Variabler för kontakt
Version: 10.3
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• 3 minutes to read
Variable | Description |
abdt | Date of birth |
acha | The contact's chat address |
achi | The contact's chat address, ID (hidden, unique ID) |
achp | The contact's chat address protocol |
acid | Contact's country code |
acit | Postal town. (See also acsz) |
acnt | County (for UK addresses) |
acsz | Postal town, state/province, and postcode (for example Bedford, MA 01730) |
act? | Country (if different from the sender's country) |
actg | Line feed for internal post in Germany |
actr | Country |
adep | Department |
af01-10 | User-defined field 1-10 of the decimal number type |
al01-60 | User-defined field 1-60 of the whole number type |
amai | The contact's primary email address |
amid | The contact's primary email address, ID (hidden, unique ID) |
anum | Number recorded for the contact |
apad | Postal address, line 1 |
apa2 | Postal address, line 2 |
apa3 | Postal address, line 3 |
aphi | The contact's phone number, ID (hidden, unique ID) |
apho | The contact's phone number |
as01-49 | User-defined field 1-49 of the text type |
asal | Academic title (salutation) |
asta | State/province. (See also acsz) |
atei | The contact's primary email address, ID (hidden, unique ID) |
atem | The contact's primary email address. If no email address is recorded for the contact, the company's email address is used |
atfa | Direct fax (Attention Fax) |
atfi | Direct fax, ID (hidden, unique ID) |
atfn | First name |
ati | First name (first letter followed by stop) |
atid | Contact ID (hidden, unique ID) |
atin | First name (first letter) |
atln | Last name |
atm? | Middle name (if middle name preference is set) |
atmn | Middle name |
atmr | Mr/Ms field |
atms | Mail Stop (for American addresses) |
atpc | Mobile phone (Attention Phone Cellular) |
atpi | Mobile phone, ID (hidden, unique ID) |
atph | Home telephone (Attention Phone Home) |
atpj | Home telephone, ID (hidden, unique ID) |
atpo | Position |
atpp | Pager (Attention Phone Pager) |
atpk | Pager, ID (hidden, unique ID) |
atti | Title |
attl | The contact's login name if he/she has login rights (Attention) |
attn | The contact's full name |
avoa | The contact's VOIP address |
avoi | The contact's VOIP address, ID (hidden, unique ID) |
avos | The sender's VOIP service (description) |
awwi | The contact's primary web address, ID (hidden, unique ID) |
awww | The contact's primary web address |
azip | Postcode. (See also acsz) |