Update partner profile
The information shown on your partner profile page in the App Store comes from:
- Partner settings
- App Store information
In the Developer Portal, go to your partner page.
Select App Store information from the left menu.
Select Partner profile and then update logo, description, meta description, and links such as home page and your trust center URLs. Click Add Links to enter additional URLs.
For details about each field, see the partner settings reference section.
Click Save Settings.
Update partner settings
- On your partner page, select Settings from the left menu or click the Edit button.
- Update contact persons.
- Click Save Settings.
Verify your changes
Review your listing in the SOD App Store.
Click the eye icon on a version to preview the published app store information in the SOD App Store. This is a shortcut to
.Fix issues in the Developer Portal if necessary.
Request to publish
When you are happy with how it looks, return to your partner page in the Developer Portal:
Select Overview from the left menu.
In the App Store Information section, click the Request to Publish button.