SuperOffice REST API v1
Welcome to the SuperOffice WebAPI.
You can get the version number and build-date from the API endpoint.
Returns a block with the supported versions, and the NetServer version number.
If you don't ask specifically, you get the HTML representation. if you ask for Javascript then you get the following:
{ "v1": "",
"Version": "v1",
"NetServerVersion": "8.1.6431.038",
"NetServerAssembly": "",
"NetServerDate": "2017-08-10",
"NetServer": "SuperOffice NetServer 8.1 Release (Build: 6431)",
"NetServerLabel": "9729",
"Services": "Services83",
"Services80": "",
"Services81": "",
"Services82": "",
"Services83": "",
If you fetch the version URL, you get back a list of supported URLs:
returns an array of URLs mapped to the HTTP methods they support, along with a bit documentation:
"http://localhost/WebApi/api/v1/Agents/Relation/CreateDefaultContactRelationEntity": {
"POST": "Set default values into a new ContactRelationEntity."
"http://localhost/WebApi/api/v1/Agents/Relation/GetContactRelationEntity": {
"POST": "?contactRelationEntityId={contactRelationEntityId} Gets a ContactRelationEntity object."
"http://localhost/WebApi/api/v1/Agents/Relation/SaveContactRelation": {
"POST": "Creates a new or updates an existing contact relation."
"http://localhost/WebApi/api/v1/Agents/Relation/DeleteContactRelation": {
"POST": "Deletes the spesified contact relation."
"http://localhost/WebApi/api/v1/List/WebPanel": {
"GET": "Gets description of WebPanelEntity list",
"PUT": "Save the description of WebPanelEntity list"
"http://localhost/WebApi/api/v1/List/WebPanel/Items": {
"GET": "Gets a list of all WebPanelEntity list items.",
"POST": "Create a new WebPanelEntity list item"
"http://localhost/WebApi/api/v1/List/WebPanel/Items/{id}": {
"GET": "Gets a WebPanelEntity list item.",
"PUT": "Updates the existing WebPanelEntity",
"DELETE": "Marks the existing WebPanelEntity as deleted."
You can use this information to determine if the server supports the features you need.
Building Blocks
The SuperOffice WebAPI has two major parts:
- REST API - URLs describe entities like person or sale.
- Agents API - the services API, accessible via HTTP.
The REST API exposes objects as entities that can be retrieved using HTTP GET, modified using HTTP PUT, created using HTTP POST, and deleted using HTTP DELETE.
REST API - Entities
The REST API has the major entities (Company, Person, Project, Sale, etc) exposed.
The entities all have similar structures
returns an ODATA feed of contact records. You can select fields, order, filter the result using ODATA operations.
/api/v1/Contact?$select=name,category&$filter=registeredDate before '2009-1-1'
This returns the contact id, name and category for contacts created before 2009.
Returns a new blank entity.
Returns the Contact with id 123. This object can be PUT or DELETE - subject to the usual sentry restrictions. If your role does not allow you to update, then the web api won't give you more access.
Returns a simplified version of the entity. This cannot be updated or deleted, but it can be easier to work with - it does not have deeply nested structures, and does not support things like user defined fields.
Most of the entities have user defined fields, and expose information about the layout here:
The actual user-defined field values are returned in the entity's UserDefinedFields property.
Many have related lists of other entities as well:
These lists are archives that you can filter and sort using OData operations.
REST API - Lists
SuperOffice has a number of built-in lists (Category, Business, Position, etc). You can add your own custom lists.
Returns a list of lists.
These return meta-data about the list, including the list id.
These return the list items in the given list.
Gives you read access to hierarchical lists, and other list providers in the system.
REST API - Archives etc
The archive provider system is exposed as an OData endpoint.
User Preferences
User preferences and pref.descriptions can be read and updated.
Foreign Keys
Returns the key called 'Lookup' from the foreign app 'Glops' for the Contact record 123.
Built-in string resources can be read in supported languages.
