PUT Project/UdefLayout
Some tooltip text!
• 9 minutes to read
• 9 minutes to read
PUT /api/v1/Project/UdefLayout
Save ProjectEntity user-defined field layout.
Request Headers
Parameter Name | Description |
Authorization | Supports 'Basic', 'SoTicket' and 'Bearer' schemes, depending on installation type. |
X-XSRF-TOKEN | If not using Authorization header, you must provide XSRF value from cookie or hidden input field |
Content-Type | Content-type of the request body: application/json , text/json , application/xml , text/xml , application/x-www-form-urlencoded , application/json-patch+json , application/merge-patch+json |
Accept | Content-type(s) you would like the response in: application/json , text/json , application/xml , text/xml , application/json-patch+json , application/merge-patch+json |
Accept-Language | Convert string references and multi-language values into a specified language (iso2) code. |
SO-Language | Convert string references and multi-language values into a specified language (iso2) code. Overrides Accept-Language value. |
SO-Culture | Number, date formatting in a specified culture (iso2 language) code. Partially overrides SO-Language/Accept-Language value. Ignored if no Language set. |
SO-TimeZone | Specify the timezone code that you would like date/time responses converted to. |
SO-AppToken | The application token that identifies the partner app. Used when calling Online WebAPI from a server. |
Request Body: fields
Property Name | Type | Description |
UDefFieldId | Integer | Primary key |
ColumnId | Integer | The ID of the database column this field corresponds to |
FieldDefault | String | Optional default value for String fields |
FieldHeight | Integer | field height in pixels, 0 = 'enough' (from font) |
FieldLabel | String | The label (lead text) |
FieldLeft | Integer | X pixel coordinate of field |
FieldTop | Integer | Y pixel coordinate of field |
FieldType | String | Field type: 0 = leadtext only, 1 = Edit, 2 = CheckBox, 3 = dropdown, 4 = listbox |
FieldWidth | Integer | field width in pixels, 0 = 'enough' (from font) |
FormatMask | String | Formatting mask, can be whatever the controls understand (currently nothing :-)) |
HideLabel | Boolean | Hide the label if 1 |
IsIndexed | Boolean | Is this field indexed? 0 if no, index no. if yes |
LabelHeight | Integer | label height in pixels, 0 = 'enough' (from font) |
LabelLeft | Integer | X pixel coordinate of label |
LabelTop | Integer | Y pixel coordinate of label |
LabelWidth | Integer | label width in pixels, 0 = 'enough' (from font) |
LastVersionId | Integer | UDefFieldId this field had in the previous version, 0 = field is new in this version |
ListTableId | Integer | The table ID of the source table for lists: kTableAssoc, kTableContInt or whatever |
IsMandatory | Boolean | 0 = no, 1 = yes (field must be filled out) |
Type | String | ID of owning table (contact, person, project) - this is not the actual tableNumber, rather it's an enum |
Page1LineNo | Integer | Line no on View Page 1, used if MDO flags are OFF. 0 = this field is not visible on page 1 |
ProgId | String | Programmatic ID, for use by software that needs to find a particular field. Carried over like udefIdentity across generations. Use a Company.Product.Field format to avoid naming conflicts; the Company name SuperOffice is reserved. |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | 0 = read/write, 1 = readonly (don't combine with mandatory 8-) ) |
ShortLabel | String | Short name to be used in Archive headings and on page 1. If blank, the fieldLabel will be used everywhere. |
TabOrder | Integer | Tab order value, sets the field processing sequence |
TextLength | Integer | Length (in characters) of a text field, 0 for other types |
Tooltip | String | Optional tooltip text for this field |
UdefIdentity | Integer | Unique number used to track field identity across layout changes |
UDListDefinitionId | Integer | List to use for populating dropdown or listbox |
Justification | String | Justification - 0 = default, left, right, center |
Version | Integer | Definition version number; ALL fields get new version whenever layout is updated. |
TemplateVariableName | String | Template variable name |
HasBeenPublished | Boolean | Has the udef field been published? |
MdoListName | String | MDO list name used to populate this list. Derived from UDListDefinitionId and ListTableId. (Read-only) |
Response | Description |
200 | OK |
Response body: array
Property Name | Type | Description |
UDefFieldId | int32 | Primary key |
ColumnId | int32 | The ID of the database column this field corresponds to |
FieldDefault | string | Optional default value for String fields |
