View chat statistics
The chat statistics can be used to improve the overall communication and agents' performance, as well as shorten the response time. You can view them in the Dashboard tab in the Chat screen.
In addition to general statistics about chat sessions, you can monitor the following:
- How many people are waiting for an agent to respond.
- How long they have waited.
- How many agents are available.
- How many chat sessions are active.
By default statistics are shown for all available channels, but you can select a specific chat channel from the Channel list.
Create a dashboard for chat conversation
You can visualize statistics from chat conversations in a dashboard to get an informative overview of the data. After you create a dashboard, you can add and edit tiles.
Examples - tiles you can add to your dashboard for chat conversations
Use the Agent with the best average rating this month tile to see which agent that on average performed best that month. The tile can be used for motivation, or for internal competition.
The Chat conversations per month tile let you keep track of how many chats your company receives each month.
By adding the Most busy hour tile, you can learn what hour of the day most customers contact your chat agents throughout the year. The tile can also be modified to show other time-frames.
With the My average chat rating this month tile you can follow the average rating score you receive from your customers. Use it as an indicator of how satisfied your customers are with your service, and as a motivation to improve or to keep doing the great work.
Respond to an incoming chat
Double-click a row in the Incoming chat list to respond to that chat. The chat opens in the Chats tab.
Listen to an ongoing chat
Double-click a row in the Ongoing chat sessions list to listen in on (watch) an ongoing chat. The agent will not be notified that you are monitoring to the chat. You cannot participate in the chat.