Step settings
Version: 10.3.9
• 8 minutes to read
Many fields have a list of predefined values you can choose from. Click to expand the list. Then select a value for that field. Alternatively, start typing in the field to search for a specific value, such as a selection name.
Add to selection and/or project
Setting |
Description |
Add contact to static selection |
The participant becomes member of the specified static selection. |
Add contact as project member |
The participant becomes member of the specified project. |
Create follow-up
Setting |
Description |
Title |
A descriptive label. Additional details go in the agenda. |
Type |
A pre-defined list of activities such as Meeting (external) and Phone-In. Available fields depend on the selected follow-up type. |
Project |
A project linked to the follow-up. |
Date |
When the follow-up starts or is due. Task date: This means a to-do in the user's checklist Meeting date: This means a follow-up in the diary. "First available" or "First available after x days/working days/weeks". |
Assign to |
The owner of the follow-up. The participant's "our contact" or "our service contact", or a specific named associate. |
Agenda |
Additional details about the follow-up, such as an agenda, a description, files, images, and links. Rich-text formatting options are available. |
Create request
Setting |
Description |
Title |
A descriptive name for the request. |
Request type |
Targets a set of attributes needed for a specific process. Affects the available statuses and priorities. |
Status |
Indicates the request management phase (open or closed). |
Category |
A set of rules that define how requests are processed. |
Priority |
Reflects the importance of the request. |
Owner |
Who the request should be assigned to. |
Message |
The contents of the request. Rich-text formatting options and template variables for contact and the contact's company are available. |
Create sale
Setting |
Description |
Title |
A descriptive name of the sale. Details go in the description. |
Sale type |
A named set of info about the sale process. Affects default sale stage and estimated sale date. Some sale types are linked to a sales guide. |
Stage |
The sale's current stage (open, lost, sold). |
Amount |
Expected amount for the pipeline. |
Description |
A more detailed description of the sale. |
Project |
A project linked to the sale. |
Date |
The estimated sale date. "Estimated by sale type" or "After X days/working days/weeks". |
Owner |
The person responsible for the sale. The participant's "our contact" or "our service contact", or a specific named associate. |
Exit flow
The flow-control steps split and wait for action (and also Send SMS) have an Exit flow option to pull participants who do not meet a condition out of the flow. If selected, the dropped-out contact can be moved to a different flow and/or added to a selection.
Setting |
Description |
Add participant to another flow after exit |
The dropped-out contact is suggested as participant for the specified flow. Filters determine if they start that flow or not. |
Add participant to static selection after exit |
The dropped-out contact becomes member of the specified selection. You can create a new selection from the step settings. |
Participants reaching the finish step has reached the end of the flow. Participant may have finished the flow with status = finished or finished with success. No more actions are happening to a participant in this flow when reaching the step.
Setting |
Description |
Add to another flow when a success criterion is met |
Finished with success |
Add to another flow when no success criterion is met |
Finished |
Notify by email
Setting |
Description |
To |
The recipient - "our contact", "our service contact", or a specific email address. |
Subject |
Text for the email's subject field. |
Text |
Enter the message. |
You can personalize the subject and message with contact variables (same as merge tags within the mailing editor).
Notify by SMS
Setting |
Description |
To |
The recipient - "our contact", "our service contact", or specific contacts. |
From |
Defaults to flow setting "SMS sender". |
Text |
Enter the SMS text. You can personalize the message with contact variables (same as merge tags within the mailing editor). |
Send email
Setting |
Description |
Create new email for this step |
Opens the mailing wizard. |
Select existing email for this step |
See Add content. |
Subject |
Text for the email's subject field. You can personalize the subject with contact variables (same as merge tags within the mailing editor). |
Attachment |
Max 25MB total. |
Send SMS
Setting |
Description |
From |
Defaults to flow setting "SMS sender". |
Text |
Enter the SMS text. You can personalize the message with contact variables (same as merge tags within the mailing editor). |
Exit flow if no mobile phone is registered |
What should happen if the contact is unable to receive the SMS? If true, you may add them to another flow or to a static selection after exit. |
Setting |
Description |
Title |
A short descriptive label. |
Split based on |
The data/behavior to differentiate on. |
Branch name |
A descriptive name on the branch, indicating which participants are moving down which branch. |
Everyone else |
The branch for handling participants who do not meet the conditions of any of the other branches. |
Exit flow |
Determines if participants ending up in the everyone-else branch should drop out. If true, you may add them to another flow or to a static selection after exit. If false, you can add more steps to this branch. |
The remaining fields for specifying branch settings depend on what the split is based on.
Setting |
Description |
A person can only start this flow once |
Whether the a contact can be re-enrolled in this flow. |
Filter |
A set of criteria that must be met for a suggested contact to be allowed into the flow. Only checked once. |
Exclusion list |
A static selection of persons who will not be added to the flow, or will exit the flow if already participating. |
This works similar to bulk update.
Wait time
Setting |
Description |
Number of days/hours after previous step |
The duration of the pause. Wait a specific amount of time. |
Until specific date/time |
The end of the pause. Wait until a specific date. |
Wait for action
Setting |
Description |
Maximum waiting time |
How long to wait for any action (a timeout). Default: 7 days. |
Exit flow if no actions within max waiting time |
Participants who do not respond will leave the flow with status "drop out". If true, you may add them to another flow or to a static selection after exit. |
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