Tilbud (flettefelt)
Version: 10.3
Some tooltip text!
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• 3 minutes to read
Merge field tag | Name | Description |
quote/approvalRegisteredBy | Approval reg by | Associate who entered the approval (not necessarily the one who approved!) of a Quote that broke one or more of the workflow rules that trigger an approval process |
quote/approvedBy | Approved by | Associate who approved a Quote that broke one or more of the workflow rules that trigger an approval process |
quote/approvedDate | Approved date | Date of approval of a Quote that broke one or more of the workflow rules that trigger an approval process |
quote/approvedText | Approval comment | Comment added to the approval of a Quote that broke one or more of the workflow rules that trigger an approval process |
quote/contactDepartment | Sale - Owning department | Name of the department at the company the user belongs to |
quote/contactName | Sale - Owning company | Name of the company the user belongs to |
quote/currency | Sale – Currency | The currency of the sale |
quote/deliveryTerms | Delivery terms | Delivery terms |
quote/deliveryType | Delivery type | Delivery type |
quote/description | Description | Description of the quote version |
quote/expiration | Expiration | The last date that the quote is valid |
quote/extraField1 | Extra field 1 | One of the extra fields on the product; meaning is installation dependent |
quote/extraField2 | Extra field 2 | One of the extra fields on the product; meaning is installation dependent |
quote/extraField3 | Extra field 3 | One of the extra fields on the product; meaning is installation dependent |
quote/extraField4 | Extra field 4 | One of the extra fields on the product; meaning is installation dependent |
quote/extraField5 | Extra field 5 | One of the extra fields on the product; meaning is installation dependent |
quote/fullName | Sale - Full name | Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) |
quote/mrMrs | Sale - Mr/Ms | Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms |
quote/number | Number | Reference number for the quote version |
quote/orderComment | Comment | Customer's comment |
quote/paymentTerms | Payment terms | Payment terms |
quote/paymentType | Payment type | Payment type |
quote/poNumber | P.O.Number | Customer's purchase order number |
Image:quote/portraitThumbnail | Sale - Portrait | Portrait of sale’s associate – note the Image: prefix, without it you will get a lot of funny letters and digits |
quote/quoteId | Quote ID | SuperOffice database ID of quote record |
quote/quoteVersionId | ID | Database ID of QuoteVersion record |
quote/saleAmount | Sale - Amount | The gross sales total |
quote/saleDescription | Sale - Text | Displays the text entered in the description field |
quote/saleEarning | Sale - Profit | Gross profit (gross sales total - cost) for the sale |
quote/saleEarningPercent | Sale - Profit as %: | The profit as a percentage of the gross sales total |
quote/saleHeading | Sale - Sale | Displays a descriptive text for the item |
quote/saleNumber | Sale - Number | Number |
quote/saleType | Sale – sale type | The sale type of the sale |
quote/sent | Sent | Quote sent date |
quote/title | Sale - Title | Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms |