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This document describes how to set up the Compaya NetServer SMS plugin to use in Customer Service. You need to set up an account with Compaya to get a username and password to connect to their service.
Outgoing SMS Configuration from SuperOffice 8.0 SR3
Go to System - SMS inside the Service client or Mailings - Settings inside Sales & Marketing client. Choose Compaya SMS in the list of available modules
In the Plugin configuration you add:
Note - do not include the brackets.
Outgoing SMS Configuration in SR2 or earlier
The file SupeOffice.Messaging.Compaya.dll must be copied manually to the NetServer library folder (bin folder). Click to download version 8.0 SR2.
Web.config settings
Under configuration, add and replace username and password with the information you have from Compaya:
<!-- Web service URL -->
<add key="compaya_url" value="" />
<!-- Specify the username to your SMS account, string (required) -->
<add key="compaya_username" value="[Username]" />
<!-- Specify the password to your SMS account, string (required) -->
<add key="compaya_password" value="[Password]" />
Under configuration -> SuperOffice -> Factory -> DynamicLoad add:
<add key="SuperOffice.Messaging.Compaya" value="SuperOffice.Messaging.Compaya.dll" />