Create a combined selection
Find the data
Open one of the selections you want to combine.
Click the Task button () and select Combine selection with. A new selection screen opens.
Type the name of the new selection in the field containing Selection name . This field is mandatory.
In the Selection of field, choose what the selection is to contain. The choices here are limited to Company/contact and the type of selection you have selected. You cannot change this after it is saved to the database.
In the Selection is field, Combined is selected by default.
Under Selection 2, choose the other selection you want to combine.
If you selected Companies/contacts under Selection of, you can choose from all types of selection here (a sales selection also contains companies/contacts related to the sales). But if the combined selection comprises Sales, Projects, Documents, Follow-ups, Requests, Form submissions, Chat conversations, Mailings or Products, you must choose the same type of selections for Selection 1 and Selection 2.
Under Compare, select which entries from the two selections to include in the combined selection.
Icon Option Description Only in Selection 1 Shows entries that are in selection 1, and excludes entries that are in both selection 1 and selection 2. Only in Selection 2 Shows entries that are in selection 2, and excludes entries that are in both selection 1 and selection 2. Common Shows only entries that are in both selection 1 and selection 2. Difference Shows only entries that are either in selection 1 or in selection 2. All Shows only entries in selection 1 and selection 2.
Choose details
Set properties following the instructions of step 2 in the Create selection tutorial.
Optionally, click the star icon (
) to add the selection to your favorites.
Click Save.
After saving the selection, you can edit it to change both the combination type and which selections are combined. But it is not possible to change the Selection of field.