Edit or delete project members
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Edit a project member
You can edit the details in the Function and Comments field for project members.
Go to the required project. (See Use the Find screen.)
- Choose the Project Members section tab.
- Double-click a project member.
- In the Project member dialog, make the required changes in the Function and Comments fields. There is a description of the different fields under Add create project members.
- Click Save.
You can edit multiple contacts by clicking Add in the Project Members. Select and move the members from the left to right field. Then hold down CTRL or SHIFT to select the members in the right field. Changes you then make in the Function field and Comments text box will apply to all the selected members.
Delete project members
- Select one or more project members in the Project Members section tab.
- Click the Delete button below the section tab.
- In the dialog that appears, click Yes.