Debug sessions
This feature requires the SuperOffice Expander Services license.
The Debug sessions tab contains a list of all active debug sessions in the system. Click a session in the list to open it in Debugger.
Go to the Debug sessions tab
Go to Settings and maintenance.
Click CRMScript and select the Debug sessions tab.
Start debug session
You can start one of these sessions by running a script in debug mode from the Script screen, or by calling the function "Void enableDebug(String key)" in a CRMScript.
You can also click Start tracing scripts to start tracing the scripts in the list.
The debug tool makes it easy to find and fix bugs inside your scripts and macros. You can debug your scripts and macros in a production environment, without interfering with the other SuperOffice users. It allows you to investigate your scripts and macros in real time, while they are executed. You can step through the execution of your script, use breakpoints and view the variable values.
You can debug a script or macro by opening it in the Macros and scripts tab and click Debug script.
Go to Settings and maintenance.
Click CRMScript and select the Macros and scripts tab.
You can also click Trace script to start tracing a script.