QuoteConnection Table (26)
Some tooltip text!
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• 2 minutes to read
Primary key in the CRM database. Definition of a connection to an external system, for the Quote system.
Name | Description | Type | Null |
quoteconnection_id | Primary key | PK | |
ERPName | Name of the ERP system (programmatic). | String(254) | |
DisplayName | Connection name shown to user; multi-language support. The name of the connector to display in a list so that the users can choose between them. Typically the name of the client, with maybe the ERP system in parenthesis. | String(254) | ● |
DisplayDescription | Tooltip/description shown to user; multi-language support. Any other info available that would make an uncertain user chose the right connector. Typically, used for tooltip. | String(254) | ● |
Rank | Rank order | Int | ● |
ConnectorName | Programmatic name of the Connector plugin that implements this kind of connection | String(254) | |
ExtraData | Optional extra data, in XML format, for configuring the connector. Connector-specific! | String(3999) | ● |
ErpConnectionId | The ERP Connection that this Quote connection is an extension of | FK ErpConnection | ● |
AllAccess | Is this connection accessible to everyone? If not, then the QuoteConnectionAccess table tells us who can access it | Bool | ● |
Deleted | If set, then this is a row that has been 'deleted'; we do not physically delete rows to avoid disaster | Bool | ● |
registered | Registered when | UtcDateTime | |
registered_associate_id | Registered by whom | FK associate | |
updated | Last updated when | UtcDateTime | |
updated_associate_id | Last updated by whom | FK associate | |
updatedCount | Number of updates made to this record | UShort |
Fields | Types | Description |
quoteconnection_id | PK | Clustered, Unique |
Table | Description |
associate | Employees, resources and other users - except for External persons |
ConnectionConfigField | Configuration data for Erp and Quote Connections |
ErpConnection | One connection to an ERP connector, specifying Client and other required information |
PriceList | List of prices, cached from an ERP system |
Quote | Quote root level, at most one per Sale, always connected to one Sale |
QuoteConnectionAccess | Access control for Quote Connections |
Replication Flags
- Replicate changes DOWN from central to satellites and travellers.
- Copy to satellite and travel prototypes.
Security Flags
- No access control via user's Role.