Analyze your mailing results
To decide whether a mailing was a success you need some numbers to compare it with. Learn how to analyze your mailing statistics in this how-to guide.
Did you know that the average open rate of a mailing across all industries is 21.33 percent?
This means that in general 1 out of 5 recipients will open and read your mailing. To see whether your mailing is above or below this average, you can analyze you mailing statistics per individual mailing.
Analyze your statistics
SuperOffice gathers all statistics and results for each mailing you send. By comparing the results of different mailings you can see which subject line, type of content and links work best to engage and interest your recipients. These statistics will give you the information you need to improve your future mailings.
SuperOffice Marketing measures the effect of your mailing immediately. You can see the opening rate, the click-through rate for links, and which emails have bounced.
Determine your benchmark for success
When is your mailing successful? This question can be hard to answer if you have not sent mailings to your contacts with a professional mailing solution. Therefore, it is a good idea to send out a few "test" mailings from your mailing solution to determine your benchmark.
To improve your future mailings, you have to find out what works for your contacts. The easiest way to do this, is to divide the target groups of your first few mailings into two or more groups. Then send them the same mailing, where you change the subject line, your call-to-action or other parts of the mailing.
The statistics from each mailing will show you which mailing performed better, and will give you your benchmark. Then, you can compare any future mailings' results with the benchmark you have set.
To view statistics about your mailing, go to the Mailings tab and click the mailing in the list. The View mailing screen opens.
Click the Refresh button to update the mailing statistics.
After your mailing is finished, you can see how your mailing performed in the Summary tab.
Tabs with mailing statistics
Summary: Here you can find various statistics for the mailing:
- Number sent: How many mailings were sent.
- Open rate: How many mailings were opened.
- Click-through rate: How many links were clicked.
- Bounce rate: How many mailings bounced.
Content: Here you can view the content of the mailing.
Reports: Four charts show statistics for the mailing (mouse-over to view exact numbers).
All links that were clicked and how many recipients clicked on each link you used; How many recipients opened your mailing in the first 48 hours and when most people read it.
In addition, SuperOffice Marketing will show you the numbers of all the recipients based on their status. This means you can see how many recipients read the mailing, how many bounced, and how many duplicates your mailing contained, among others.
Recipients: This tab displays a list of recipients of the mailing. The statuses (sending, waiting, failed, bounced, read, and so on) of the mailing for each individual recipient are shown here. The summary can be filtered by selecting the checkboxes at the bottom of the screen. You can also select and add recipients to selections and projects using the menu button.
Tracked links: This tab displays the number of clicks on each tracked link in the mailing. Click a link to go the View link screen. You will see a list of the recipients who have clicked the link and when they clicked them. Use this list to make a selection or a project for further follow-ups.
Manage bounces: An overview of all bounced emails. Use the actions to clean up your bouncing email addresses, either by setting the contacts as former employee or deleting the email addresses.
The Reports and Tracked links tabs require the Marketing User licence. Some tabs are not available for SMS mailings and document mailings.