Services88 Ticket SOAP
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• 1 minute to read
SOAP request and response examples, and WSDL files for Remote/Services88/Ticket.svc
Handled by the
Download WSDL file for Services88/Ticket if you need to generate your own proxy code.
- AddAttachments
- BatchForward
- BatchReply
- CalculateMessageRecipients
- ClearNotify
- CopyFromCRMDocument
- CopyToTempFile
- CreateDefaultAttachmentEntity
- CreateDefaultForTicketType
- CreateDefaultTicketEntity
- CreateDefaultTicketMessageEntity
- DeleteMessageHeaders
- DeleteTicketEntity
- DeleteTicketMessageEntity
- DoEscalating
- GetAttachmentEntity
- GetAttachmentInfo
- GetAttachmentInfoNonInline
- GetAttachmentPreview
- GetAttachmentStream
- GetDefaultMessageContent
- GetDefaultMessageContentFull
- GetDefaultMessageContentWithOptions
- GetForRmUi
- GetNextInQueue
- GetPreviewAttachmentStream
- GetRfcAttachmentStream
- GetTicket
- GetTicketAttachments
- GetTicketEntity
- GetTicketMessage
- GetTicketMessageEntities
- GetTicketMessageEntity
- GetTicketMessageWithEmbeddedData
- GetTicketMessageWithOptions
- GetTickets
- GetTicketSummaries
- Html2Text
- MergeTickets
- NotifyNewTicket
- NotifyNewTicketMessage
- ProcessTicketWhenRead
- RemoveMessageAttachments
- ResolveTicketId
- SanitizeMailContent
- SanitizeMailContents
- SanitizeMailContentWithOptions
- SaveAttachmentEntity
- SaveTicketEntity
- SaveTicketEntityWithNotify
- SaveTicketMessageEntity
- SaveTicketMessageEntityWithNotify
- SaveTicketMessageEntityWithOptions
- SendTicketMessage
- SendTicketMessageSms
- SetDeletedStatusByIds
- SetDeletedStatusByProvider
- SetTicketMessageImportant
- SetTicketReadByOwner
- SplitTicket
- SplitTicketMessage
- UndeleteByIds
- UpdateTicketsReadStatus
- UpdateTicketsReadStatusByProvider
- UploadAttachment
- ValidateAttachments