties": {
"fieldName": {
"FieldRight": null,
"FieldType": "System.Int32",
"FieldLength": 275