Specify advanced import settings
Advanced import settings include date format settings and delimiter characters. They are aimed at ensuring that SuperOffice interprets the import file correctly.
To correctly map the fields from the import file, you may have to edit the settings for text qualifier, field delimiter and row delimiter.
Click Import in the Navigator.
next to the Import file field and select a data file in the dialog that opens.
Click the Advanced button.
In the Advanced options dialog, choose a predefined format from the Date format list box. You cannot use month names, only numbers.
Native ID means a SuperOffice date. SuperOffice counts the seconds since 01.01.1970; it is this number which equates to Native ID.
In the Number format list box, choose from the predefined options for decimal separators.
In the Checkbox format field, type in the character/characters that are used in the import file to specify that a checkbox is selected.
In the Text qualifier field, type in the character used in the import file to enclose plain text.
Text qualifiers override any field and row delimiters (see below). For example, if there is a field delimiter between two text qualifiers, it is interpreted as plain text. However, you do not need to use text qualifiers if your import files contain field or row delimiters.
In the Field delimiter list box, choose from the predefined options specifying which characters separate fields from each other.
In the Row delimiter list box, choose from the predefined options specifying which characters separate rows from each other.
In the Associate format list box, choose from the predefined formats specifying how names in the import file are to be interpreted, for example, if first names come before last names.
Native ID means the associate's associate_id, as recorded in the database. If no such ID is found, the contents of the Default associate field are used.
In the Default associate list box, choose which name to enter by default if the SuperOffice database is unable to interpret the associate format in the import file.
In the Country format list box, choose from the predefined formats specifying how countries should be interpreted, for example, if the country name is local or English.
Native ID means country_id, as recorded in the database.
In the Default country name list box, choose which country to enter if the SuperOffice database is unable to interpret the country format in the import file.
In the Currency list box, choose which currency to enter if the SuperOffice database is unable to interpret the currency format in the import file.
Check Update freetext index to update the freetext index continuously during the import, so that it is completely updated when the import is finished.
The import speed decreases if you check Update freetext index. To import large quantities of data, an alternative is to run the import without checking this option and generate a new freetext index later from the Options screen.
After specifying the required settings, click OK.
Your field mapping selections can be saved, so that the same configuration can be reused in future. This is what constitutes import descriptions.
If you specified an import description file in the Import description file field, information will already be entered in the Advanced Options dialog. However, you can change this information as described above. Remember that the import description file must be saved before it is updated with any new options.