POST Project/Validate
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POST /api/v1/Project/Validate
Check that entity is ready for saving, return error messages by field.
Request Headers
Parameter Name | Description |
Authorization | Supports 'Basic', 'SoTicket' and 'Bearer' schemes, depending on installation type. |
X-XSRF-TOKEN | If not using Authorization header, you must provide XSRF value from cookie or hidden input field |
Content-Type | Content-type of the request body: application/json , text/json , application/xml , text/xml , application/x-www-form-urlencoded , application/json-patch+json , application/merge-patch+json |
Accept | Content-type(s) you would like the response in: application/json , text/json , application/xml , text/xml , application/json-patch+json , application/merge-patch+json |
Accept-Language | Convert string references and multi-language values into a specified language (iso2) code. |
SO-Language | Convert string references and multi-language values into a specified language (iso2) code. Overrides Accept-Language value. |
SO-Culture | Number, date formatting in a specified culture (iso2 language) code. Partially overrides SO-Language/Accept-Language value. Ignored if no Language set. |
SO-TimeZone | Specify the timezone code that you would like date/time responses converted to. |
SO-AppToken | The application token that identifies the partner app. Used when calling Online WebAPI from a server. |
Request Body: projectEntity
Entity to be checked for errors.
Property Name | Type | Description |
ProjectId | Integer | Primary key |
Name | String | Project name |
ProjectNumber | String | Automatically generated number |
ProjectMembers | Array | The persons which are members of the project |
Urls | Array | The project's internet adresses |
CreatedDate | String | Registered date in UTC. |
UpdatedDate | String | Last updated date in UTC. |
Description | String | The actual text, max 2047 significant characters even though it is stored as a larger data type on some databases |
Postit | String | The actual text, max 2047 significant characters even though it is stored as a larger data type on some databases |
CreatedBy | Associate | The person that created the project |
UpdatedBy | Associate | The person that last updated the project |
Associate | Associate | The person that created the project |
ProjectStatus | ProjectStatus | Project status is a list defined by the database administrator. Different statuses of a project may be: “In planning”, “Started”, “Finished” and so on |
ProjectType | ProjectType | Project type is a list defined by the database admin. for example: 'Large', 'Small', 'Party'... |
HasImage | Boolean | True if the project has an image. (This is the image that is displayed in the CRM client) |
ImageDescription | String | Description of the project image if it exists. (This is the image that is displayed in the CRM client) |
ActiveStatusMonitorId | Integer | Active status monitor identity with the lowest rank for project |
Links | Array | List of all elements linked to the project |
ActiveLinks | Integer | Number of active links to documents, other appointments, and such |
Completed | Boolean | Done (0=false, 1=true). Status implies changes in which fields are shown in GUI, as well as which fields can be updated |
NextMilestoneDate | String | Calculated date, reflects date of closest non-complete future milestone activity |
NmdAppointmentId | Integer | ID of appointment that "caused" the nextMilestoneDate, can be 0 |
EndDate | String | Planned end date for project, inhertied from type and later editable |
ActiveErpLinks | Integer | The number of active erp links |
UserDefinedFields | Object | Deprecated: Use {SuperOffice.CRM.Services.ProjectEntity.CustomFields} instead. Dictionary of user defined field data. The key string is the ProgId of the UdefField, or if the ProgId is empty it is a string of the format "SuperOffice:[UdefFieldIdentity]", e.g. "SuperOffice:1234" |
ExtraFields | Object | Deprecated: Use {SuperOffice.CRM.Services.ProjectEntity.CustomFields} instead. Extra fields added to the carrier. This could be data from Plug-ins, the foreign key system, external applications, etc. |
CustomFields | Object | Udef + Extra fields added to the carrier. Extra fields as defined by changes to database schema + user-defined fields as defined by admin. Custom fields combines user defined fields and extra fields into one bucket. The individual {SuperOffice.CRM.Services.ProjectEntity.ExtraFields} and |
PublishEventDate | String | Publish event date |
PublishTo | String | Publication valid to (inclusive) |
PublishFrom | String | Publication valid from (inclusive) |
IsPublished | Boolean | Publication is published |
Response | Description |
200 | OK |
Response body: object
Sample request
POST /api/v1/Project/Validate
Authorization: Basic dGplMDpUamUw
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"ProjectId": 734,
"Name": "Hessel Inc and Sons",
"ProjectNumber": "1811058",
"ProjectMembers": [
"ProjectmemberId": 591,
"ContactId": 503,
"ProjectId": 200,
"ContactName": "Larkin, Grady and Mertz",
"ContactDepartment": "",
"ProjectName": "Lang Group",
"EmailId": 569,
"EmailAddress": "",
"CountryId": 962,
"Firstname": "Hailee",
"MiddleName": "Moore-VonRueden",
"Lastname": "Kihn",
"PersonId": 864,
"Mrmrs": "non",
"ProjectMemberTypeName": "Kessler Inc and Sons",
"Phone": "874.144.9556 x7553",
"PhoneId": 517,
"ProjectMemberTypeId": 662,
"EmailAddressName": "",
"Comment": "omnis",
"FullName": "Keenan Frami"
"Urls": [
"Value": "dolorem",
"StrippedValue": "et",
"Description": "Multi-channelled responsive complexity"
"Value": "dolorem",
"StrippedValue": "et",
"Description": "Multi-channelled responsive complexity"
"CreatedDate": "2005-08-12T13:28:31.8823198+02:00",
"UpdatedDate": "2011-08-14T13:28:31.8823198+02:00",
"Description": "Triple-buffered solution-oriented budgetary management",
"Postit": "praesentium",
"CreatedBy": null,
"UpdatedBy": null,
"Associate": null,
"ProjectStatus": null,
"ProjectType": null,
"HasImage": false,
"ImageDescription": "Streamlined well-modulated ability",
"ActiveStatusMonitorId": 310,
"Links": [
"EntityName": "Zboncak Group",
"Id": 671,
"Description": "Optional modular open architecture",
"ExtraInfo": "sit",
"LinkId": 950
"EntityName": "Zboncak Group",
"Id": 671,
"Description": "Optional modular open architecture",
"ExtraInfo": "sit",
"LinkId": 950
"ActiveLinks": 118,
"Completed": true,
"NextMilestoneDate": "2019-03-31T13:28:31.8823198+02:00",
"NmdAppointmentId": 951,
"EndDate": "2001-08-08T13:28:31.8823198+02:00",
"ActiveErpLinks": 687,
"UserDefinedFields": {
"SuperOffice:1": "Gilda Miller",
"SuperOffice:2": "Miss Aiden Mohr DDS"
"ExtraFields": {
"ExtraFields1": "repellat",
"ExtraFields2": "dignissimos"
"CustomFields": {
"CustomFields1": "rerum",
"CustomFields2": "expedita"
"PublishEventDate": "2020-02-23T13:28:31.8823198+01:00",
"PublishTo": "2021-06-11T13:28:31.8823198+02:00",
"PublishFrom": "2018-01-09T13:28:31.8823198+01:00",
"IsPublished": false
Sample response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"1": "ullam",
"2": "saepe"