Create FAQ entries
By creating FAQ entries, your organization can build up a comprehensive collection of questions and answers that both customers and staff can use to find useful information. There are two ways to create FAQ entries:
- A user can create an FAQ entry, based on communication with a customer in the Requests screen.
- An administrator can create an FAQ entry directly in Knowledge base > FAQ.
Watch this video and find out how to create and publish FAQs in the Customer Centre or follow the step-by-step guide below (video length - 3:01):
How to create and publish a FAQ - This video is created for Version 8, so the how-tos might differ slightly from how it looks today, but you will understand how to do the same steps in todays version.
- You need a license for Service premium or the Customer Engagement platform to use the knowledge base.
- If you do not see this feature, you need to add Knowledge base as functional right to create FAQ.
Create FAQ entries from a request
If you reply to an enquiry and think the same question may arise again, it is a good idea to create a reply that can be reused and made available to all customers.
Click and select Publish to FAQ. This takes you to the FAQ entry properties screen.
Edit the request name in the Name field if necessary.
In the Position field, select a number for the entry's position in the sort order of the folder it belongs in. 1 means the top of the list.
In the Folder field, select which folder you want to place the entry in (if you have a folder structure for FAQ entries).
In the Access field, select who is to have access to the FAQ entry in question:
- Private: Only you. This can be relevant if you are creating new FAQ entries or updating outdated FAQ entries.
- Accessible to internal users: Only internal users (and not customers using SuperOffice Customer Centre).
- Accessible to registered customers: Registered customers who have login access to SuperOffice Customer Centre.
- Accessible to everyone: Everyone (no login required to read the FAQ).
In the Keywords field, you can enter keywords (use a space or comma as a separator) for the entry. Make sure you only enter keywords that are relevant to the entry. Keywords make the entry easier to find when searching. In addition, keywords are used to automatically suggest FAQ entries that match a request from a customer.
As an FAQ administrator, you can choose from the following options in the Workflow field:
- Unpublished: Choose this option if you do not want to publish the FAQ entry at the moment.
- Published: Choose this option to publish the FAQ entry immediately.
- Expired: Select this option if the FAQ entry is no longer current. Relevant when editing existing FAQ entries.
The list also contains any custom workflow stages created in the system.
If you select a date in the Valid to field, the entry's status is changed to Expired on this date. After that it will not be available to anyone except the FAQ administrators. They will be warned that the entry is expired. This may be relevant in connection with marketing campaigns. If you enter no date here, the FAQ entry will remain available permanently.
In the Attachment field, you can add one or more documents as attachments to the request:
- Click Choose file next to Attachment.
- In the dialog, browse to the document you require.
- Click + to add the attachment.
- Repeat this procedure to add more attachments.
In the Link field, you can add one or more addresses of relevant websites:
- In the field to the left, enter the name to be displayed for the link.
- In the field on the right, enter the actual web address after
- Click + to add the link.
- Repeat this procedure to add more links.
Go to the Question tab.
Enter the question that you want the FAQ entry to contain. By default, the first message in the request is pasted into the Question tab.
Click the Format font button () to change the layout of the text.
Go to the Answer tab and enter the answer. By default, the next messages in the request are pasted into the Answer tab.
If you have more than one language, you need to select the different languages in the footer and repeat the steps for Question and Answer.
Click OK when you are done. The FAQ Entry screen is displayed, and your proposed FAQ entry is sent to the administrator, who can publish it.
Create new FAQ
Go to in the top bar and select Knowledge base > FAQ.
Go to the folder you want to put the FAQ entry in. If it does not yet exist, you can create a new folder.
Click the New entry button. This takes you to the FAQ entry properties screen.
Follow the procedure above starting at step 3.
Because the option to create FAQ entries this way is only available to administrators, there is no need for a separate publishing step in this process. The administrator can create and publish simultaneously.