Blocked tables list
All tables, except those explicitly set as “blocked” below, will be mirrored. This means that new tables in new versions of SuperOffice, as well as any customer-defined tables made in the Service product, will automatically be added.
Note that customer-defined tables can be deleted. In beta, this is not propagated. In the released version deletions will be propagated; however it is possible to create, mirror, delete, recreate and mirror a table in such a way that the schema cannot be properly updated. If that happens then the mirror will drop the table entirely and request a full repopulation.
Tables not mirrored might have a reason specified in the "reason” field. This is to help us understand why the table is not mirrored. If you have a table that is not mirrored, and you think it should be, please contact us.
Table | Reason |
sequence | Internal primary-key counters, irrelevant and with extreme change volume |
activeuser | Not used in Online |
area | Part of Travel |
areauserassignment | Part of Travel |
areauserinclusion | Part of Travel |
audienceconfig | Part of Audience |
audiencelayout | Part of Audience |
audiencelayoutlink | Part of Audience |
audiencevisibility | Part of Audience |
batchtask | Internal, not user data |
batchtaskdefinition | Internal, not user data |
cachetables | Internal, not user data |
cacheinvalidation | Internal, not user data |
cc_template | Configuration |
config | Internal, not user data |
configurablescreendelta | Internal, not user data |
connectionconfigfield | Internal, not user data |
countervalue | SAINT data, very large table |
credentials | Credential information |
cust_config | Configuration, not user data |
dashboard | Configuration, not user data |
dashboard_theme | Configuration, not user data |
dashboard_tile | Configuration, not user data |
dashboard_tile_definition | Configuration, not user data |
dashboard_tile_field | Configuration, not user data |
dbi_agent | Not used in Online |
dbi_agent_field | Not used in Online |
dbi_agent_schedule | Not used in Online |
email_account | Private information |
email_folder | Private information |
service_auth | Authentication for Service mail |
email_item | Private information |
email_attachment | Private information |
erpsynclog | Configuration, not user data |
foreignapp | Internal, not user data |
foreigndevice | Internal, not user data |
foreignkey | Internal, not user data |
form_keys | Internal, not user data |
freetextindex | Search index, high volume, internal |
freetextstopwords | Search index, high volume, internal |
freetextwords | Search index, high volume, internal |
history | User state, internal |
importdefault | Internal configuration, not user data |
importfield | Internal configuration, not user data |
importobject | Internal configuration, not user data |
importrelation | Internal configuration, not user data |
item_config | Internal configuration, not user data |
inbox | Internal, not user data |
licenseassoclink | Internal configuration, not user data |
licenssatllink | Internal configuration, not user data |
locking | Internal, not user data |
log_events | Internal |
login | Internal session info, not user data. Sensitive. |
login_customer | Internal session info, not user data. Sensitive. |
kb_entry_words | Internal, not user data |
mergemovelog | Internal operation tracking, not user data. Merge and Move operation consequences are mirrored |
message | Internal configuration, not user data |
messagehandler | Internal configuration, not user data |
modulelicense | Internal configuration, not user data |
moduleowner | Internal configuration, not user data |
notice_frame | Internal, not user data |
notify | Internal, not user data |
olefield | Internal configuration, not user data |
olefieldtext | Internal configuration, not user data |
olesubject | Internal configuration, not user data |
olesubjecttext | Internal configuration, not user data |
oleview | Internal configuration, not user data |
oleviewtext | Internal configuration, not user data |
outbox | Internal, not user data |
prefdesc | Internal configuration, not user data |
prefdescline | Internal configuration, not user data |
registry | Internal, not user data |
satellite | Part of travel |
script_trace_run | Debug info, large turnover, not user data |
searchcriteria | Internal configuration, not user data |
searchcriteriagroup | Internal configuration, not user data |
searchcriterion | Internal configuration, not user data |
searchcriterionvalue | Internal configuration, not user data |
session_object | Internal, not user data |
sorcriteria | Internal configuration, not user data |
sorfct | Internal configuration, not user data |
sorfield | Internal configuration, not user data |
sorlabellayout | Internal configuration, not user data |
soroperators | Internal configuration, not user data |
sorpublish | Internal configuration, not user data |
sorpublishgrouplink | Internal configuration, not user data |
sorsection | Internal configuration, not user data |
sortemplate | Internal configuration, not user data |
statusvalue | SAINT search data, very large table and large turnover |
superlistcolumnsize | Internal configuration, not user data |
systemevent | Internal configuration, not user data |
taborder | Internal configuration, not user data |
timestamps | Internal configuration, not user data |
travelcurrent | Part of Travel |
travelgenerateddatabase | Part of Travel |
travelgeneratedtransaction | Part of Travel |
travelidmapping | Part of Travel |
traveller | Part of Travel |
traveltransactionlog | Part of Travel |
trayapp | Internal configuration, not user data |
udtempsmall | Temporary table for udef moves, not needed |
udtemplarge | Temporary table for udef moves, not needed |
usagestats | Internal, not user data |
userpreference | Very high change volume and generally internal. Implement the OnReplicationCompleted method in IMirrorAdmin, and call PreferenceAgent on the customer site to obtain those preferences that are needed. |
user_attribute | Internal configuration, not user data |
user_candidate | Internal configuration, not user data |
webappusage | Internal configuration, not user data |
webhook | Internal configuration, not user data |
winpossize | Internal configuration, not user data |
word_relations | Internal configuration, not user data |