Sales tab
Version: 10.3.9
Some tooltip text!
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The Sales section tab shows sales connected to the company.
The following information is displayed in the columns on the Sales section tab:
- : a checkbox showing if the sale is completed
- A status icon for the sale (specifies the sale's status, for example, sold or lost)
- Sale date
- An amount
- The sales stage
- The date of the next sales activity
- The name of the sale
- Any contact the sale is linked to
- The company the sale is linked to
- The user ID of the person who recorded the sale
- ERP discount (if SuperOffice is linked to an ERP system)
You can configure the columns on the section tab to display just the information that interests you.
Double-click a sale in the list to open the Sale screen with information about that sale.
Click Add to create a new sale.
Click the Filter button to filter the list by date, users or groups.
If you check Include stakeholders at the bottom of the section tab, sales where the company is involved as a stakeholder are also displayed.