REST API - System
Users, Roles, License stuff is exposed via simple endpoints. If you have admin rights in your role, you can POST or PUT to update system information.
Agent API
The agents expose the latest Services agents and functions.
GET this to get a description of the call. The method is not invoked using GET, even if the method is called GetAppointment. To actually invoke the method, you need to POST to the endpoint:
POST /api/v1/Agents/Appointment/CalculateDays
{ "Contact": { "ContactId": 123 },
"AppointmentId": 1234,
"Description": "string",
"StartDate": "2017-06-06T13:02:55Z",
"EndDate": "2017-06-06T13:02:55Z"
This method takes an appointment entity as parameter, so this needs to be in the POST body.
The result of the service call is returned as JSON.
Errors are returned using HTTP error codes, and as a JSON object:
Returns HTTP 404 Contact Not Found, and the following JSON result
"Error": true,
"ErrorType": "SoNotFoundException",
"ErrorMessage": "Contact id 99999 not found",
"ErrorSource": "SuperOffice.Services.Implementation"
HTTP Request Headers
Content types
The API supports both JSON and XML responses. Use the Accept header to specify which you would like to receive.
Accept: application/xml
Returns an XML representation of the contact:
<Name>Elan Hoppski</Name>
while a request for JSON
Accept: application/json
returns a JSON representation of the same:
{ "ContactId": 123,
"Name": "Elan Hoppski",
"Department": "EAvdeling",
"OrgNr": "",
"Number1": "123" }
The API supports internationalization. A request without an Accept-Language header returns the string identifiers unchanged. Multi-language names are unchanged.
returns NO:"Leverandør";US:"Supplier"
If we add the Accept-Language: en header, then we get back a parsed result:
Accept-Language: en
returns "Supplier"
Similarly, string resource ids are replaced when a language is specified. This applies to some archive headings and entity properties.
Field properties contain reasons why fields are required. Without an Accept-Language header, you get back FieldProperties like this:
"FieldRight": {
"Mask": "Update, UIHintMandatory",
"Reason": "[SR_MANDATORY_FIELD_1281]" },
With an Accept-Language: fr header, we get back
"FieldRight": {
"Mask": "Update, UIHintMandatory",
"Reason": "Nom de société" }
Modified / Unmodified
These headers apply to the major entities (Contact, Project etc) that have last modified date fields on them.
Returns HTTP code 304 Not Modified
if the entity has not been modified since the given date+time on the GET request.
GET /api/v1/Contact/123
always returns a contact object.
GET /api/v1/Contact/123
If-Modified-Since: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT
will return a 304 Not Modified response if the contact has not been modified since Oct 2015.
This is basically tells you that your cached copy of the data is still good.
Returns HTTP code 412 Precondition failed
if the entity has been modified since the given date+time on the PUT update request.
PUT /api/v1/Contact/123
{ Name: "Some updates" }
always updates the contact object.
PUT /api/v1/Contact/123
If-Unmodified-Since: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT
{ Name: "Some updates" }
will return a 412 Precondition failed response if the contact has been modified after Oct 2015.
This is telling you that your cached copy of the data is no good any more. It has been modified on the server since you fetched it.
You will need to provide some login information in order to use the SuperOffice web API.
- BASIC authentication: Base64 Encode SuperOffice username:password
- SOTICKET authentication. Pass the SuperOffice ticket (7T:abc123==) without any encoding.
- BEARER authentication. Online only. Pass along an access token (7A:abc123==) from SuperId.
If you call the API without specifying an Authorization header, then the API will try to log in using the current user's session. To avoid 3rd party pages calling the API and piggy-backing off the current session, the API requires that a special HTTP header is added to these requests.
The SM.web pages contain an INPUT field XSRF_TOKEN. This field contains a random value identifying the current session. You must add an X-XSRF-TOKEN header with the random value from the input field.
The XSRF-TOKEN is also stored in a cookie, just in case the input field is not available.