Search options
Searching for information in your CRM database is something you do every day. With SuperOffice Find you can search for a single piece of data, such as a phone number, or a list of data, such as a list of mailing recipients.
The following how-to guides will: Show you the different ways you can find information in SuperOffice CRM database; Explain how you can save your searches as a selection; Demonstrate what tasks you can perform using your search or selection.
What can I search for?
- Companies
- Contacts
- Selections
- Follow-ups
- Sales
- Projects
- Documents
- Products
- Requests
- Chat conversations
- Form submissions
- Mailings
SuperOffice CRM has multiple search tools:
- FastSearcher
- The Find button
- Free-text search field
Choose the right tool for your task:
Task | Tool |
Find and go to a specific item, such as a sale | FastSearcher in the Navigator, or Favorites, or History |
Check before adding a company or contact to avoid duplicates | FastSearcher in the Navigator |
Find all items of a specific type that match one or more conditions | Find button |
Create a selection (save search) | Find button |
Run a predefined search (typical search) | Find button |
Find all items regardless of type that match specific words or phrases | Free-text search |
The main difference between these tools is whether you specify keywords or conditions.
You can use the FastSearcher in the Navigator menu and within dialogs. As you type, the FastSearcher builds a list of items that match your search words.
You can use FastSearcher in various ways:
To search directly from the Navigator to access the a company, contact, sale, project, request, or selection.
To search from within a dialog for a company, contact, sale, project, request, and selection to link it to a relevant field in that dialog. For example, to link to a sale in the Document dialog or to a company in the Follow-up dialog.
To search directly in the time zone selector to find the time zone for the required city or country.
Free-text search
Click free-text search in the top bar to search for any text that users have entered into SuperOffice CRM.
Want to see a list of all your contacts? Click on the Selections icon in the left-side Navigator and search for "All Contacts" to see a pre-configured selection.
Use the percent character (%) as a wildcard character when searching. % matches any string of 0 or more characters. For example: J%son matches Jackson, Johnson, Jason, and Json.
The Find button
Click the Find button on the top bar to open the Find screen, where you can search for data in SuperOffice. The Find button helps you find records based on any criteria from companies, contacts, projects, selections, sales, products, follow-ups, documents, and requests.
From the Find screen, you can save each search you perform as a selection.
Use typical searches as a starting point
A typical search is a predefined search based on what other users typically search for. Each data set in the Find screen contains a list of ready-to-use, pre-set search criteria.
To get started, click and then click below the group of data you are interested in. Use the typical search as-is or modify or expand it.
Example: My overdue follow-ups
This search will give you a list of all the activities that you have not completed yet. When you set up the criteria for this search, you can decide which type of activities you want to search for.
Typical searches are there to help you get started and create your own search of CRM data. After you have selected a typical search, you can add and edit the search criteria. And after you have created a useful search that you'd like to use again, you can save it as a selection.
Watch this video to learn how to do a typical search and modify it by adding new search criteria or follow the step-by-step guide below (video length – 3:01):
Create a search and save it as a selection
A selection is a list of data that shares one or more search criteria. It can be used to perform a number of actions. In this guide we will explain how you can create a search and save it as a selection.
A selection is a great tool to extract useful information from your CRM database. It helps you find information based on criteria you choose and places the information in a list for further action.
For example, as a sales manager, you may want to see a list of all sales over €5,000 that are ready to be closed each month. Or maybe you are a consultant and want a list of all the projects you are involved in. Or, you work in marketing and need a list of all customers that have signed up for your monthly newsletter.
Creating a selection starts by performing a search. You can use a typical search and/or build your own search by adding the search criteria you need. After you have found the information you were looking for, you can save your search results as a selection.
There are three ways to save you search results as selection:
Create a static selection: A static selection is a list of records that will not change until you add or delete content from this list manually. This means you have full control over your selection.
Create a dynamic selection: A dynamic selection is a list of records that is always up to date. Any entry in your database that matches your selection criteria is automatically added to your selection.
Add to existing static selection: You can add all the records you found in your search to an existing static selection, instead of creating a new selection.
Watch this video or follow the steps below to learn how you can create a search and save it as a dynamic selection (video length - 1:26):