The Find screen
To search for records and data in SuperOffice CRM, use the Find screen.
There are effectively no limits to what you can search for in SuperOffice CRM. At the end of this section, we have included examples to provide you with tips on searching.
If you have a licence for Developer Tools, you can search for products in existing quotes. If you have a licence for SuperOffice Service, you can search for requests.
Search for information in SuperOffice CRM
Click the Find button () on the top bar.
Click the type of record you want to search for, or click Typical searches to display a list of predefined searches. The Criteria tab opens.
The Find screen contains predefined search criteria, or the search criteria you used last time. Do one of the following:
- Click to remove any criteria you do not want to use.
- Click the Add button to add new search criteria. A new line is added to the criteria list.
In the first list box on the line, select the field you want to search for information in. You can also enter the start of the name in the appropriate field. There are different types of fields.
For example, select Contact and Last name to search for contacts, or Project and Event date to search for projects.
Select values for the search criteria in the next fields on the line.
You can click Add below the criteria list again to specify more search criteria. A new line is added to the criteria list and you can repeat steps 4 and 5.
To move criteria, click and drag .
Click Or to add a another set of criteria.
When you have specified and activated the search criteria you want, click the Find button. The Results tab opens with the results matching the search criteria.
If, for example, you want to search for all companies, you can use the percent sign (%) when entering search criteria for Company.
Broaden your search using the OR function
The Find feature allows you to perform a search by combining search criteria with the value operator "OR" between them. This way you can search for two sets of independent data and save it in one selection.
Let us take a look at some practical examples of how you can use the OR function. You can search for all customers who bought "Product A" and customers who did not buy "Product B" to boost your cross-sales. Or you can search for all large customers based in Liverpool or Manchester, so you can contact them about an upcoming event in one of these cities.
Watch this video to learn how to create a search using the OR function (video length - 4:08):
Work with search results
After following the above steps, and search results are displayed in the Results tab, you have several options available:
Open the record: To open one of the records, double-click it. For example, double-clicking a contact displays the Contacts section tab with that contact highlighted.
Display a record in the side panel: Use the side panel to quickly browse through the search results. If you have searched for contact, select Contacts in the list at the top of the side panel. You can then click on each contact in the Results tab to preview them.
Perform tasks on the search results: The Task button contains tasks such as:
Send a mailing and create activities
Manage the information in your selection
Print out or export your data
Delete the information in your selection from your CRM database
Which tasks are displayed depends on what type of records are displayed. Read more
Add records to a selection: Click the Save as selection button. See Create selections.
Select records, right-click, and select Add to selection. See Add members to static selections.
Example 1: search for profitable customers
As a sales department manager, you want to give a presentation to the rest of management, showing what you have achieved after the last meeting. You want to focus on profitable customers (customers you have recently sold a lot to).
Click the Find button.
Click Find company.
If the Criteria tab contains any criteria, click to delete them or Clear all to clear the criteria data.
Click Add.
In the list that appears, select the field you want to search for information in. First click Sale (), and then Amount.
In the list to the right of Amount, click and select > (greater than).
In the last field on the line, enter the minimum amount. For example, "100 000".
You have now specified that you want to find companies with sales above the amount you entered, but we have not quite finished. We also want to specify a period.
Click Add.
In the list that appears, select the field you want to search for information in. First click Sale, and then Registered date.
In the second list box, click to expand and select Between.
In the third list box, specify the start date of the period you want, and in the fourth list box, the end date.
You have now specified that you want to find companies with sales over 100 000 within the period you defined. But, we also want to restrict the search to sales with the status Sold.
Click Add.
In the list that appears, enter "Status" to FastSearch in the field.
From the list that is displayed, select Sale - Status (with the sale icon in front of it).
In the second list box, select Is one of.
Click the Select items field to the right of the Is one of field and select Sold.
You have now specified that you want to find companies with sales above a specific amount, within a specific date range and that have status Sold.
Click the Find button below the Criteria tab. All the results that match the search criteria you have specified are displayed in the Results tab.
If you get too many or too few hits, you can adjust the search criteria by selecting different values in the various list boxes.
Open, preview, or save the search results as described in Work with search results above.
