Specify field mapping
Click Import in the Navigator.
next to the Import file field and select a data file in the dialog that opens.
The contents of the first record in the import file are displayed in the Field in file column under Field mapping. Select a field you want to import into the database.
Click the Map button below Field mapping.
Alternatively double-click the field you want to import.
The name of the current field in the import file is displayed in Field in import file in the Map field dialog. In the Select field from table list box, choose the type of data you want to import into the SuperOffice database, for example, companies.
In the Name table, all available fields for the data type you selected in the Select field from table list box are displayed, except those you have already mapped. Select a field to map.
Click OK. The information under Field mapping in the Import screen is updated.
Your field mapping selections can be saved, so that the same configuration can be reused in future. This is what constitutes import descriptions.
Repeat the procedure to map additional fields. You can import several different data types. Remember that fields not mapped with a record in the SuperOffice database will not be imported at all.
If you specified an import description file in the Import description file field, there may already be information in the Field in SuperOffice CRM column under Field mapping. If required, change the field mapping by deleting field mapping and then re-entering a new field mapping.