FieldHeight | int32 | field height in pixels, 0 = 'enough' (from font) |
FieldLabel | string | The label (lead text) |
FieldLeft | int32 | X pixel coordinate of field |
FieldTop | int32 | Y pixel coordinate of field |
FieldType | string | Field type: 0 = leadtext only, 1 = Edit, 2 = CheckBox, 3 = dropdown, 4 = listbox |
FieldWidth | int32 | field width in pixels, 0 = 'enough' (from font) |
FormatMask | string | Formatting mask, can be whatever the controls understand (currently nothing :-)) |
HideLabel | bool | Hide the label if 1 |
IsIndexed | bool | Is this field indexed? 0 if no, index no. if yes |
LabelHeight | int32 | label height in pixels, 0 = 'enough' (from font) |
LabelLeft | int32 | X pixel coordinate of label |
LabelTop | int32 | Y pixel coordinate of label |
LabelWidth | int32 | label width in pixels, 0 = 'enough' (from font) |
LastVersionId | int32 | UDefFieldId this field had in the previous version, 0 = field is new in this version |
ListTableId | int32 | The table ID of the source table for lists: kTableAssoc, kTableContInt or whatever |
IsMandatory | bool | 0 = no, 1 = yes (field must be filled out) |
Type | string | ID of owning table (contact, person, project) - this is not the actual tableNumber, rather it's an enum |
Page1LineNo | int32 | Line no on View Page 1, used if MDO flags are OFF. 0 = this field is not visible on page 1 |
ProgId | string | Programmatic ID, for use by software that needs to find a particular field. Carried over like udefIdentity across generations. Use a Company.Product.Field format to avoid naming conflicts; the Company name SuperOffice is reserved. |
IsReadOnly | bool | 0 = read/write, 1 = readonly (don't combine with mandatory 8-) ) |
ShortLabel | string | Short name to be used in Archive headings and on page 1. If blank, the fieldLabel will be used everywhere. |
TabOrder | int32 | Tab order value, sets the field processing sequence |
TextLength | int32 | Length (in characters) of a text field, 0 for other types |
Tooltip | string | Optional tooltip text for this field |
UdefIdentity | int32 | Unique number used to track field identity across layout changes |
UDListDefinitionId | int32 | List to use for populating dropdown or listbox |
Justification | string | Justification - 0 = default, left, right, center |
Version | int32 | Definition version number; ALL fields get new version whenever layout is updated. |
TemplateVariableName | string | Template variable name |
HasBeenPublished | bool | Has the udef field been published? |
MdoListName | string | MDO list name used to populate this list. Derived from UDListDefinitionId and ListTableId. (Read-only) |
TableRight | TableRight | The carrier's table right |
FieldProperties | object | Field property dictionary mapping field names to field access rights. |
Sample request
PUT /api/v1/Project/UdefLayout
Authorization: Basic dGplMDpUamUw
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"UDefFieldId": 705,
"ColumnId": 619,
"FieldDefault": "ut",
"FieldHeight": 611,
"FieldLabel": "ducimus",
"FieldLeft": 433,
"FieldTop": 764,
"FieldType": "Checkbox",
"FieldWidth": 339,
"FormatMask": "voluptatem",
"HideLabel": false,
"IsIndexed": false,
"LabelHeight": 401,
"LabelLeft": 857,
"LabelTop": 258,
"LabelWidth": 643,
"LastVersionId": 975,
"ListTableId": 737,
"IsMandatory": false,
"Type": "Appointment",
"Page1LineNo": 289,
"ProgId": "omnis",
"IsReadOnly": false,
"ShortLabel": "quo",
"TabOrder": 448,
"TextLength": 917,
"Tooltip": "dolor",
"UdefIdentity": 377,
"UDListDefinitionId": 630,
"Justification": "Center",
"Version": 486,
"TemplateVariableName": "Kertzmann-Cronin",
"HasBeenPublished": false,
"MdoListName": "Hirthe-Pacocha"
Sample response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"UDefFieldId": 453,
"ColumnId": 586,
"FieldDefault": "atque",
"FieldHeight": 697,
"FieldLabel": "et",
"FieldLeft": 921,
"FieldTop": 578,
"FieldType": "Checkbox",
"FieldWidth": 810,
"FormatMask": "recusandae",
"HideLabel": false,
"IsIndexed": true,
"LabelHeight": 100,
"LabelLeft": 623,
"LabelTop": 965,
"LabelWidth": 325,
"LastVersionId": 364,
"ListTableId": 592,
"IsMandatory": false,
"Type": "Appointment",
"Page1LineNo": 90,
"ProgId": "laboriosam",
"IsReadOnly": true,
"ShortLabel": "sit",
"TabOrder": 118,
"TextLength": 178,
"Tooltip": "harum",
"UdefIdentity": 193,
"UDListDefinitionId": 223,
"Justification": "Center",
"Version": 559,
"TemplateVariableName": "Stroman LLC",
"HasBeenPublished": false,
"MdoListName": "Friesen, Kautzer and Rempel",
"TableRight": null,
"FieldProperties": {
"fieldName": {
"FieldRight": null,
"FieldType": "System.Int32",
"FieldLength": 31