Workflow stages
In a new installation, the workflow contains two default stages: Unpublished and Published. It is possible to add additional stages between these two. For example, you can set up a workflow where an FAQ entry is sent to be proof-read, so that someone checks the entry and then publishes it, or sends it unpublished back for editing.
Create new stage
- Go to Main menu in the top bar and select Knowledge base > FAQ.
- Click the Workflow button. This takes you to the View workflow screen.
- Click the New stage button. This takes you to the New stage screen.
- Enter a descriptive name for the stage in the Name field.
- In the Place new stage between list, select where in the process you want to insert the new stage.
- Click OK. This takes you to the Edit stage screen.
- In the Select user list at the bottom of the screen, select the name of a user who is to have access to this stage in the workflow.
- Select which access level the user should have. You can choose from the following options:
- Can move: The user is permitted to change the workflow stage for entries (publish or cancel publishing).
- Can edit: The user is permitted to edit FAQ entries.
- Full access: The user has all rights in relation to the workflow.
- Click the Add button to add the user to the list under User access.
- Repeat steps 7-9 to add more users.
- Click OK. The stage is created and now available when you publish FAQ entries.
Edit stage
You can both change the name of a stage and alter which users are to have access to it.
- Go to Main menu in the top bar and select Knowledge base > FAQ.
- Click the Workflow button.
- Click the name of the stage. This takes you to the Edit stage screen.
- Edit the name as required.
- Change which users are to have access to the stage:
- To add users, follow the procedure above.
- To remove users, select the user(s) in question, click the Actions button, and select Remove access for selected users.
- Click OK. The changes are saved.
Delete stage
Go to Main menu in the top bar and select Knowledge base > FAQ.
Click the Workflow button.
Click the name of the stage. This takes you to the Edit stage screen.
Click Delete. If the stage is not associated with any FAQ entries, it is deleted immediately.
You cannot delete the default Unpublished and Published stages.
If it is linked to FAQ entries, select which stage in the workflow these FAQ entries should be moved to. Select the stage you want in the Move to workflow list.
Click Delete. The stage is deleted and associated FAQ entries are moved to the selected stage.
Publish via workflow
To adjust anything before publishing, follow the procedure under Publish FAQ entries.
Click the Move forward in workflow button until Published is shown in the Workflow stage field in the Details tab.
You can cancel publishing of the FAQ entry by clicking the Move backward in workflow button.