StatusDef Table (198)
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Status definitions. Name and description are in LocaleText for internationalization
Name | Description | Type | Null |
StatusDef_id | Primary key | PK | |
isVisual | Should the status be visualized (active) in the client | Bool | ● |
needsUpdate | Is the definition dirty, ie., ALL values are invalid until a recalculation; this flag is set when the status DEFINITION is changed, as opposed to the flag on StatusValue | Bool | ● |
rank | Priority rank, in case more than one status is signalled. Lowest wins | UShort | ● |
deleted | Deleted flag, 1 if this record is deleted (never from the database) | Bool | ● |
ownerTable | The owning entity, currently contact or project | TableNumber | ● |
dirtyOnChange | If 1, the statusValue records should be set to dirty whenever information related to the owning entity changes. If 0, nothing happens. | Bool | ● |
defaultTask | Default task type for this status; the default task text is in the text table (since it can be long), and may contain template variables | FK Task | ● |
lastGenerated | When was the last generation finished (i.e., statusValue rows created) | DateTime | ● |
numMatches | Number of targets that have this status, this should be the number of rows in StatusValue pointing to this definition, and that have isSignalled set to 1 | UInt | ● |
numNeedUpdate | Number of targets that had this status, but have their needsUpdate bit set due to some change | UInt | ● |
registered | Registered when | UtcDateTime | |
registered_associate_id | Registered by whom | FK associate | |
updated | Last updated when | UtcDateTime | |
updated_associate_id | Last updated by whom | FK associate | |
updatedCount | Number of updates made to this record | UShort | |
generationStart | When was the last regeneration started | DateTime | ● |
Fields | Types | Description |
StatusDef_id | PK | Clustered, Unique |
Table | Description |
associate | Employees, resources and other users - except for External persons |
StatusValue | Values for statuses |
Task | Task list table, activity types, like Phone, Meeting |
text | Long text fields from all over the system |
Replication Flags
- Replicate changes DOWN from central to satellites and travellers.
- Replicate changes UP from satellites and travellers back to central.
- Copy to satellite and travel prototypes.
Security Flags
- No access control via user's Role.