Variabler for oppfølginger
Version: 10.3.6
Some tooltip text!
• 5 minutes to read
• 5 minutes to read
Variable | Description |
baid | Follow-up ID |
bape | Follow-up, end date for publishing |
baps | Follow-up, start date for publishing |
bcon | The follow-up's company, name |
bcrd | The follow-up's creation date, in PC's local time, formatted YYYYMMdd |
bcrt | The follow-up's creation time, in PC's local time, formatted HHmmss |
beda | The follow-up's end date, formatted as YYYYMMdd |
bema | The follow-up's owner, email address |
beti | The follow-up's end time, formatted as HHmmss |
bfre | Free/busy time |
biid | ID of the person invited to the follow-up |
binf | The follow-up's agenda (previously its description) |
binl | The follow-up's title (previously the first line of its description) |
binv | Name of the person invited to the follow-up |
blab | Date or deadline. Translated name of an follow-up or task |
bloc | Follow-up location |
bmil | Is the follow-up a milestone follow-up? Translated "Yes" or "No" |
bold | The follow-up's old start date, formatted as YYYYMMdd |
bolt | The follow-up's old start time, formatted as HHmmss |
bown | The follow-up's owner, name |
bper | The follow-up's contact, name |
bprd | The follow-up's priority as a number. 1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high |
bpri | The follow-up's priority as text |
bpro | The follow-up's project, name |
brec | The follow-up's tooltip for repeating follow-ups |
bred | The end date for the follow-up's repeating pattern, formatted as YYYYMMdd |
brei | Translated text: "This follow-up is part of a repeating pattern:". Empty is this is not a repeating pattern |
brel | Translated text "See below in this message for a list of the repeating follow-ups." Empty is this is not a repeating pattern |
brid | ID of the follow-up's recurrence rule |
brph | Changes in the recurrence rule and/or attendees for follow-ups. Used when sending email to attendees to notify them of changes to an follow-up they are invited to |
brsd | The start date for the follow-up's repeating pattern, formatted as YYYYMMdd |
bsda | The follow-up's start date, formatted as YYYYMMdd |
bsta | The follow-up's status (in English): "TENTATIVE", "CONFIRMED" or "CANCELLED" |
bsti | The follow-up's start time, formatted as HHmmss |
bsug | The ID of the suggestion for the follow-up ("SuggestedAppointmentId"). Set to 0 when the follow-up is not part of a sale/project guide |
btim | The follow-up's date and time, for example 30.03.2025 (16:00)-(17:00) |
btod | Today's date in UTC, formatted as YYYYMMdd |
btot | Current time in UTC, formatted as HHmmss |
btyp | Activity type |
btza | The follow-up's start date, converted into the PC's local time. Formatted as YYYYMMdd |
btzb | The follow-up's start time, converted into the PC's local time. Formatted as HHmmss |
btzd | The time zone offset for summer time, for the PC's local time. Formatted as +0200 or -1200 |
btze | The follow-up's end time, converted into the PC's local time. Formatted as YYYYMMdd |
btzf | The follow-up's end time, converted into the PC's local time. Formatted as HHmmss |
btzk | The time zone key, from the follow-up's start date. (AR-CN means the Argentina-Corrientes time zone -0300.) |
btzl | The time zone ID of the follow-up |
btzn | The follow-up's date and time converted to UTC if time zones are enabled. For example, 30.03.2025 (17:00)-(18:00) |
btzm | Time zone formatted as Norway (GMT +1:00) if time zones are enabled |
btzs | The time zone offset for summer time, for the PC's local time. Formatted as +0200 or -1200 |
btzt | Time zone information, for the PC's local time. Formatted as (GMT+01.00) or (GMT-04.00) |
btzv | The follow-up's start date converted to UTC if time zones are enabled. Formatted as YYYYMMdd |
btzw | The follow-up's start time converted to UTC if time zones are enabled. Formatted as HHmmss |
btzx | The follow-up's end date converted to UTC if time zones are enabled. Formatted as YYYYMMdd |
btzy | The follow-up's end time converted to UTC if time zones are enabled. Formatted as HHmmss |
buid | Unique ID created for iCal. SerialnoDfollowupIdDinvitedId (where D is a separator). For example, 1010000014D345D971. Only for follow-ups with several attendees |
bunt | The end date for the follow-up's repeating pattern, formatted as "UNTIL=YYYYMMdd;" |
bupc | The number of times the follow-up has been updated. (Counter from version 6 onwards only) |
bupd | Update date for the follow-up, formatted as YYYYMMdd |
bupt | Update time for the follow-up, formatted as HHmmss |
burl | The video meeting link (JoinMeetingUrl) |
tf01-10 | User-defined field 1-10 of the decimal number type |
tl01-60 | User-defined field 1-60 of the whole number type |
ts01-49 | User-defined field 1-49 of the text type |