Example 2: search for customers in Denmark who you are responsible for
Imagine you are going to attend a conference in Denmark. When you are there, you also want to use the opportunity to visit some customers. You start your planning by searching for all customers in Denmark who you are responsible for.
Click the Find button.
Click Find company.
If the Criteria tab contains any criteria, click to delete them or Clear all to clear the criteria data.
Click Add.
In the list that appears, select the field you want to search for information in. First click Company , and then Country.
In the second list box, select Is one of.
Click the Select items field to the right of the Is one of field, and select Denmark.
You have now specified that you want to find companies in Denmark, but we have not quite finished. We want to restrict the search to companies in Denmark who you are responsible for.
Click Add.
In the list that appears, select the field you want to search for information in. First click Company, and then Our contact.
In the second list box, select Current user. Your name is displayed in the last field on the line.
You have now specified that you want to find companies in Denmark for which you are the contact.
Click the Find button below the Criteria tab. All the results that match the search criteria you have specified are displayed in the Results tab.
If you get too many or too few hits, you can adjust the search criteria by selecting different values in the various list boxes.
Open, preview, or save the search results as described in Work with search results above.
Example 3: search for sold sales
Let's assume you are the manager of a company and want to find out what types of sales work well for you, and why, with a view to achieving more of the same. You start by searching for sales with the status Sold.
Click the Find button.
Click Find sale.
If the Criteria tab contains any criteria, click to delete them or Clear all to clear the criteria data.
Click Add.
In the list that appears, select the field you want to search for information in. First click Sale, and then Status.
In the second list box, select Is one of.
Click the Select items field to the right of the Is one of field, and select Sold. You have now specified that you want to search for completed sales.
Click the Find button below the Criteria tab. All the results that match the search criteria you have specified are displayed in the Results tab.
Open, preview, or save the search results as described in Work with search results above.
Example 4: search for projects you have participated in during the last year
Imagine that the time for your pay review is approaching and you think you deserve to be better rewarded for your efforts. To show your boss how energetic and versatile you are, you want to tell them about the projects you have been involved in in the last year.
Click the Find button.
Click Find sale.
If the Criteria tab contains any criteria, click to delete them or Clear all to clear the criteria data.
Click Add.
In the list that appears, select the field you want to search for information in. First click Contact, and then Last name.
In the second list box, select Equals.
In the third field, enter your last name.
You have now specified that you want to find projects you have participated in, but we have not quite finished. We also want to specify a period.
Click Add.
In the list that appears, select the field you want to search for information in. First click Project, and then From date.
In the second list box, select After.
In the third list box, enter the start date for the period you require.
You have now specified that you want to find projects you have participated in, from a specific date up to today.
Click the Find button below the Criteria tab. All the results that match the search criteria you have specified are displayed in the Results tab.
If you get too many or too few hits, you can adjust the search criteria by selecting different values in the various list boxes.
Open, preview, or save the search results as described in Work with search results above.
Example 5: search for marketing initiatives undertaken
Imagine that you are a marketing department manager and you want to brainstorm about future marketing initiatives. As a basis for this, you want to get an overview of the marketing-related follow-ups you have done in the previous quarter.
Click the Find button.
Click Find sale.
If the Criteria tab contains any criteria, click to delete them or Clear all to clear the criteria data.
Click Add.
In the list that appears, select the field you want to search for information in. First click Follow-up, and then Intention.
In the second list box, select Is one of.
Click the Select items field to the right of the Is one of field, and select Marketing.
You have now specified that you want to find marketing-related follow-ups, but we have not quite finished. We also want to specify a period.
Click Add.
In the list that appears, select the field you want to search for information in. First click Follow-up, and then End date.
In the second list box, select Previous.
In the third list box, enter 1.
In the fourth list box, select Quarter(s).
You have now specified that you want to find follow-ups intended for marketing, in the last quarter, but we are still not quite finished. We also want to restrict the search to completed follow-ups.
Click Add.
In the list that appears, select the field you want to search for information in. First click Follow-up, and then Completed.
Check Yes. You have now specified that you want to find follow-ups set as Completed.
Click the Find button below the Criteria tab. All the results that match the search criteria you have specified are displayed in the Results tab.
If you get too many or too few hits, you can adjust the search criteria by selecting different values in the various list boxes.
Open, preview, or save the search results as described in Work with search results above.