Upgrade to SuperOffice 9 or 10
You can upgrade to SuperOffice 9 or 10 from SuperOffice 8.0 or newer. The recommended installation scenarios and setup requirements are the same as from SuperOffice 8.1.
The SuperOffice Windows client is not available for SuperOffice 9 and later.
Microsoft .NET 4.8 is required for SuperOffice 9 or newer.
The installer will handle the installation of .NET 4.8 for you, but some clients may like to pre-install it themselves.
Upgrade from SuperOffice 8.0
If you are running SuperOffice 8.0 you need to make sure the full stack of SuperOffice applications (SuperOffice Server, SuperOffice Web, and SuperOffice Service) is installed. You also need to move all products under one domain, as seen from the browser. It might be beneficial to upgrade to SuperOffice 8.1 first and follow the corresponding guides for different installation scenarios.
Upgrade from SuperOffice 8.1 or newer
SuperOffice 8.1 or newer installation has already the full stack of SuperOffice applications installed and it is running under one domain which makes it easier to upgrade.
1. Upgrade SuperOffice 8 Server
Run SetupExe.exe from SnMWin_ADMIN installation file to upgrade the database and the server files. The installation wizard will guide you through the process and will ask you for the SuperOffice administrator's credentials as well as for the system user's credentials. You may tick the checkbox 'This is a temporary test upgrade' not to change your license to version 9 or 10 yet in our central license system. This way you can try the upgrade as many times as you want without influencing your production database.
Once the server is upgraded, you can run the SuperOffice9.exe (or SuperOffice10.exe for SuperOffice 10) file found in the SuperOffice Server\Client folder. This will install SuperOffice Win Admin, Reporter Studio, and SuperOffice Travel gateway.
2. Upgrade SuperOffice 8 Web
SuperOffice Web is upgraded by running Setup.exe from SnMWeb installation file. The setup can upgrade both NetServer and SuperOffice Web files.
Since SuperOffice 10.1.2 we do no longer support SuperOffice Web installation with remote NetServer. SuperOffice Web client must be now installed as a standalone web application with inprocess NetServer.
However you can still install standalone NetServer and use its web services for SuperOffice Service or integration purposes.
3. Upgrade SuperOffice 8 Service
SuperOffice Service is upgraded by running the SuperOffice.CustomerService.exe file from the CS installation folder. After the Service program files are upgraded you need to run upgrade.exe to upgrade Service's database values.
4. Uninstall SuperOffice 8 Win clients
If you used SuperOffice 8 Win app, it needs to be uninstalled from all clients. SuperOffice Win app has been discontinued since SuperOffice 9.
SuperOffice administrators may want to install on their PCs SuperOffice Win Admin, Reporter Studio, and Travel Gateway by running SuperOffice9.exe (or SuperOffice10.exe for SuperOffice 10) file from the Client folder on the SuperOffice Server.