Document files
The physical document is tied to the NSDocumentEntity and stored in the document archive.
Create physical document from template
Which template to use is set in the document properties.
Required IDs:
- company (contact ID)
- person
- appointment
- document
- sale
- selection
- project
- uiCulture (used to select a template of the appropriate language, for example, "en-US" or "nb-NO")
If set to 0, the company, person, appointment, sale, and project IDs will default to the values set in the document properties.
NSDocumentAgent agent;
NSDocumentEntity doc = agent.GetDocumentEntity(2);
agent.CreateNewPhysicalDocumentFromTemplate(doc.GetContact().GetId(), 0, 0, doc.GetDocumentId(),0,0,0,"");
The initial filename is taken from the document properties.
NSDocumentEntity doc;
String filename = doc.GetName();
Rename physical document
When renaming, you can suggest a new filename. The document archive may amend this if your suggestion is already used by another file, contains restricted characters, or similar.
String newFilename = "Trebbles.doc";
Integer docId = 3;
NSDocumentAgent agent;
NSDocumentEntity doc = agent.GetDocumentEntity(docId);
String actualName = agent.RenameDocument(docId, newFilename);
Don't forget to save the NSDocumentEntity
Change file extension
String changeFileExtension(Integer documentId, String extension) {
NSDocumentAgent agent;
NSDocumentEntity doc = agent.GetDocumentEntity(documentId);
String newName = agent.RenameDocument(documentId, doc.GetName().beforeLast(".") + extension);
printLine(changeFileExtension(3, ".pdf"));
Locked for editing
In SuperOffice CRM, many people are creating, editing, and reading documents at any given time. If multiple users are editing the same document at the same time, they risk overwriting each other's data. To prevent this from happening, SuperOffice CRM will lock a document when it is being edited by a user. Other users can still open the document, but only in read-only mode.
Is the document checked out
NSDocumentAgent agent;
NSCheckoutInfo info = agent.GetCheckoutState(2);
printLine(info.GetState().toString() + "\t" + info.GetName());
Check out
String[] returnTypes;
NSDocumentAgent agent;
agent.CheckoutDocument(2, returnTypes);
Undo (abandon) a checkout
String[] returnTypes;
NSDocumentAgent agent;
agent.UndoCheckoutDocument(2, returnTypes);
Check in
If the document or plug-in supports versioning, you can provide a description and metadata for a specific version when you check it in.
String[] returnTypes;
String[] meta;
NSDocumentAgent agent;
agent.CheckinDocument(2, returnTypes, "updated copyright", meta);
Edit physical document - online
File operations are unavailable in CRM Online. All updates happen through document plug-ins using a URL referring to the actual document.
To update only the document properties, update the NSDocumentEntity.
NSDocumentAgent agent;
Integer docId = 2;
String url = agent.GetDocumentUrl(docId, "", true);
This example gets a writable URL for the latest version of document 2.
Edit physical document - ONSITE ONLY
This is a 3-step process: download, modify, upload.
Download document
- Get the NSDocumentEntity
- Generate a temporary filename for the local copy with the same extension as the original
- Get the actual file as a stream
The extensions of both the original and the downloaded document must be the same!
Integer docId = 2;
NSDocumentAgent agent;
NSDocumentEntity doc = agent.GetDocumentEntity(docId);
String tmpFilename = "tempFile." + doc.GetName().afterLast(".");
NSStream stream = agent.GetDocumentStream(docId);
String download = agent.CreateTempFile(tmpFilename, stream);
Remember to call DeleteTempFile()
when you're done.
Open document
File f;"test.txt", "r");
File f;"test.txt", "a+");
Update document
How you go about changing the document locally is completely up to you!
Upload document
For modified documents, you must ensure that the document's status is not Completed. Set it to 0 to enable upload.
To overwrite an existing file with the same name stored in the document archive, set the last parameter of SetDocumentStream()
to true.
Integer docId = 2;
String path = "C:\Temp\samplefile.docx";
NSDocumentAgent agent;
NSDocumentEntity doc = agent.GetDocumentEntity(docId);
File f;, "r");
NSStream stream;
doc = agent.SetDocumentStream(doc, stream, true);
For robust code, consider placing the file operations in an if
For new SuperOffice documents based on a local file, you must create and save the NSDocumentEntity before uploading.
Simply replace the line NSDocumentEntity doc = agent.GetDocumentEntity(docId);
with the following code:
NSDocumentEntity doc = agent.CreateDefaultDocumentEntity();
doc.SetDescription("document uploaded from CRMScript");
NSAssociateAgent aAgent;
doc = agent.SaveDocumentEntity(doc);
Delete physical document
String[] returnType;
NSDocumentAgent agent;
agent.DeletePhysicalDocument(5, returnType);
Return types (NSReturnInfo)
The document plugin might need to request additional processing. When deleting, you should pass a list of return types that the client is prepared to handle. If there are no restrictions, pass an empty array.
- CustomGui
- Message
- None
- Other
- SoProtocol